- The Kits come complete with all components.
- The Kits require the winding of all IF Transformers and Toroids with the cores and
wire provided in the kit.
- The provided Components consist of both discrete electrical parts and SMP (surface
mounted parts).
- The PCBoard is two sided and clearly etched with labels of components for the
exact placement on the board.
- A Yahoo Group has been established for Kit builders to share construction details and
hints for soldering
The TH300 is a 2-band SSB/CW transciever, used with a DDS as LO (local oscilator)
It features a dual operation system:
A doubly balanced diode ring mixer is used at the front end, offering good performance.
Panda Mono Band Kit SSB/CW QRP 5 watt PEP..... Price... 73's once....
Panda is a Mono Band SSB/CW transciever, used with VXO as LO (local
Oscilator) VXO
Coverage 40 meters.. 7.000 - 7.078 MHz.
Panda can be constructed on any (one) amateur alloted frequency with the electrically
- Bliss Radio QRP Kits provides a SSB/CW transceiver for receiving and transmitting on alloted amateur radio bands
of SMP devices and the winding of Toroids and Transformers.
The following QRP Kit Radio SSB/CW transceiver is available now:
TH300 Dual Band Kit SSB/CW QRP 15 watt PEP Price... 73's, twice...$146.00.
Content and Shipping included.
( The Analog Devices AD 9850 chip not included in the kit)
Ham band as transceiver and General coverage band as a receiver.
4 Diodes are used for the product detector to handle strong signals and offer low noise.
Ham Band:
B1: 7.000 - 7.300 Mhz
B2 14.000 - 14.350 Mhz
General Coverage Band (GENE) on DDS
B1: 4.000 - 7.500 Mhz
B2: 7.500 - 14.500 Mhz
$73.00 Content and Shipping included
Coverage 20 meters.. 14.000 - 14.150Mhz.
If plug-in crystals are used, it is possible to span the entire band portion with VXO tuning,
i.e 3 crystals on 20 meters and 4 crystals on 40 meters
appropriate winding of transformers and toroids provided in the kit.
At 20 meters and higher frequencies PA transistor is changed for capacitance requirements.
A doubly balanced diode ring mixer is used at the front end, offering good performance.
4 diodes are used as the product detector to handle strong signals and to offer low noise.
Power consumption: 50mA (in receiving mode)
Output Power in transmit: 5 W
Schemetics of TH300S 2 Band CW/SSB Transceiver