Hardware and Software tools for HSCW

MSDSP Processing Package by 9A4GL

Operating Tips and Latest Information on MS_DSP

9A4GL's WEB Site for MS_DSP

North American Mirror Site for MSDSP70b.ZIP Downloading

Sound Blaster SB16 Cards, Info and Links to Creative Labs Web Site
Mostly about SoundBlaster Applications.
V0.70 Tips by Steve, Ko0U/1

Software Spectrum Analyzers for locating Signals in Audio Passband

Mike, AF9Y with Weaksignal Spectrum Analysis Software and more.
DSP Blaster by K6STI
Pioneer Hill DSP and MCA Software
Gram 4.12 and 2.3
DSP for RX and TX in HSCW by DL9AN

MSSOFT Processing Package

OH5IY and his Meteor Page.
MSSOFT predicts Directions of Meteors.

CoolEdit Processing Package

Andy, K0SM with CoolEdit Info.
Sound Blaster SB16 Cards
Older, some even outdated, Info on CoolEdit

A digital Tape Recorder

An Updated Manual and Spec. Sheet for the Digital Tape Recorder, DTR-MS
Reports and Opinions on the DTR
DK3XT's Site: A Digital Tape Recorder, DTR
A manual and Specs for a DTR

Visual MS Processing Package

High Speed Code, the future in MS?

High Speed Keyers

A Report on the CMOS Super Keyer3 for HSMS
Keying and Audio Oscillator Circuits for HSMS
A Very High Speed CMOS Keyer for HSMS CW
W5UN's CWKEY ver 4.02
A surplus High speed Keyer.

CWMSTXTX from France

Matt, KB0VUK with in intro on the CWMSTXRX software.
Load Down CWMSTXRX.ZIP by Jean Pierre, F6FLV
CWMSTXRX, an Experimental High Speed Meteor Scatter Program.
Report on usage of CWMSTXRX.

The "European" HSMS-recorder.

N1RWY with schematics and instructions

Circuits for HSMS operation.

Circuits, by Paul, N1BUG


Index of misc. programs for MS.

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