This antenna is a 100% homebrew stressed dish, 3 metres in diameter and 0.45 f/d. Tools used for construction were a hacksaw, a hand drill, a welder, a vise, etc. Nothing fancy. The az rotator is a standard ham type with a diode in series with the AC to lower the speed. The elevation actuator is a C band TVRO type. The tripod has casters, so I can move the dish around the backyard and keep it between the house and those trees than can be seen in the picture when not in use. In order not to recalibrate the position every time I move it, there are three concrete blocks buried in the ground, with a pipe and a nut in each one of them, where the tripod is screwed in. The surface is standard window screening. The ribs are made of 3/4 inch aluminum tubing. The tripod is made of steel water pipe.