This JAVA Applet is under development by W6/PA0ZN.
Welcome, I admire your courage to visit this page! Thank You.
You can sync. the appletclock to GMT by using the slider "Set to GMT", provided that your "Mins" and "Date" of your computer clock are correct.
You can input your name/call ('ENTER') and the coordinates of your location
by using "Set Rem" and the choice boxes "Set Rem.long" and "Set Rem Lat".
The Moon World Wide.
To run this Tracker, one needs a JAVA enabled Browser such as
Netscape or Explorer(MS) running under a 32-bit system.
Netscape 4.51 is working fine, ver 4.50 is NOT.
All ver 3.xx are OK as well.
Please report problems or questions to Rein Smit
On How to install this Tracker on your WEB Site