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[linrad] Linrad with single soundcard for processing audio from transceiver headphone output
Hello, All!
This is just a brief post on the above subject.
I don't as a rule run Linrad as an audioprocessor, and so I have been
less than helpful when asked questions on this subject, I am afraid,
because my memory of events of more than a year ago is not great, and
because I was using Linrad versions less than 20 when I did this.
So today while trying to provide some realtime assistance I actually set
up Linrad again on my Pentium Pro 200 to run as a post processor after
my Ft1000.
I found the following:
1. I just used the sound drivers that came with RHL 7.2. I did not
install OSS.
2. I used a Creative Labs AWE 64 Gold soundcard.
3. To mute (incompletely; there is still bleed thru if I turn up the
FT1000 volume too much) the bleed thru of the original signal I had to
use the Linux Audio Mixer (GMIX 3.0) to mute "Mix" and also mute
"OGain". I selected Line and checked "Rec" for the Line input.
4. With this setup Linrad got adequate audio input and there was not
objectionable bleedthru.
5. Linrad gave #32 as my soundcard choice under option "U" (A/D and D/A
setup), and I made it RDWR, of course.
6. On the last screen of Linrad parameters I set the Default Output
mode to [3]. I don't know what this does or why this makes a
difference, but it does. I set it back to [1] and again I get no audio
output from Linrad.
With these choices it Linrad does a good job of post processing.
However, I plan to go back to using Linrad on the 1.4 GHZ P4 with 90 KHz
receive bandwidth :) Linrad worked great for both EME contest this
weekend and for the meteor shower. But now I must change my call to
'qrz' if I am to make more contacts. 50% of the stations that are Q5
with Linrad cannot copy my 2 x 2 2mxp20 array with SWR 1.0:1, 7/8 inch
hardline going to the array, and full legal power output. Perhaps we
need to make sure EVERYONE has a Linrad receiver. Then we will be heard
by the other stations as well as being able to hear them ;) It was
amusing to see on the Logger the statement "conditions are really good
now" after I spent 90 minutes calling that station only to get QRZ, when
I heard him Q5 and saw my own echos
Roger Rehr