and clean signals
the official publication of The 50 MHz and UP Group located in Northern California.

Volume 2 Number 8                   July/Aug 1997

Visit our web site at: http://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit/50UP.html

Next Meeting, SUNDAY, 8/3, 1PM at Lockheed Bldg. 202.

PROGRAM:  Surprise!

The meeting place will be the Lockheed Auditorium in bldg. 202 on Hanover St. in Palo Alto, California. Access Hanover from Page Mill Road (between 280 and El Camino). Follow Hanover as it curves right and up the hill. Watch for the Lockheed sign indicating Bldg. 202 on the left side, about 2/3 of the way up the hill.

President  Jeffrey Pawlan  WA6KBL  408-371-0256  jpawlan@pawlan.com 
Vice President  Bill Rausch  AA6PA  408-637-0622  aa6pa@amsat.com 
Treasurer  Will Jensby  W0EOM  408-296-6071  w0eom@aol.com 
Secretary  Bill Ogilvie  KQ6FY   415-968-3707  bill_ogilvie@qmgate.arc.nasa.gov 
Board Member  Art Lange  W6RXQ  408-735-1594   art_lange@trimble.com  
Board Member  Jim Moss  WB9AJZ  408-746-2789  jmoss@berlioz.nsc.com 

Contests and Events

July 25/26   Central States VHF Conference, Hot Springs, AR
             see:  http://csvhfs.org/CSVHF97.HTML
Aug 2/3      ARRL UHF Contest
Aug 16-17    ARRL 10 GHZ and UP Cumulative Contest (part 1)
Aug 22-24    Eastern VHF/UHF Conference (CT)  http://uhavax.hartford.edu/~newsvhf
Aug 97       FP Dxpedition including 6 and 2 St. Pierre et Miquelon 
Sep 3        WSWSS Sprint (see article below)
Sep 12-14    SW ARRL Convention - Riverside, CA Contact Jerry Verduft, AD0A, (310) 784-1295.
Oct 17-19    Pacificon - 50 MHz and UP VHF+ Sessions  http://www.mdarc.org  (510)932-6125;
             Hotel reservations - 1-800-826-2644 for the special room rate.
3-5 Oct 97   Western States Weak Signal Society Conference http://www.qsl.net/n7stu 
23-26 Oct 97 Microwave Update '97, Sandusky, Ohio  http://www.wa8wzg.com/update97 
3-4 Apr 98   Southeastern VHF Conference, Atlanta, GA http://www.akorn.net/~ae6e/svhfs
 - Livermore Swap Meet - 1st Sunday of each month at Las Positas College in Livermore, CA, 7:00 AM to noon, all year. Talk in 147.045 from west, 145.35 from the east. Contact Noel Anklam, KC6QZK, (510) 447- 3857 eves.
 - Foothill Flea Market - 2nd Saturday of each month from March to October at Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, CA.

VHF+ WeakSignal NETS
Sunday  8PM  144.240  Southern California WSWSS 
Sunday  8PM  144.250  Central California WSWSS 
Sunday  8:30PM  432.100  Central California WSWSS 
Tuesday  8PM  144.250  Northern California SWOT 
Tuesday  8PM  144.200  Arizona WSWSS 
Wednesday  8PM  144.240  Southern California WSWSS SWAP 
Thursday  8PM  144.250  Northern California SWOT SWAP 
Thursday  8PM  432.120  SCAL General, Oceanside, DM13 

50 MHz & Up Club Minutes  of July 13, 1997

 The 50 MHz & Up group held their June meeting at the Lockheed-Martin auditorium on July 13, 1997.   Club executives and directors present were:  Jeffrey Pawlan WA6KBL, President; Will Jensby W0EOM, Treasurer; Bill Ogilvie KQ6FY, Secretary;  Jim Moss WB9AJZ, director; and Art Lange W6RXQ.   There were 20 members and visitors in attendance.    The club's participation at Pacificon (Oct. 17 - 19) was discussed and the need for a volunteer for the antenna testing session was mentioned.    Bill Ogilvie KQ6FY volunteered.    Some of the microwave talks that will be presented by the club are:  How to sessions with laser communications; Low noise amplifiers; VHF propagation.

The Aug,. 2 All Mode contest was mentioned, as well as the Aug. 16 10 GHz contest.    Jeffrey Pawlan mentioned that he will be in Germany for the 10 GHz contest, and may be on 10 GHz  EME.

Tom Clark’s timing system is being sold by TAPR now.   An interface board, that derives a 1 PPS timing signal from GPS transmissions is available for $35.   It works with Trimble GPS systems, and with a Motorola OEM GPS board, that is also available from TAPR.

Brad Wyatt, K6WR the ARRL director for the Pacific Division spoke about his efforts to promote Spread Spectrum on amateur frequencies and of  TAPR’s business activities in promoting there Spread Spectrum hardware.    Some members expressed concern about how unrestricted Spread Spectrum operations, on all amateur frequencies above 50 MHz, will make those frequencies unusable to many, because of the increased noise floor.   Brad was asked what the League was doing to combat restrictive antenna ordinances.   He was also asked if he was going to try and get the ARRL more active in combating restrictive antenna ordinances.   Brad’s response was that he was most certainly going to do that, but stated that the ARRL is not able to take on every legal battle.

Jeffrey Pawlan, WA6KBL said that Chuck McClure, WA2MQZ, would be in town, and that he would host a pizza party for Chuck on Wednesday, July 16.   Chuck has been active on UHF and Microwave, and has been getting into EME.    His other interests are: receiving CW in the presence of noise, mathematical control systems, and analyzing antenna structures.

Two new Amateurs who are associated with the club were introduced , with their new callsigns:    Monica Pawlan KQ6PY,  and Bob Johnson KF6KVG.

Dr. Steve Adam,  a longtime employee of HP’s microwave division, and a Life-Fellow of the IEEE, gave an interesting talk on microwave measurements and standards.   Several questions were asked about millimeter wave connectors, and the accuracy of power measurements.

de KQ6FY,  Bill Ogilvie

50 MHz and UP to host 1998 VHF Conference
Don't forget the 1997 WSWSS VHF Conference in October. (see announcement elsewhere in the newsletter)

Pacificon -VHF Sessions
We are in the planning stages for the Pacificon show in October.  The club will be hosting VHF sessions. So far we have planned:

8AM: "parking lot", Antenna Measuring Session, by 50 MHz and UP Group
1PM: "Big Room", Getting Started with Microwaves - a panel discussion  and demonstration of microwave gear, oscillators, amplifiers, mixers, and antennas
2PM: "small room", Amateur Radio Laser Communications, Jim Moss, WB9AJZ
3PM: "small room", Low Noise Amplifier Design, Jeffrey Pawlan, WA6KBL
4PM: "small room", VHF Propagation, panel

Contact Art Lange to help out in anyway, including session chair, speaker, or panel member.

Club Spirit!
How about a club T-Shirt?  We've found a source that can supply just about any type and color with whatever logo we may want.  The prices look reasonable ($8-10 depending on type).  We don't have a logo yet.  We voted to give away a free tee shirt to the design of the club logo, as a contest. We'd like to hear from you. Let any of the board members know if you have interest, or mention it at the next meeting.

ARRL Pacific Division Update (Excerpts)  See: http://www.pdarrl.org/

Gate 3 of the Vanity Call Program to Open Aug. 6, 1997:-<http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/amradsrv.html>

Spread Spectrum NPRM Now In FCC Hands:-
  WT Docket 97-12, proposes to make significant changes in the regulations governing Amateur Radio use of spread spectrum (SS) technology. The changes are targeted to encourage greater use of this mode, a mode that is expanding very rapidly in the Part 15 commercial world. The text of the Docket can be found on the FCC web site at http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1997/fcc97010. See page 78 of May QST for more information. The text of the Comments and Reply Comments on the NPRM can be found on the TAPR WWW site -- http://www.tapr.org/ss. I urge you to read the filings and participate in the discussion even though the deadline for comments has passed.

The 2nd Annual WSWSS VHF and Above Sprint

7 to 11 P.M. local time, Wed. Sept. 3rd, 1997

The Western States Weak Signal Society presents the Second Annual WSWSS VHF and Above Sprint.  The object is to QSO as many stations in as many different grids as possible on the bands 50 MHz and up during the four hour contest period. This event is a good opportunity to test your equipment in preparation for the ARRL September VHF QSO party.

Classes: Single Operator, Multi-Operator, QRP (25 watts or less) and Rover.  A rover is one or two amateurs operating from more than one grid; no captive rovers or ³grid circling² allowed.

Exchange: ARRL four character grid locators. Signal reports are optional.

Scoring:  Same as the ARRL June VHF QSO Party.

Results:  All entries received will appear in the WSWSS Newsletter. The highest entry from each ARRL-defined Region (West Coast, Midwest, etc.) and the highest entry from each ARRL section within the West Coast Region only in each of the above classes will be highlighted in bold.

Send logs, summary sheet, and S.A.S.E. within 30 days to Erik Dean NI6G, 3813 N. State Av., Fresno, CA 93722.  Electronic submission of logs is encouraged in any of the following formats to ni6g@amsat.org: ASCII, CT
(versions 7 or 8), or LOGPlus!, on DOS formatted 720k or 1.44mb floppy disks.

WSWSS Elections
To The Membership and Officers of the WSWSS.

Dear Pat and Group,

The following nominations have been made.  These nominations are not secret and I am publishing them here so all can see and review.  If someone has been nominated and does not show up on the list, please email me and this reflector  ASAP. My email address has been published incorrectly recently and I may not have gotten direct email, but only what has shown up here on this reflector.  MY CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS IS: KI6FF@JUNO.COM.  If you want to nominate someone or wish to serve, then nominate yourself, and  please email me and this reflector.  If you have been nominated please email to me and the reflector your acceptance of the nomination with the pledge to serve until Fall of 1999. Also please publish a little resume or acceptance statement as to your hopes for the group, etc.  If you must decline the nomination please do so likewise by email to me and this reflector. I would not like it to be said that I eliminated someone I thought would not or could not serve on my own.  If
you are not sure what the job entails call one of the board members.

I apologize for any confusion in this nomination process.  If there are any errors I accept full responsibility, but NOW is the time to make any omissions or mistakes known, to right any wrongs and complete the election process.

for president, W6GGV
for VP, Perry KE6SYW
by:David KI6FF

for president, WB5OMF
for VP, N7STU
for Secretary, Lee, AC6AJ
by Ron, KC6WLC

Pres      Eric Dean  NI6G
VP        Robert Brown  N7STU
Sec     Larry Hogue  WB5OMF
Trea     Paul Hammer  KA6CHJ
by Larry, KG6EG

 Lew, W7EW as Pres.
 K7XC as Vice Pres.
 N5JHV as Sec.
 WB9AJZ as Treas.
by: Tim,  K7XC

SEC:  KA6CHJ, Paul
by: Norm KB6KQ

It is my belief that these are the nominations as of 7-17-97
David H. Peters, KI6FF, Sec. WSWSS till Oct 1997. Phone numbers: Home: 714 891-5752.  Message/ Fax 714 891-0208. E-Mail: ki6ff@juno.com

WSWSS Conference Announcement
Western States Weak Signal Society 1997 Conference Announcement

*Antenna Gain Measurements and Noise Figure Testing
*Equipment testing and tune-up!
*ARRL VEC license exams
*W6JKV Banquet Speaker (Travelogue)
*Many high-quality technical presentations!!

The 1997 Western States Weak Signal Society Technical Conference will be held on Friday through Sunday, October 3 to 5, at the Montecito-Sequoia Lodge.  The lodge is located in the Sequoia National Forest between Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks, 65 miles east of Fresno at 7500 feet, just minutes from Grant Grove & the famous Giant Sequoia Trees!
For rates and reservations, call Montecito-Sequoia at (800) 227-9900.

The Conference Technical Program will include the following presentations:

NU8I  ---- VHF amplifier design using Svetlana tubes
K6QXY ---- 6m EME and large array engineering
W6JKV ---- VHF expedition travel log (dinner presentation)
W6GGV ---- Designing N-Way power dividers
K6WR  ---- Regulatory issues of interest to the weak signal enthusiast 
                  (Brad is the ARRL Pacific Division Director)
K6MYC ---- TBD

Conference pre-registration is $15; or $20 at the door.
For more information on our 1997 Conference, visit http://www.qsl.net/n7stu/ or contact Robert Brown, N7STU, at n7stu@psnw.com.

KH4 on 6 meters

It looks like I'll be working for the US Fish and Wildlife Service for the next 6-7 weeks on Midway Atoll - KH4.  (probably Jul 6 -> Aug 20?) In my FREE time, I'll be trying to make contacts on several bands - including 6M, and 10M.... It isn't a DXpedition, and on days off that look too good for other things, I may sneak out for a dive, snorkel or a walk around the island. I'll be listening on 50.110 and calling there.... I'll have a 5 element yagi and 100+W amplifier on the trusty FT 690r2. I may have a keyer going as a beacon (maybe 50.115?), but please try me on voice first, slow CW if that doesn't work :-) On 10M, try 28.480. (I can't do liaison on 28.885 at the moment) - and it is UNLIKELY that I'll be able to get e-mail.

73 and aloha - ted - nh6yk

Laser Communications Home Page!
Lots of bright stuff and archives of the LASER mail reflector. 

Jeffrey WA6KBL has for sale: commercial solid 10' dish, call him at his phone listed above.
Jeffrey WA6KBL needs: 16' dish for 10 GHz operation, call him at his phone listed above.
Jim, WB9AJZ has for sale: 4x500's, 4x150's, 4cx250's, 4x250's, parts for 4cx250 amps.
FROM: WSWSS Swap Net Listings 7/23
WB2ODH          Jim     Granada Hills           DM-04 (818) 363-8369                                    wb2odhjim@aol.com
4 Sale; ICOM, IC-706, 2, 6 and HF All mode mobile/base transceiver with 10/100/100 watts output.  $950.
I can deliver to Fort Tuthill, Flagstaff, AZ July 25th  thru 26th can ship CUSA.
K6IBY           JOE              COSTA MESA                  DM 13 (714)646-1942                               K6IBY@aol.com
WANTED:  19 inch  rack mount Small screen Oscilloscope, BW 10 Mhz or less. Dual Channel, with External Trigger. Solid state or tube.
N6AX              John          Placentia               DM13 (714) 993-0435                  jhklewer@anet.bna.boeing.com
KLM 13 El 2-Meter Yagi, $45.00
Microwave Modules 1296 MHz RX converter with LNA, 28 MHz IF, $55.00
Wanted:  24 to 28 volt power supply, 10 Amperes continuous
K6DP                Don            LaHabra               DM13 (562) 694-1571                              k6dp@juno.com
KWood TS520 tranciever
Kwood VFO520 Remote  VFO
KWood SP520 Speaker
DD-1K Digital frq.display
 asking $500.00  OBO for above.
Palomar HF amp 10 thru 40 approx. 400 watts out asking $300.00 OBO
I am orig. owner on all of the above
KWood TV502 2 meter transverter
KWood TV506 6 meter transverter
  asking $200.00 OBO for the pair
AC6FC              Jerry Drukin         Cypress          DM03 (714) 778-6162                  email: jrdrukin@usa.net
220 MHz Handheld Transceiver - Icom P3AT
Desktop charger - Icom BC80
2 Batteries - Icom BP112 & BP113
Alkaline Battery Pack - Icom BP110
12 V Car Lighter Adapter
220 Mag mount Antenna
Speaker Microphone - Icom HM46
External Speaker (AT&T)
Telescoping Antenna
Protective Carrying Case
12V Fused Power Supply Cable
Complete Package Price: $350.00
Radio:  Yaesu FT736R, 2m, 70cm all mode transceiver.
        -CTCSS tone card for repeater operation.
        -FT767 matching external speaker with audio filters.
Rotator: Yaesu G5400B azimuth and elevation rotor.
        -Controller Unit-Azimuth rotator-Elevation rotator
Antenna System:
        -KLM  2M-14C, 2m, circularly polarized beam.
        -KLM 70cm, circularly polarized beam.
        -KB6KQ 2m Mini-Loops Pair, horizontal polarization.
        -External Polarity switching unit.
        -6' roof tripod, with thrust bearing, aluminum mast,
         fiberglass antenna boom with reinforced ends for antenna clamps.
Cables: 200' of 9913 coax,      rotor control cables.
Computer hardware and software:
        -Rotator Controller Card: Kansas City Tracker with software.
Complete Package Price! $2,400.00
(Cash or Cashiers Check only, please!)
NT6B       Lonnie       Lake Mathews,   DM13 909-789-0893                             EMAIL:   MOVIUS@ibm.NET
WTB.......... Rohn 45 straight tower sections.  Must be in good condition, No rust.
WTB...........Rohn 25 G, "Flat" top tower section..w/wo bearing.  Must be in good cond. No rust. Will trade or swap for tapered top section and or straight sections of  Rohn 25 G.
FS..............Ham III rotator and control box complete $125.
FS..............:Prop Pitch motor...original, works well, never been modified .    $200
FS...............Large Prop Pitch Motor complete with attachment plate,short mast  for attachment of Chain drive, one Synchronous motor.  This rotator will not fit  inside normal Ham type  towers such as Rohn, Tri-Ex or US Towers.   Great  for rotating large towers, monopoles etc.   $400
WB6EYS          Stew            San Pedro               DM03 (310) 547-5652                  steweys@pacbell.net   
Johnson Matchbox 275 Watt   $75.00  OBO
Radio Shack 200 Channel Scanner  PRO-2037 (current model triple conversion)  $125.00
Collins  R-390  Receiver  $150.00  Pick-up only .
iCOM  IC- W2A  2M / 70 CM  HT  with quick charger and several other Options , Box and Manual .  $350.00 .
KD6UIH          Bob             Midway City                    DM13 (714) 898-1975                          kd6uih@juno.com
FS: Kenwood TM-455A 70cm all mode radio NEW in the box. Bought as a backup radio and never used. Now want to buy a 1296 MHz rig and need to liquidate unused gear. I will be at Ft. Tuthill Hamfest this weekend with the radio.