MinGW.This Windows version of the GNU compiler includes fortran and can be used for e.g. OMNEC. MinGW is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. It can be downloaded from http://mingw.org/category/wiki/downloadHere is the source code for for mingw32 as included in mingw516nasmplus.zip: binutils-2.20-1-mingw32-src.tar.gz ( 23571567 bytes) gcc-3.4.5-v3-release_notes.txt ( 4018 bytes) gcc-build-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz ( 1234 bytes) gcc-core-3.4.5-20060117-2-src.tar.gz ( 17695876 bytes) gcc-g++-3.4.5-20060117-2-src.tar.gz ( 3949457 bytes) gcc-g77-3.4.5-20060117-2-src.tar.gz ( 1222200 bytes) make-3.81-20090914-mingw32-src.tar.gz ( 1683456 bytes) mingwrt-3.17-mingw32-src.tar.gz ( 385771 bytes) w32api-3.14-mingw32-src.tar.gz ( 1220398 bytes) nasmThe netwide assembler is available here: http://www.nasm.usPortaudio.Linrad versions older than linrad-04.02 need to have palir-01.dll or palir-02.dll in the Linrad directory or in C:\MinGW\dll because they are linked to in Makefile. You can get it from these archives: palir-01.zip (485835 bytes, Oct 2009) or palir-02.zip (493856 bytes, Mars 2011)Linrad-04.02 and later load the portaudio library at run time, but only if the user selects to use Portaudio. The user can select any of palir-01.dll, palir-02.dll, palir-03.dll, portaudio.dll or libportaudio.dll if they are available to Linrad. For information about Portaudio in Linrad click here: Portaudio in Linrad. Among other things there is a description how palir-xx.dll is generated from source code. libusb and libusb-1.0The files of libusb are:C:\MinGW\include\libusb.h C:\MinGW\lib\libusb.a C:\MinGW\dll\libusb0.dll The files of libusb-1.0 are: C:\MinGW\include\libusb-1.0\libusb.h C:\MinGW\lib\libusb-1.0.a C:\MinGW\dll\libusb-1.0.dll Source code is here libusb-win32-src- Linrad-04.01 and later load libusb0.dll or libusb-1.0.dll at runtime as specified by the operator. Which one to use depends on which drive routine has been installed for the hardware. winusb for libusb-1.0 and libusb-win32 for libusb0. You can use Zadig to install one or the other. To generate libusb-1.0.dll under Linux, unpack libusb-1.0.19.tar.bz2 to a suitable location, descend into libusb-1.0.19 and run these two commands: ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc make CFLAGS="-DWINVER=0x0501" The output files appear in ..../libusb/.libs Older Linrad versions have static libraries for both libusb0 and libusb-1.0 and one can set which one to use in options.h provided they are present at compile time. Details here. bladeRFThe files of libbladerf are:C:\MinGW\include\libbladeRF.h C:\MinGW\dll\bladeRF.dll libbladeRF is here: https://github.com/Nuand/bladeRF.git Here is the source code: bladeRF.tbz (4997552 bytes) libftdiThis library is needed for Soft66. The files are:C:\MinGW\include\ftdi.h C:\MinGW\lib\libftdi.a C:\MinGW\dll\libftdi.dll The source code is here: libftdi-0.18_mingw32.zip (320485 bytes) Soft66This hardware needs libusb or libusb-1.0 (see above) and libsoft66. The files of libsoft66 are:C:\MinGW\include\soft66.h C:\MinGW\lib\libsoft66.a C:\MinGW\dll\soft66.dll The source code is here: soft66-0.1.3-test-bsz.tbz (429793 bytes) To generate the libraries under Linux, go to the lib directory and type the command make -f Makefile.mingw (You may have to edit Makefile.mingw to point to your mingw32 installation. RTL-SDRThe files of rtl-sdr are:C:\MinGW\include\rtl-sdr.h C:\MinGW\include\rtl-sdr_export.h C:\MinGW\lib\librtlsdr.a C:\MinGW\dll\rtlsdr.dll Linrad-04.01 and later load USB-related libraries at run time. The file rtlsdr.dll must be available to Linrad. It can be compiled from source rtl-sdr-linrad5.zip (153732 bytes) under Windows if the mingw516nasmplus archive is installed. Go to librtlsdr/src and issue this command: C:\mingw\bin\mingw32-make -f Makefile.mingw-win Under Linux, use this file: rtl-sdr-linrad5.tbz (108364 bytes) Go to librtlsdr/src and issue this command: make -f Makefile.mingw (Note that you may have to change Makefile.mingw to point to your mingw32 installation. (The .zip and the .tbz files contain exactly the same files. The very big difference in size is unusual...) MiricsTo generate mirisdr.dll under Windows, use the command C:\mingw\bin\mingw32-make -f Makefile.mingw-win in the src directory of the libmirisdr-3-bsz.zip package (444525) bytes) Note that you may have to edit Makefile.mingw-win to point to your mingw32 installations. If you are on a 64 bit platform and have installed mingw-w64 in the directory C:\mingw64\ you can get also the 64 bit dll files in the subdirectory src\x64 this way:setlocal SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\mingw64\mingw64\bin C:\mingw\bin\mingw32-make -f Makefile.mingw-win endlocal To generate mirisdr.dll under Linux, use the command make -f Makefile.mingw in the src directory of the libmirisdr-3-bsz.tbz package (420997 bytes) Note that you may have to edit Makefile.mingw to point to your mingw32 installations. If you have the appropriate packages installed you would get the 32 bit dll in the src/ directory and the 64 bit dll in src/x64/. To SM 5 BSZ Main Page |