and clean signals
the official publication of The 50 MHz and UP Group located in Northern California.

Volume 2 Number 4 March/April 1997

Visit our website at: http://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit/50UP.html

Next Meeting, SUNDAY, 4/6/97 at 1PM,  


in Sunnyvale, CA. 

PROGRAM: VHF thru Microwave tune up clinic. Lars, AA6IW will bring test equipment to measure Noise Figure, Filters, Power, and Frequency. 

Note the location is National Semiconductor Federal Credit Union in Sunnyvale this month. 

NSFCU is located on Kifer, between Lawrence Expressway and Wolfe. Very close to HRO Sunnyvale. Kifer is located just 1 light south of Central Expressway. From 101, take Lawrence Expressway south to Kifer. Turn right on Kifer. Go past the main National Semiconductor Buildings. On the right just before a park is the Credit Union. Go around to the back entrance. 

President  Jeffrey Pawlan  WA6KBL  408-371-0256  jpawlan@pawlan.com 
Vice President  Bill Rausch  AA6PA  408-637-0622  aa6pa@amsat.com 
Treasurer  Will Jensby  W0EOM  408-296-6071  w0eom@aol.com 
Secretary  Bill Ogilvie  KQ6FY   415-968-3707  bill_ogilvie@qmgate.arc.nasa.gov 
Board Member  Art Lange  W6RXQ  408-735-1594   art_lange@trimble.com  
Board Member  Jim Moss  WB9AJZ  408-746-2789  jmoss@berlioz.nsc.com 

Contests and Events 

22 Mar 97 European EME Contest (144&1296) 
29 Mar 97 CQ WW WPX SSB Contest 
4-5 Apr 97 SouthEast VHF Conference, Marrietta Ga. contact WA4KXY Jim. 
6 Apr 97 Livermore Swap, 50 MHz and UP Group meeting at 1PM 
12 Apr 97 Foothill Swap meet El Monte exit off I-280. Bring quarters for parking! 
12-13 Apr 97 European EME Contest (432, 2304+) 
14 Apr 97 144 MHz Spring Sprint 
22 Apr 97 222 MHz Spring Sprint 
30 Apr 97 432 MHz Spring Sprint 
13 Jun 97 CY9AA, St Paul Island including 6/2m thru 21st. 
Aug 97 FP Dxpedition including 6 and 2 St. Pierre et Miquelon 
late Oct 97 Pacificon - 50 MHz and UP VHF+ Sessions 
3-5 Oct 97 Western States Weak Signal Society Conference 
23-26 Oct 97 Microwave Update '97, Sandusky, Ohio 

VHF+ WeakSignal NETS 
Sunday  8PM  144.240  Southern California WSWSS 
Sunday  8PM  144.250  Central California WSWSS 
Sunday  8:30PM  432.100  Central California WSWSS 
Tuesday  8PM  144.250  Northern California SWOT 
Wednesday  8PM  144.240  Southern California WSWSS SWAP 
Thursday  8PM  144.250  Northern California SWOT SWAP 

MINUTES of the March 2nd Meeting 
The 50 MHz and Up Group met at the Lockheed-Martin auditorium, Bldg. 212, on Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, on March 2, 1997. There were 24 people in attendance, and the meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM. Club officers that were present were: Jeffrey WA6KBL, President; Bill AA6PA, Vice President; Will W0EOM, Treasurer; Bill KQ6FY, Secretary; and Jim WB9AJZ; and Art W6RXQ, directors. 

The speaker for May's meeting was announced: Lance Ginner will discuss the communication systems on Mt. Umunum. 
During the Pacificon Conference, in October, the club has reserved time for presentations starting at 1:00 PM on the Saturday of the conference. Antenna testing will be held in the back parking lot in the morning. A call went out for any interested club members to prepare presentations for this event. 

An application was made for ARRL affiliation, and some progress was reported at getting the club incorporated as a non-profit entity. A request was made for someone to make phone inquires to get the necessary non-profit tax forms. 
The treasurer reported that the club had a bank balance of $1307. An contest was announced, related to the upcoming Foothill Flea Market. The first club members to get there before Lars would be winners. No prize was announced. 
There was a brief discussion on the use of GPS as a frequency standard. Tom Clark, the founder of AMSAT, who works at the Goddard Space Flight Center, in Maryland has designed a board that uses the 1 pps signal from GPS receivers to phase lock reference oscillators. This board will be sold by TAPR. Art Lange confirmed that the GPS units sold to club members have the necessary features. 

A requirement was expressed for software to help put the club newsletter on the Web. There was opposition to the expenditure of club funds to buy software for this purpose, so alternatives were discussed. The need was for someone to take Jeffrey's Frame Maker output file and convert it into an HTML file for display on the Web. Kevin Hague N5XSA volunteered to do this. The question was asked whether we should put our newsletter on the Web, so a vote was taken. It was approved 8 - 5 to continue this. 

In other business, it was announced that the club roster has grown to 46. The latest copy of the Western States Weak Signal Society newsletter was circulated. A new award from the NorCal Sidewinders On Two was announced: The worked all California counties. 

Ken Kitlas KD6OBU, gave a very interesting talk and slide show on his exploits in the field of Amateur Rocketry. 

AA6HA Moves to Arizona! 

John Ekiss, AA6HA has moved to: jbekiss@worldnet.att.net 

12496 E. Gold Dust Ave. 

Scottsdale, AZ 85259-5203 

Note from John: 

There is some 50 MHz and up activity here. I operated in the January contest with temporary antennas. I have made a new friend in W7GBI, Charlie, who is very active on EME (432, 1296, 2304). I have worked him several time on 1296 and 2304 (terrestrial). I have also talked with Jim Vogler, WA7CJO, of 10 GHz fame! Charlie and I are trying to get more interest going on the microwave bands. 

73. John Ekiss. AA6HA. 

Spread Spectrum Docket 97-12 

Text format see: 


This NPRM was submitted in December by ARRL to allow an increase in the allowable types of spread spectrum emissions allowed by amateurs. It restricts power to be automatically controlled if more than 1 watt is used. In no event is more than 100 watts allowed. It allows SS to be used only in bands above 225 (same as current). 

Comments are due by May 5, 1997, and reply comments by June 5, 1997. For formal comments, you must file an original plus four copies of all comments and reply comments. If you want each Commissioner, to receive a personal copy of your comments, you must file an original plus nine copies. Address them to: 

Office of the Secretary of the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC. 20554. 

Microwave Update 


Microwave Update will be held this year in Sandusky, Ohio at the Holiday Inn Conference Center on October 23-26, 1997. Thursday will be a surplus tour. 

Friday and Saturday is the conference with many speakers. Friday night will be noise figure measurements and microwave flea market. Saturday night will be a BBQ and EME demonstration at WA8WZG's QTH. Sunday will be a wrap up and possible tour of W8JK "Big Ear" at Ohio State University. Registration before 10/2 is $40, after is $45. More info can be found at the web site listed above, or contacting 

Tom Whitted 419-732-2944 

4641 Port Clinton East Rd. wa8wzg@wa8wzg.com 

Port Clinton, OH 43452 

Cum 10 GHz Results 

From March 1997 QST  6's only 
CALL  SCORE  QSO's  Unique Calls  10GHz KM  24GHz KM 
wa6cdr  20937  90  33  801 
w6ylz  16288  63  25  812 
k6gza  12157  50  21  644 
w6oyj  8015  35  23  630 
wb6cni  7404  41  18  448 
kc6uqh  6557  30  17  695  k6uqh? 
w6asl  6105  30  15  492 
ab6sm  5279  31  14  726 
k6kly  3519  27  13  339 
wb6bkr  3497  14  10  350 
ne6o  1475  267 
k6jey  603  200 
w6oat  557  51 
xe2/n6xq  32417  53  20  812  DX 

10 GHZ and UP (multi bands) 
wa6owd  20496  84  29  769  56 
w6hcc  17502  88  26  769  178 
wa6exv  12380  92  14  487  178 
wb6dnx  10465  52  23  768  166 
wa6qyr  9415  63  22  448  136 
wa6paz  9368  46  25  614 
n6ca  8352  17  17  768  166 

Laser Communications Home Page! 


Lots of bright stuff and archives of the LASER mail reflector. 

A Call for Amateur Payloads   
The ERAST program, run by NASA is involved in flying remotely piloted airplanes (RPA) with environmental sensing payloads. One of the goals of this program has been to involve as many other groups as possible - hence the ERAST Alliance. This summer, several long duration flights are planned; with some at high altitude. The Program Managers have expressed an interest in flying an Amateur Radio payload, to be built and operated (remotely) by Hams. This would fall under the same category as the SAREX operations on the Shuttle, and would be dependent on getting an FCC waiver and support from interested Hams. The kind of payload envisioned is a cross-band repeater, with periodic CW ID and broadcasts of navigational telemetry via a packet protocol. Once the RPA is airborne, the payload would be switched on and could be used as a mobile repeater by Hams along its flight path. All contacts through the RPA repeater would be logged by each Ham, with the time, signal report, station worked, and any telemetry received. These logs, along with details about the station’s location, antenna, power, etc. would be sent to ERAST, to be used for link analysis. An award certificate would be issued to all participants who provided data. The purpose of this experiment is to evaluate the usefulness of an airborne repeater for emergency purposes. This would likely be a one time experiment and any operational repeater based on this experiment would not use Amateur frequencies. The first level of support for this proposal that ERAST would like to solicit is from amateurs who would like to build the payload. The payload would remain the property of the builder(s), and would be developed with no remuneration. A payload that is light weight, can operate in band despite temperature extremes, and is designed as a compact, self contained package would be desirable.

The contact person for this program is Bill Ogilvie, at the Ames Research Center. Tel # (415) 604-1834 
E-Mail wogilvie@mail.arc.nasa.gov