Direct comparison of different SDR hardware running simultaneously on the same input signal.
(Jan 9 2014)

Direct comparisons of SDR hardware.

This page has links to various pages where two or more instances of Linrad are run in the same computer but with different hardware that are all fed by the same input signal. This way one can see performance differences of the different hardware directly on the screen.

Frequency stability.

May 2010 Comparison of SDR-14, Perseus and SDR-IP with opt 01
Jan 2014 Comparison of USB dongles on 432 MHz

Sideband noise and spurs.

May 2010 Comparison of SDR-14, Perseus and SDR-IP with opt 01
Oct 2010 Comparison of SDR-14, Perseus, SDR-IP-01, WSE and Excalibur
Jan 2014 Comparison of USB dongles on 144 MHz

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