NOVEMBER 1999 VOL 28 #11


OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH



HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:
Klaus Tiedemann.



*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***




The 1st part of the EME Contest went reasonably well, but there is bad news from Australia. VK3UM, is in hospital recovering from a stroke. He is now doing well and expected to full recovery, see his report later in this NL. Band conditions were mixed. They could not have been that bad on 70 cm as KB2AH reports working K1FO and N2IQU on random using his 20' dish and only 6 W! I thought they were pretty good on both 70 and 23, but many disagree. Bad WX may have contributed to some these reports. A large part of Eur had problems with wind and generally poor WX. But no matter the WX, all are planning to be back on the Moon in Nov!


It is difficult to predict the high scorers this year. On 70 cm DL9KR appears in the lead with 86x32,but I do not have the scores for many potential leaders as OH2PO, K1FO and other serious contenders. DL9NDD is doing well with 79x30, but is followed closely by DF3RU with 73x31. On 1296 it is anybody's game without OE9XXI. VE1ALQ may be number one with 42x33.


Frank reports on the 1st contest weekend -- On Saturday I found conditions to be very bad. Sometimes I heard nothing from the big guns. I think we had aurora. On Sunday the wind speed was over 50 km/h. So I worked only a few stations.

Bernhard e-mails -- It seems that our WX does not like my EME-activity! The 1st day of the contest we had very wet fog and the Moon was never visible. The 2nd day there was "only" normal fog, but the wind come up and tried to turn my dish. For this reason I was only active for 4 hours on Sunday, gaining just 7 QSOs. My preliminary 23 cm results for the Oct part of the contest are 27x18. It was lots of fun despite the bad WX and condx. I worked HB9BBD, JA6CZD for an initial (#), EA3UM, OE5EYM #, F5PAU #, ON5RR, S59DCD, DF4PV #, G3LTF, OZ6OL #, DL0SHF #, CT1DMK, K5JL, OE9ERC, N2IQU, KD4LT, VE1ALQ, K2UYH and HB9SV - all on random. Also heard were OK1DFC, DH9FAG and OH2AXH. I was called by 2 stations for which I could not get the call. I am very happy with my small dish. Running it for 3 months, I managed to work 51 different stations. Of course the size of any dish is ALWAYS TOO SMALL! I know that my signal off the Moon is good. Stations can hear me thanks to my ultimate TH327 power. For all those calling for me without getting a reply, keep in mind that it is only a 3 m dish on my side. Looking at the average power on 23 cm, I am perhaps running at least 3 or more dB higher power than many others. During the weekend I heard at least 12 stations, which I could not write into my contest log. Additionally I missed some of the big guns as OE9XXI. WA6KBL called for me at 0820, but half of my tiny dish was already blocked by trees. Comments and suggestions concerning my EME procedure are very welcome. I desired to improve my station and operating, as I am still a greenhorn on 23 cm EME. I am again available and open for skeds on 23 EME. In particular I am looking for SA (LU6DW/LU8EDR and PY5ZBU) to complete WAC. In Nov I plan to be QRV on 23 cm and may also give 70 cm a try with a single yagi.

Ruediger was quite active during the 1st leg of the ARRL contest. He found the conditions worse than normal. Compared to other SWs the signals of DL9KR and OH2PO were rather weak (~52). He managed 11 QSOs and had 5 CWNRs. He heard 5 more with no try. QSO'd were OH2PO, OZ4MM, DL9KR, DL1YMK, K1FO, N2IQU, DF3RU, DL9NDD, OE5JFL, N9AB and N4GJV. CWNR were F5FEN, DL4MEA, DJ3FI, JL1ZCG and JA5OVU. Heard were DK3WG, DK6LN, HA1YA, G3LTF and RW1AW. Ruediger will be QRV for the 2nd leg.

Jurgen on 432 scored 31x? in the 1st contest weekend. He had initials with UA3PTW, DL1YMK, W7SZ and DJ3FI to bring him to initial #357. He is missing QSLs from N2HLT, K5GW, N6OVP and W0RRY/5.

Stephan had the same feeling about conditions as Ruediger, although he found the 1st night better than the 2nd. He heard many stations, but worked only 14. Stephan worked only 2 Ws and no JAs. He hopes to do better in the 2nd part. Contacted were OH2PO (539/O), ON5OF (O/O) for initial #49, K1FO (539/549), DL9NDD (439/449), DL9KR (539/549), OZ4MM (539/549), DL1YMK (O/429) (#50), F5FEN (539/439), DF3RU (439/449), DL4MEA (O/M), OE5JFL (549/549), N9AB (O/M), F5FLN (O/O) and OE5EYM (O/O). It is interesting that no JA was logged! He heard and CWNR JL1ZCG several times, but always received no response - sigs were between O and 52.

Guenter's report for the ARRL contest part I -- I was QRV for both of my passes of the Moon, but slept too much while the Moon was up. You should not go to the swimming pool with your children in advance of the contest... Here is a list in alphabetical order of QSOs: 7M2PDT, DF3RU, DJ3FI, DJ6MB, DK3BU, DK3WG, DL1YMK, DL3EAG, DL6WU, DL9KR, DL9NDD, EA3DXU, F1CH, F5FEN, F5FLN, G3LTF, G3SEK, G4TL, HA1YA, IK5WJD, JA5NNS, JA6AHB, JH4JLV, JL1ZCG, K0RZ, K1FO, K2UYH, K5GW, K5WXN, N2IQU, N4GJV, N9AB, OE3JPC, OE5EYM, OE5JFL, OH2DG, OH2PO, ON4KNG, ON5OF, OZ4MM, PA0AVS, S52CW, SM3AKW, UT5EC and YO2IS. Initials were IK5WJD, F1CH, DJ3FI, DL1YMK, F5FEN, G4TL, OH2DG, PA0AVS, S52CW, UT5EC and YO2IS. I had a total of 46 QSOs, which is more than I worked in both legs last year. There was a GGM?? calling me. Sorry, I never was able to solve the puzzle. Can anyone help me? I fell asleep for a few hours mostly during the NA window. In the next part I will be QRV mostly during that time period. This time there was no burning power supplies, no exploding capacitors, no arc-overs. Only a few minor problems due to a cold solder in the FT847 and because my smartlevel elevation indicator sometimes stopped in the self-acquiring mode. I am really looking forward to the 2nd part and hope to have the same success then. It seems my system is now working really fine. I did not have problems copying others as I remember them from the past. The equipment used was FT847, TP3069 driver, GS35b final, 7/8" cable, ATF35076 BV LNA and 6 x 33 el BV-opt yagis with parallel wire feed -

(see DL4MEA )

I have received several phone calls about how I feed my 6 antennas. Principally its a star configuration. There is no transformation at the lines. The basic idea is that 6 times 300 ohms in parallel gives 50 ohms. The parallel wires are 300 ohm impedance (4 mm wire at 24 mm distance). The only impedance transformation is done at the driven element of the yagis - the DJ9BV-OPT already need a transforming dipole. This is a part of the feedlines, so there are no connectors anywhere. When in such a configuration the feedline length need not be a multiple of a half wavelength. The VSWR of my antenna was 1:1.5 without any alignment.

Juergen worked K4AR on 70cm on 22 Oct at 2300 for initial #108. Jurgen reports that signals were pretty good (429 up to 449). This was his 1st EME-QSO on 70 cm. Jurgen is still waiting for the QSLs from KA0RYT/0 and W7ALW.

Jan reports that RV4AQ now has 4 yagis and 800 w. Jan worked one initial thus far in the contest, N3FA (FN21bg) for a score of 86x32 in the first leg. He asks, who is F6KHM ? He is also looking for info on 2 new JA stations JA8IW and JR4IUH. Jan is now up to initial #723.

Simon sends a line to say he's still around – I have not been active too much of late. I have no 432 MHz elevation at the moment. I hope to have it fixed by the next EME weekend. My TX for 23 cm is in bits, but I should have it up and running by next time - it all seems to take longer now. I spent the 1st weekend on 13 cm and only worked 2 stations, OK1KIR and OE9ERC. I called CQ Sunday morning for 4 hours, but only heard my own echoes. I shall be looking for more next time.

Jean reports 11 QSOs during the 1st leg of the contest with his mini portable station in IN88mr. He QSO'd F5PAU for initial #3, HB9BBD, OE5EYM #4, K5JL, N2IQU #5, K4QI #6, OE5JFL #7, OH2AXH #8, HB9SV #9, OZ4MM #10, and F6CGJ #11. He also reports hearing EA3UM, DL0SHF, OE9ERC and K2UYH.

Peter enjoyed the 1st leg even though the WX was a bit windy and 70 cm was even a bit more frustrating than usual -- There was a noticeable absence of US stations, which I gather was because you guys also had WX problems. My scores were on 13 cm 2x2, on 23 cm 29x20 and 70cm 32x16. I started on 13 cm on 30 Oct and worked OK1KIR and OE9ERC with G3LQR a CWNR. I switched to 23 cm at 0310 and worked S59DCD, ON5RR, HB9BBD, OZ6OL, F5PAU, DJ5MN, SM3AKW, CT1DMK, DL0SHF on SSB, VE1ALQ, DF4PV, K3HZO, KD4LT, N2IQU, K5JL, EA2UM, OH2AXH, PA3CSG, OE9ERC, K2UYH and DD1XF. At 1000 things were getting slow on 23, so I switched to 70 cm and I worked G3SEK, DL9KR, K2UYH, SM3AKW, OH2PO, SM2CEW, N9AB, IK2EAD, DK3BU and K1FO - ending at 1130. Later at 2300 (moonrise) I went back to 23 cm and worked OK1DFC, JH5LUZ, OE5JFL (now 31 Nov=), JA6CZD, OH2DG and HB9SV. I then changed the feed again to 70 cm for the JA window, and worked JA6AHB for initial #347, JL1ZCG, DK3WG, OE5EYM, DJ6MB, OE5JFL, JA5NNS, HA1YA, DL9NDD, DF3RU, OZ6OL, N2IQU, G4ALH, DL4MEA, W7CNK, F1FEN, K0RZ, DL1YMK #348, ON4KNG, DJ3FI #349, F5FLN and RW1AW. The wind was getting too high by this time so I quit, but it later eased and with the elevation at only 6 degs, I worked on 23 cm W7CS and WA90UU for initial #150 – quite amazing as the moon was behind an oak tree and about half the dish was obscured by a hedge! CWNR on 70 cm were 7M2PDT, JH1XUJ, JH4JLV, JS3SIM, ON5OF, I5CTE, UA6LGH, K5WXN, W7SZ and UT5EC. Heard were JR3AWE, DL6WU, UA3JPC and N4GJV. The pol was variable and difficult to predict. I think that had a lot to do with my high CWNR number. On 23 cm the CWNR were only W1ZX, W2UHI and F1ANH/P, who was a good readable signal, but couldn't get my call in 45 minutes of trying. The worst gotaway was VK5MC, who came back to my call, but he disappeared before we could complete. I now have a good window to the east, something I've not had for 25 years! I've built a motor/gearbox system for remoting [Peter is using a polar mount] the dish declination drive to the shack. I'm also continuing to work on the 13 cm system to get more power.

Ian's 432 contest report -- Getting ready for the contest was a real skin-of-teeth job. I replaced the antenna changeover relay and all the other N stuff with 7/16 DIN connectors, and was just finished by Friday evening. There was no time to test before moonrise, but it all worked FB. I finished the weekend with 48x23, a bit below my previous best, but not bad considering the level of activity. As usual there were lots of stations working the big guns who were good copy here, but if the don't tune for the weaker CQs, there is no way to get to them. If it all holds together, I'll be back on in Nov and hoping for a lot more activity!

Csaba (HA5BGL)'s group was not active during the 1st Oct SW (2-3 Oct) because of its conflict with the IARU Region I UHF/SHF Contest -- During the 30-31 Oct ARRL EME Contest we made 9 QSOs on 1296. Unfortunately we had only few hours to be QRV. We QSO'd on 30 Oct HB9BBD, SM3AKW, OE9ERC and K5JL, and on 31 Oct OH2AXH, HB9SV, VE1ALQ, K4QI and OE5JFL.

Louis had departed on a trip, and things seemed to be going well, when the engine quit and he had to cancel his travel plans. Louis thus decided to give the contest a try on Friday evening -- I attempted to get the 432 system on the rising moon, but it had developed a 50% VSWR! I checked the antennas, but couldn't find anything obvious. WX was a problem. There was a thick fog and near constant drizzle with periods of heavy down pouring rains. This made it impossible to effect a quick fix. The next day I did get the system working again - water in a connector was found, but still nil echoes. However, I was able to QSO N2IQU and K5GW. I tried K1FO, but the Moon was going behind a hill at 11º. I was surprised I heard him at all. I hope my luck will be better in Nov.

Sergio is a new station on 1296 EME -- I wanted to announce that the 12' dish I've been working on for the past months is finally on the mast. 23 cm will be my starter band. With a solar flux 151 at 10.7 cm, I had 13.3 dB from the Sun. This matches pretty much the my calculated figures. I know I'm a 'small gun' but I'm satisfied [for now]. The antenna is mounted on a condominium, so there is not much as I can do antenna wise. I am completing adding an automatic AZ/EL readout/tracking (F1EHN) system and after that a TH308 power amp. The cavity has already been tested at > 600 W out. It is only a matter of building the power supply and placing the whole thing in a decent box. I have been a microwave operator for quite a long time (started in 1979) and of course all my HW is homebuilt. EME has always been in my heart and head, but until now I had no space for the antenna. I know very well and frequently visit Enrico, HB9SV, to whom I owe all my enthusiasm for EME. I consider him my 'EME Father'. I live one hour by car from his home/station. (If someone needs to e-mail Enrico, it can done through me.) I speak/visit him quite often. My target is to be QRV by the end of Nov. I've been an SWL for the past 2 weekends and heard HB9SV, I0UGB, DF4PV and some 7 other stations checking echoes, but unfortunately never sending calls. I'll let you know when I'm ready.

/FONT> Alex writes that this year, for the 1st leg of the ARRL EME Contest -- I worked on 2 bands: 10 GHz with the call I5PPE and on 432 MHz with my call IK5WJD. On 3 cm I5PPE QSO'd on 30 Oct at 0650 F6KSX (O/O) for initial #5. On 432 IK5WJD worked on 31 Oct at 0347 DL4MEA (549/539) for initial #65, 0357 K1FO (549/449), 0421 OZ4MM (539/439), 0503 DF3RU (O/O), 0517 OH2PO (O/O), 0616 N9AB (O/O) #66 and 0710 N2IQU (O/O). We will be QRV again for the 2nd leg.

Toshio reports the following – I worked on 70 cm on 25 Sept OE3JPC for initial #26, on 2 Oct JA4BLC, DF3RU and DL4MEA #27, on 3 Oct DJ6MB #28, IK5QLO #29, DL9NDD, UT3LL #30, DL4MEA, 7M2PDT #31, I5TDJ #32, W7QX and AL7OB #33 and on 29 Oct DL1YMK. In the contest on 2 Oct I also QSO'd ON5OF #34, ON1ABH #35, DL9NDD, DL9KR, OH2PO #36, OZ4MM, VE1ALQ #37 (sked), N9AB #38, K1FO, K0RZ #39, VK4AFL, JL1ZCG #40, JH4JLV, JA5NNS, 7M2PDT, G3SEK, HA1YA #41, EA3DXU #42 (sked), DK3WG #43, DL4MEA, F5FEN #44, DF3RU, OE5EYM #45, G3LTF #46 (sked), OE5JFL #47, DJ6MB, K5GW, K5WX #48, W7CI #49, AL7OB and DL6WU #50. I am building up a parallel 3CX800A7 K1FO type PA based on my original RIW chassis. I will not take skeds in the Nov part of the contest, but will be available again for sked in the Dec SW.

Bill brings us up-to-date on his 70 cm activity. On 28 March he QSO'd K4QI, OZ6OL for initial #264, on 7 Aug DL9KR, DL9NDD, OH2DG and W7GBI, on 8 Aug DF3RU, DF4UE #265, G3SEK, K2UYH and OZ6OL, on 30 Oct DF3RU, DL1YMK, DL6WU, DL9KR, DL9NDD, F5FLN, G3SEK, HA1YA, IK2EAD, IK5QLO, JA5NNS, JA6AHB, JH4JLV, JL1ZCG, K1FO, K5WXN, N2IQU, N9AB, OH2DG, OH2PO, ON4KNG, SM3AKW, UA6LGH, UT5EC, VE1ZJ, W6DF, W7CNK, W7SZ, W8MQW, YO2IS, and on 31 Oct 7M2PDT, DJ3FI, DK3WG, DL4MEA, EA3DXU, F5FEN, G3HUL, G3LTF, G4ASR, GM0ONN, K2UYH, K5GW, K8ISK, N4GJV, OE3JPC, OE5EYM, OE5JFL, OZ6OL, VK4AFL and W7CI. Initials in Oct were DL1YMK #266, JA5NNS #267, W7SZ #268, JA6AHB #269, G4ASR #270, DJ3FI #271, GM0ONN #272 and country 45, K8ISK #273 and VK4AFL #274. Bill found condx good on 30 and 31 Oct. States Bill still needs are HI, ID, IN, KY, ND, NV, TN and VT. His 1st contest weekend results were 50 x 26.

Harry reports – I worked on 1296 28 QSOs with 18 multipliers; 5 were initals: EA3UM, DJ5MN, WA9OUU, S59DCD and WA6KBL. Do you count W2UHI as an 8 or a 2 for multiplier purposes? [Definitely an 8]. I have finished bench testing my video tracking system and have built a filter for the camera lens using welding glass for Sun noise measurements. My rotator for azimuth has a random error in it when in the west, so no truth tables work all the time.

Bert is now fully QRV on 432 EME -- I put the preamp on the mast over the pre contest weekend, and all seems to be working fine. I will be active during the Contest looking for random QSOs and calling CQ. I do not wish to make schedules for the Oct session, but will accept skeds for the Nov part. My e-mail address is at:
Bert, K4AR
I am running 1.5 kW, 8 x 9 wl horiz yagis, ATF10736 LNA and 0.5 dB line loss from EM76 in TN.

Russ' contest report -- During the 1st contest weekend, I worked on 30 Oct on 432, N2IQU off of my tropo array! On 1296 on 30 Oct QSO'd were F1ANH/P, DD1XF, WD5AGO, VE6TA, W3XS, JA8IAD, JH5LUZ, JA6CZD, N2IQU and K5JL, and on 31 Oct F5PAU, HB9BBD, DH9FAG, K9BCT, OZ6OL, DF4PV, OZ4MM, VE1ZJ, HA5SHF, HB9SV, OH2DG, F6CGJ, S59DCD, OH2AXH, DJ5MN, OE5JFL, OK1DFC, K3HZO, OE5EYM, CT1DMK, W2UHI, WA6KBL, VE1ALQ, EA3UM, WA8WZG, SM2CEW, HB9BHU, K2UYH, W7SZ, NL7F, W7CS, WA9OUU, W5LUA, W6HD, K9ZZH, VK5MC and W0KJY. The only station heard calling and not identified was around 1015 on the 31st. Just too weak in the librations, I could only get a character now and then. I will be on 1296 next month also.

Pat (x-KA9LNP) in DN30, West Jordan, Utah sends an update on his 432 EME progress – I now have all of the antennas for my array (4 x M2 9 wl) yagis. The H-Frame is just about done, and the hole for the tower base has been dug. I am putting up a new tower for all the other bands in the spring and will have the concrete poured for the EME tower at the same time. I am planning on getting the antennas assembled and phasing lines made during the winter. Tom, WA8WZG set me up with cable and connectors for this project at Dayton this year. If all goes well, I am hoping to be ready for skeds in May. I am also putting together a WEB site and will be posting plenty of construction pictures of this project as it progresses.

Eino writes – During the 2nd Oct SW I used my F1EHN/VE1ALQ automated tracking system for the 1st time with my 8 m dish. After some initial problems, it functioned very well and calibration was good enough for operation on 13 cm. I did have one mishap when a MAX 232 IC burn out and the dish hit its mechanical end stop, but nothing was damaged. WX during the contest was excellent all weekend. I had one sked on 13 cm, but heard nil. I did work OE9ERC on random (559/549). I QSO'd on 70 cm JA5NNS (559/559), DL9NDD (559/449), DF3RU (559/549), G3SEK (559/449), OZ4MM (559/559), DL4MEA (559/529) for an initial (#), K1FO (559/549), N9AB (449/O), N2IQU (559/559), K0RZ (559/559), SM2CEW (549/539), W8MQW (449/559) #, DK3BU (559/559), ON4KNG (449/449) #, DL6WU (449/O), OH2PO (579/559), F5FLN (559/519), N4GJV (559/549), JL1ZCG (569/559) and SM3AKW (559/549), and on 23 cm JH5LUZ (559/559), G3LTF (559/559), S59DCD (559/449), OE9ERC (579/559), HB9SV (579/569), F5PAU (559/449), JA6CZD (549/549), OH2AXH (569/569), OZ6OL (559/549), VE1ALQ (569/549) #, HB9BBD (579/569), K4QI (559/549), K5JL (569/559), OE5JFL (569/549), N2IQU (569/539), W2UHI (559/439), OK1DFC (339/O), WA6KBLl (559/579) #, EA3UM (559/549) and K2UYH (559/559). My contest total was 41x30 on all bands.

Franta sends his report on activity during the 1st part of the ARRL EME Contest -- I was QRV on 2.3 GHz and worked on 29 Oct at 2245 OK1KIR (O/O) for initial #3, and on 30 Oct at 0600 had a partial with W5LUA because I had trouble with my PA. I also heard ZS6AXT earlier. My rig on 13 cm is TX/RX on 2304 and RX only on 2320 and 2424 MHz. I have a preamp with ATF36077 + FXH35LG + DEM TRX. Sun noise is 17.2 dB (SF184) and Moon noise is about 0.5 dB. I plan to be QRV on 2.3 GHz again in Nov.

Dirk worked 19x12 on 432 in the contest. He was using a new PA with GI 7 and GS 35 tubes. It worked OK for 1st 4 hrs at 1.2 kW out, but then went dead. Efficiency was only 40% (3300 W in and 1200 out). It also blows the fuses (25 A) of the shack. Dirk added a 2nd protective relay before his preamp. His Sun noise is now 13.5 dB (coax feed + steel wire antennas). He notes that Karl, ON1ABH worked JA6AHB and wants his e-mail address. [It is not clear if this was from a different station than Dirk's.]

Stig was visited by Murphy this year in the 1st part of the EME contest -- I found condx very good on 432 in the 1st 3 hours of operating. Suddenly my reception failed due to a combination of a bad contact in the transfer coax relay and the preamp. The NF went up and down and I am sure I missed several stations. When daylight returned, I investigated the system at the dish and found the bug. I was not able to retune the preamp for optimum NF, and instead just tuned for best gain. I had to live with the degraded NF for the rest of the weekend on 432. On Sunday when I switched to 1296, I had trouble with my driver for the TH308 PA. I had reduced output power and never got it fixed during the weekend. Also my IF transceiver (TS830) started acting up. My results for the 1st weekend were 62x21 on 432 and 21x14 on 1296. This is lower than last year, so I will do my best to solve my problems before last leg. Initials on 432 were UA3PTW, JR1RCH, PA3DZL, K8ISK, and KB0VUK. On 1296 I added F1ANH/P and HB9BCD. In general I found good condx during the night on Saturday. When it turned light, I experienced a 90 deg pol shift in around 2 hours (from 0700 to 0900). I had many CQs with no reply on both 432 and 1296 (mostly on 1296 - possibly due to my reduced power). The WX was OK until Sunday morning. High winds then came, so I decided to park the dish and take 2 hours of sleep before leaving on a holiday, where I had an eyeball with ex-70 cm EMEers OZ1HNE and OZ1IPU.

Hans can switch between 70 and 23 cm in about 1 second He found this very useful in the contest to gather more than 52 QSOs on both bands. During the contest he worked on 432 OH2PO, JA5NNS, G3SEK, DK3WG, N2IQU, K1FO, DL9KR, SM2CEW, JL1ZCG for initial #52, OZ4MM, DL4MEA, DL9NDD, OE5JFL #53, DF3RU, HA1YA, G3LTF, NC1I, N9AB, #54, W7CNK, UA6LGH #55, OE5EYM, K0RZ and F5FEN #56, and on 1296 F5PAU, HB9BBD, ON5RR, SM3AKW, EA3UM, G3LTF, S59DCD, DJ5Mnfor initial #71, K5JL, K2UYH, K3HZO, N2IQU, OH2AXH, DL0SHF #72, JH5LUZ, OE5JFL, JA6CZD, OH2DG, HB9SV, VE1ALQ, DH9FAG, K4QIF, DF4PV, OK1KDCF, F6CGJ, VE6TA, OE5EYM, SM2CEW and W2UHI. Earlier he QSO'd on 70 cm on 31 Aug VK4AFL #48, on 1 Sept VK4AFL, on 4 Sept K2UYH, on 5 Sept JA4BLC #49 and JA6AHB, on 28 Sept VK4AFL, on 1 Oct VK4AFL, on 2 Oct DF3RU, G3LTF #50, K1FO and DL4MEA, on 3 Oct DL9NDD and W7QX, on 23 Oct K1FO and W7CNK, and on 24 Oct N4IQU, DL1YMK #51, JA5OVU and SM3AKW, and on 1296 on 4 Sept N2IQU, on 5 Sept ON5RR and GW3XYW, on 11 Sept DL/LZ1DP and DD1XF, on 12 Sept K5JL, on 24 Sept DF4PV, on 27 Sept K3HZO, on 3 Oct HB9SV, K5JL and HB9BBD, on 10 Oct W2UHI and on 25 Oct W2UHI and DF4PV.

Anton is QRV again after being off the Moon for many years -- I have run tests on the Moon and things seem to be working fine. I'm still using the large parabolic horn antenna and an RS1032 final on 432. I have plans to become QRV on 23 cm as well. We received a couple of large YK 1152 klystrons to experiment with on both 70 and 23 cm. Right now we are working on the power supply and the huge cooling system. These tubes need 14 kV at 1 amp plus. I will send you some pictures. My new address is :
      Anton Vroom, PA0AVS,
      Drift 36, 3791 MV
      The Netherlands).
      My tel is +31 343520132, +31 651122894 mobile
      and my e-mail address is:

Jack was QRV on 70 cm during the Oct contest weekend with an improved station. He had a 1 kW PA with 2 x 21 el 6.6 lambda yagis and a 0.3 dB NF LNA. He worked OH2PO, K1FO, DL9KR N2IQU, K5GW for initial #119, OZ4MM, OE5EYM #120 and DF3RU. Heard were DL9NDD, PA3CSG, DL4MEA and N9AB.

Peter confirms initial contest QSOs on 70 cm with DL1YMK, UA3PTW, N2IQU, OH2PO, K5GW, AL7OB, G3SEK, F5FEN, ON4KNG and JL1ZCG to bring him to initial #54.

Marko reports on his 10 GHz activity during the EME contest -- I made 3 QSOs on 3 cm. It was hopeless to get everything ready for Saturday, especially since the Moon set for me before 1000. So I spent Saturday checking and tuning up the hardware. The WX was almost perfect, only some light wind. But that is a problem, because I still haven't constructed an azimuth drive. I have only a lever on the dish, no reduction gear, so I must hold the full wind force with one hand, since the other is needed for the key. Even with a mild wind, operating this way can be quite stressful, HI! I started operation on Sunday at 0700, but found out that at the particular azimuth/elevation, the counterweight hits the tower. It was a question of only a few mm, but the tower is of rigid construction and won't bend, so I had to wait till 0730. Later I worked IW4BTJ (M/O), WA7CJO (559/559) and W5LUA (O/O). I wanted to send Jim (599), but got mixed up. WA7CJO's signal was incredibly strong and clean - probably his new dish. I finished around 1030 with the Moon behind trees.

Darrall notes -- I had to quit early during the Oct contest weekend because of very high winds. My totals for this half of the contest are as follows: 42x33 on 23 cm with 2 initials, 2x2 on 6 cm and 2x2 on 70 cm (sked requests by other party) for 1 initial. I missed several on 23 cm because of the winds. I had a great time and hope the snow stays away for the last half.

in KO93 has now worked 15 initials on 70 cm. During the contest he made 9 QSOs with OH2PO, DK3WG, K5GW, OZ4MM, DL9NDD, OE5JFL, NC1I, N9AB, OE5EYM and F5FEN. He is currently running 250 W and hopes to have 500 W + soon.

Grant writes – I have been very busy with work lately and it seems that the ARRL Contest always conflicts with my work schedule. Last year I missed the whole contest due to work constraints and this year is not much better. I managed to get off work for the Asian window on the 1st pass and worked 6 stations on 23 cm, but was disappointed to not work any JA's. I heard JH5LUZ, but never hooked up with him. Murphy struck on the 2nd pass as my water cooling system failed, but I was getting tired anyway, so I closed up shop after a total of 7 hours of operating. I am now using a new preamp from Lucky (W7CNK) and it is absolutely marvelous. I can now hear stations much smaller than my own and consistently hear my own echoes. I managed to do a little more tweaking on the 2 tube amp and now have it purring along with about 300 W out, so things seem to go a lot easier now during the contest periods. Even F5PAU answers me now, HI. I worked the following stations during the Oct segment on 23 cm: KD4LT, VE1ALQ, K4QI, WD5AGO, W5LUA, K5JL, HB9BBD, OH2AXH, HB9SV, DF4PV, W2UHI, F6CGJ, F5PAU, S59DCD, SM2CEW, OE5JFL, and OZ6OL. Heard but not worked were K3HZO, WA6KBL, W1ZX, DL0SHF (SSB), DJ5MN, JH5LUZ and PA3CSG. I also noticed that there seems to be an aurorally or tropo null at elevations between 5 and 15 degs on 1296. Stations seemed very loud up to 5 degs (with ground noise) and then go into the tank for about the next hour. I wonder if others experience similar results? I should be on 432 for at least one pass in Nov and am trying to get my GS23b amp going for this weekend.

Lyle sends information on his EME plans from down under – I want to inform the 10 GHz EME guys that I am ready to resume EME tests after quite a long break in which an improvement was made to my antenna system. My Moon windows in an easterly direction (towards North America) is restricted by blockage from buildings and trees to operation when antenna elevation angle is greater than between 15 and 30 deg. - (varying in this range with azimuth angle), and in a westerly direction (towards Eur) to approx 5 degs minimum - but only over the very limited range of Moon declination of 3 degs south to 10 degs south - (due to tree blockage to the west of my property outside the corresponding range of my antenna azimuth angle). In my last letter my mention of G3PHO was meant to indicate that I had used the type of W2IMU 10 GHz feed horn, which had been constructed by G3PHO (generally called the "G3PHO feed horn") as a basis for my feed horn. The G3PHO feed horn became the "mode generation" section of my dual mode feed horn, but the construction of my feed horn was "all of my own doing".

Doug has had a stroke. He collapsed at work Monday 1 Nov and was taken to the hospital. He suffered a stroke and his blood pressure was very high when he came in to the hospital. It was very close, however, he has since recovered remarkably well, and is making good progress. He still has problems with his left side, but his speech is almost 100%, and he is mentally 100%. The stroke did not affect his mental abilities. He will hopefully recover fully but rehabilitation will take some time. The week it happened was his last week at work, he was due to retire at the end of the week. It has been very hectic for him lately. Bev, his wife, said that she had seen signs for some weeks, so she was not really surprised when they called her from the hospital. [TNX SM2CEW for this report. Peter is in constant contact with Doug and Bev.]

Chris notes that it has been some time since his last report -- I have been off EME as the Australian licensing system changed, 2 and a half years Ago, and I have been trying to get my high power permit back since. I am only allowed 100 W output, which makes EME on 432 and below a little difficult. However I have been on 1296 and running 100 W output when time has been available. Anybody requiring a sked can now contact me on e-mail at:

Chris, VK5MC

I was on for the contest weekend and found that I was a little rusty on the key, but did manage to work on 23 cm HB9BBD, OH2AXH, OE5JFL, K5JL, K4QI, W6HD and JH5LUZ. I will be on for the next weekend as much as I can. The main project at the moment is getting 2 GHz up and running. I will be coming up on 2424 transmit and should be able to listen on 2304 and 2320 early in the New Year. Hopefully I am up to date with my QSLs. Anyone who still needs a card from me please let me know.

Larry was active on both 70 and 23 cm during the 1st part of the contest. He worked on 1296 8x8 and on 432 14x9 with 11 initials combined. On 70 cm he QSO'd KA0RYT and heard K8ISK and W7CNK quite loud, but rain static halted a contact. Larry is working on restoring an OZ9CR amp.

Frank worked 31 stations during the 1st part of the contest. He tried getting WA9OUU attention, but received no answer. Frank did work K9BCT and W1ZX with a great signal amongst many others. There were no JAs that Frank could hear.

Jerry is now fully QRV on 1296. He worked K5JL, VE1ALQ and KD4LT on 23 cm during the contest to bring him to initial #3. Jerry is interested in more skeds on 23 cm.

Jeffrey is presently only QRV on 23 cm only at this time and writes -- I was successful in getting the station operational just in time for the EME contest weekend. I worked the following stations: HB9BBD, VE1ALQ, F5PAU, S59DCD, K5JL, K4QI, F6CGJ, N2IQU, OH2AXH, EA3UM, SM2CEW, K3HZO, OH2DG, OE5EYM and OK1DFC. These is a large tree obstructing my view of the Moon for at least 12 deg el, so I do hope that EU stations will stay on long enough to work me during the 2nd weekend even though they have already been on all night. My times for 12 deg are 0600 on 27 Nov and 0700 on 28 Nov. Please look for me after these times. I have to solve a problem with my IPA (driver) amplifier before the contest weekend because I do not have any more 7289s that are capable of putting out 100W, which is what I need to drive my final PA.

Tommy worked 7 stations on 23 cm in Oct. Stations QSO'd were HB9SV, OE9ERC, K5JL, W2UHI, N2IQU and OH2AXH. At least 6 other stations were CWNR'd. At present Tommy is using a 3 m dish and 250 W at the feed. He can hear echoes 33 % of the time. Tommy says he now knows how QRP stations feel in a contest when he QRZ'd them in the past. He will be moving to 5.7 GHz in Nov for just the contest weekend. Tommy is now running a 10' dish with only 20-30 W. His Moon window is be limited in the east (0700 to 0800) each night. He May also try to make some contacts on 70 cm before long.

Ivo's Oct report follows – It is great loss that Hoppy is not with us anymore! I will certainly never forget him. I concentrated in the 1st contest weekend exclusively on 13 and 6 cm with very disappointing results. On Saturday morning I only worked on 13 cm OK1KIR, OE9ERC and W5LUA - all with good signals. Nothing else was heard. On Sunday morning I had no luck in my 6 cm skeds, probably due to pol problems. Toward the end of my Moon pass I heard well OE9PMJ (529), but CWNR. This was with a very low elevation, thus high ground noise. In the clear Peter should be at least (549). I hope that there will be more activity on these 2 bands in the next leg. I will be on 13 cm in the 1st pass and on 6 cm in the 2nd. In the meantime I will change to horizontal polarization on 5760. Regarding 6 cm pol, I would like to suggest that we all change to circular polarization for this band to eliminate the problems with spatial pol offset. To me it is strange that on the 13 cm band I can use a 200 Hz filter for reception, while at 6 cm signals are so wide that a narrow band filter is not useful. I have a suspicion that this effect may be mostly caused by the use of linear pol. Circular pol may limit the frequency spreading. Never mind that it would help otherwise. Certainly this could be done without great expense, and the change will pay off for everybody! I VOTE FOR CIRCULAR ON 6 CM!

I found conditions during the contest very good and enjoyed myself, but was plagued by limited operating time due to family social engagements during the weekend, which included a wedding. WX was excellent on Saturday morning. On the basis of a beautifully visual Moon, I decide to start operation on 23 cm. I QSO'd at 0625 HB9BBD (579/559), 0636 F5PAU (569/559), 0644 S59DCD (559/559), 0652 DJ5MN (559/O), 0700 VE1ALQ (559/559), 0712 ON5RR (559/559), 0720 K5JL (579/579), 0736 K3HZO (449/529), 0747 OK1DFC (559/559), 0758 DF4PV (559/559), 0813 SM3AKW (559/559), 0828 W1ZX (559/559), 0828 W1ZX (559/559), 0840 OZ6OL (549/559), 0849 N2IQU (579/559), 0908 PA3CSG (569/559), 0919 DD1XF (569/559), 0935 G3LTF (559/559) and 0956 OH2AXH (569/559). When activity seemed to slow on 1296, I switched to 432 and worked at 1032 G3LTF (559/559), 1038 OH2PO (559/559), 1043 partial K5WXN (559/-) lost, 1052 G3SEK (549/339), 1059 IK2EAD (549/559) and 1125 EA3DXU (O/M). The 2nd night I was joined by my neighbor KC2TA. As the WX had deteriorated we began operation on 70 cm at 0723 K1FO (569/569), 0734 N2IQU (579/579), 0737 N9AB (569/559), 0744 F5FLN (559/549), 0749 DF3RU (569/569), 0757 HA1YA (559/559), 0805 UT5EC (559/449), 0811 DL4GA (559/559), 0814 DL9NDD (569/579), 0818 DL9KR (579/589), 0840 N4GJV (559/559), 0845 OE5EYM (559/559), 0854 DL4MEA (559/559), 0905 F5FEN (569/559), 0915 K0RZ (559/559), 0924 DL6WU (559/449) and 0935 DJ3FI (559/O) for an initial. We then switched to 23 cm and added at 1025 K4QI (559/559), 1039 OE5EYM (559/559), 1047 OH2DG (559/559), 1101 W7SZ (549/439), 1112 NL7F (559/439), 1122 F6CGJ (559/559), 1134 W2UHI (559/569) and 1141 partial F1ANH/p (559/O) – we were sure we had a QSO, but Jean says he never received our report. Despite the limited operating time 22x14 on 70 cm and 25x21 on 23 cm was achieved. Next time I should be on for the VK/JA window.



G4RGK was unable to be active in during the Oct contest weekend because of a conflicting work schedule.

KB0VUK is a new station on 432 EME in the same Grid as Ron, KA0RYT. He has worked 4 stations thus far including OZ4MM and K1FO.

K6IBY was QRV on 70 cm during the contest – no word on results as yet.

K5WXN worked DL1YMK for an initial and K1FO and heard W7SZ and KA0RYT.

SM2CEW worked on 432 a new station, N3FA. This was N3FA's 1st EME QSO.

N3FA has 4 yagis and 600 W. He is ex WB3FAA.

GM0ONN was QRV on 23 cm during the Oct contest weekend and will be active on 70 cm during the Nov weekend.

KB8RQ is tearing down his antennas and getting ready to move to a new QTH. He hopes to re-build and be into his new home by next summer.

VO1AV (GN28) has not made too much progress on his 70 cm EME station. He has been working very long hours. It does not look like he will be on EME this year, but hopes to make it on by mid year 2000.

WA9FWD has a problem with his 13cm driver amp and thus may not be on 13 cm for skeds.

WA4NJP's work has subsided a bit. As his equipment is not working correctly, he hopes to be get all fixed in time to be QRV for the contest in Nov. His new amp is ready to go on 70 cm.

K9BCT's survived the recent hurricane and was QRV on 23 cm in the contest. He has a YL-1050 cavity and is working toward getting it running.

W4AD is still plugging away at getting on 23 cm. His dish is mounted and he hopes to be operational by the Nov contest weekend.

NU7Z is now off 13 cm and moving to 5.7 GHz.

CT1DMK lost electrical power for one day during the 1st leg of the contest. He plans to be on 70 cm during the 2nd contest weekend and will take skeds before during and after. His 5.7 GHz feed is still on his dish. He will take it down 1 day before the Nov contest, and will be back on after the contest. W8TN reports slow progress on his new EME system.

WA8WZG is busy with school, but he has put a new feed in the dish and gained 1.9 dB of Sun noise.

K2DH's was down 3 dB in power on 23 cm and only worked 4 stations during the Oct leg. Dave's shack is now torn apart, but he hopes to be back on for 2nd part of the contest.

N2HLT is looking for skeds on 70 cm.

WA1JOF is working on his 23 cm gear. He has changed the phasing lines and is now ready for skeds.

W4RDI was not active during Oct as his rig is not working.

W1ZX had a problem with his 4 tube amp. He made 3 contacts and then a tube blew up in his PA.

W5ZN was not operational in the contest.

PA3CSG worked W7SZ for new one on 70 cm.

VE4MA reports good signals on 5.7 GHz and heard VE1ALQ, W5LUA and OE9PMJ. OE9PMJ was CWNR. Barry will be on 13 and 23 cm the next weekend.

DL1DWI is a new station on 432 with 4 yagis and 100 W. He will be QRV in Nov with 6 dB more power. His address is Gerhard Meyer, Holbeinstrasse 40, 01307 Dresden, Germany; tel is 35 243 52571).

DF3RU worked 73x31 on 70 cm in the contest.

SM4IVE is not yet QRV on 70, but considering coming on in Nov with 4 yagis.

K0RZ worked on 70 cm 50x26 with 8 initials in the first leg.

WB0GGM QSO'd on 70 cm 8x7 with 3 initials during Oct.

N4GJV was active during the Oct contest weekend for the 1st time in many months.

KL7HFQ was on the 1st night of the contest and reports signals were strong. He was playing around with a DSP system. The 2nd night signals were not as good.

DL9NDD worked 79x30 in the 1st weekend of the contest.

DK0MM a club station will be QRV with 500 W and 4 x 10 lambda yagis from JN59 during Nov.

UA3TCF was only on for a short time during Nov and didn't work anything new.

UT5EC added initials on 70 cm during the 1st leg with W7CNK, DL4MEA, G4ALH and DJ3FI to bring him to initial #108.

F5FEN is the same station as F1FEN. He will be on 70 cm and 2 m during the 2nd leg.

K5WXN worked F5FLN and F5FEN with good signals during Oct.


WD5AGO has 3 Andrews 1 5/8" cables some with 7/16 connectors in lengths from 80 to 100' for $US1.50/ft. He also has a 23 cm 2 stage LNAs (0.3 NF at 30 dB) for $US125.

N7AM is looking for Transco coax 28 V relays. Jack's tel is 360- 373-8135. [Contact W1ZX for these relays.]

NU7Z has for sale 2 14 GHz TWTAs that will work on 10 GHz. They are 16 W. The PSU's need repair. He wants $US50 for each.

CT1DMK is making aluminum blocks for coaxial to waveguide transitions. He needs to make at least 10, but would like to make more to keep the price down. Luis plans to sell the extra transitions for between $US 30-40 excluding connector. The results will be as good as top quality transitions. Contact Luis for more details.

N4GJV is looking for the updated version of the VK3UM EME tracker.


Here is a circuit by JH4JLV for a low noise 70 cm preamp which should work will with the FHX35G. (This circuit appeared in the JA EME Column.)


Don, PYZBU is concerned that he has received only one technical article (from WA7CJO) for the conference proceedings to be published in CD-ROM. He notes that very few hotel reservations have been received thus far as well. He urges all to please make a special effort to send your promised contribution, technical or otherwise by email:

Don, PY2ZU

or post so that we can start preparing your material for publishing. The postal address:

Av. Juscelino K. de Oliveira,
11400 - CIC - 81450-900 -
Curitiba/Pr, Brazil.


Getting this NL out on time is usually an effort. This month is especially so. The contest issues are always a bit longer. I had to go to CA at the last minute over the NL weekend. I am writing this on my notebook computer as I wait for a flight home on Sunday night!

ZS6AXT is pushing for a formal recognition of circular pol as the standard for 6 cm EME. The place this can happen is at the EME2000 Conference. Ivo says he has received positive responses to his proposal from quite a few 6 cm ops, and that so far he knows of only one W who will be opposing it.

W0KJY needs the latest EME standings from stations to be sent to ARRL for EME Annals. John must have the standings in and compiled by the end of year. [Unfortunately he never seems to send me up-dated copies for listing in the NL.] ?Please keep the reports and technical info coming. I shall be looking for more QSOs during the Nov contest finish.

73, Al - K2UYH

EME schedules
27 NOV
Time   432.040        1296.050       
0500z  N3FA  -PA3CSG  
0530z  PA3CSG-UA3PTW  
0600z  PA3CSG-RV4AQ   
0630z  K4AR  -PA3CSG  
0830z                 K3HZO -LU6DW   
28 NOV
Time   432.045        1296.050       1296.060       
0530z                 K3HZO -DD1XF   
0600z  N4GJV -RW1AW   K3HZO -IK3GHY  
0630z  N4GJV -K4AR    K3HZO -I0UGB   
0700z  N4GJV -N3FA    K3HZO -I6PNN   W1ZX  -PA3CSG  
0730z                 K3HZO -G4DZU   K9ZZH -PA3CSG  
0800z                                WA9OUU-PA3CSG  
0830z                                W7QX  -PA3CSG  
0900z                                WA6KBL-PA3CSG  
1300z                 W1ZX  -K3HZO   
1330z                 K9ZZH -K3HZO   
1430z                 W7QX  -K3HZO   

Most recent Schedules from Klaus, DL4EBY

Lunar Calendar for 1999 prepared by G3SEK

Netnotes by K1RQG

Leave Contest Info or Comments to Allen Here

This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT


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Rein, W6/PA0ZN