This blank form, developed by NC7K and modified somewhat by W8WN, is for those who prefer to keep their schedules on paper rather than relying upon a computer program.
You may wish to modify it further for your own specific needs.

This form may be too large to print on one sheet, depending upon your settings.
While it prints best as a simple text file under DOS, you can set up to print from a Windows Notepad. But set the top, bottom, and right margins to 0 and the left margin to about 0.20 inch. If it is still too large, you may have to use a smaller size print.


( USE "SAVE" or "SAVE AS" )

                           METEOR SCATTER SCHEDULER
Date:_____________________                        Shower:__________________
(Local Date:___________ eve, _______________morning/afternoon)
Hour  UTC|Station |Grid | Freq  Seq ||Hour  UTC|Station |Grid | Freq| Seq |
         |        |Az   | DX  |Speed||         |        |Az   | DX  |Speed|
0000-0030| 	  |_____|_____|_____||1200-1230|        |_____|_____|_____|
0030-0100| 	  |_____|_____|_____||1230-1300|        |_____|_____|_____|
0100-0130|        |_____|_____|_____||1300-1330|        |_____|_____|_____|
0130-0200| 	  |_____|_____|_____||1330-1400|        |_____|_____|_____|
0200-0230|        |_____|_____|_____||1400-1430|        |_____|_____|_____|
0230-0300|        |_____|_____|_____||1430-1500|        |_____|_____|_____|
0300-0330|        |_____|_____|_____||1500-1530|        |_____|_____|_____|
0330-0400|        |_____|_____|_____||1530-1600|        |_____|_____|_____|
0400-0430|        |_____|_____|_____||1600-1630|        |_____|_____|_____|
0430-0500|        |_____|_____|_____||1630-1700|        |_____|_____|_____|
0500-0530|        |_____|_____|_____||1700-1730|        |_____|_____|_____|
0530-0600| 	  |_____|_____|_____||1730-1800|        |_____|_____|_____|
0600-0630|        |_____|_____|_____||1800-1830|        |_____|_____|_____|
0630-0700|        |_____|_____|_____||1830-1900|        |_____|_____|_____|
0700-0730|        |_____|_____|_____||1900-1930|        |_____|_____|_____|
0730-0800|        |_____|_____|_____||1930-2000|        |_____|_____|_____|
0800-0830|        |_____|_____|_____||2000-2030|        |_____|_____|_____|
0830-0900|        |_____|_____|_____||2030-2100|        |_____|_____|_____|
0900-0930|        |_____|_____|_____||2100-2130|        |_____|_____|_____|
0930-1000|        |_____|_____|_____||2130-2200|        |_____|_____|_____|
1000-1030|        |_____|_____|_____||2200-2230|        |_____|_____|_____|
1030-1100|        |_____|_____|_____||2230-2300|        |_____|_____|_____|
1100-1130|        |_____|_____|_____||2300-2330|        |_____|_____|_____|
1130-1200|        |_____|_____|_____||2330-0000|        |_____|_____|_____|
                    Antenna Elevation for MS Operation:
400 miles, 15 deg.  600 miles, 10 deg.  800 miles, 5 deg. 1000 miles, 0 deg.
MS Scheduler from Tim Marek-NC7K.  Modified for HSCW operation, W8WN.


Comments: Shelby, W8WN

Rein W6/PA0ZN