JULY 1999 VOL 27 #8
OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH
TOM KIRK, KA2VAD (908-521-2049).
HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:
Klaus Tiedemann.
*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***
It looks like we missed a good one on 70 cm.
Although activity could have been better - it is the
summertime - conditions were apparently quite good during the
June SW. (We were in California during SW and thus can not
comment 1st hand. We had hoped to get on the Moon from N6BQ's
QTH, but Hoppy was back in the hospital with a blood clot
problem. We visited Hoppy and found him in good spirit and
itching to be on the Moon. He is now back home and planning
for the July SW). Among the 1st's which occurred in June were
a new 13 cm DX record (ZS6AXT to NU7Z) and on 70 cm EA3DXU
hit the #100 mark with only 2 yagis. Also W1ZX is now QRV on
23 cm from MD.
The dates for the contest are
apparently still not settled! VE7BQH, Lionel writes that the
date choices for the 1999 ARRL International EME Contest are:
2/3 Oct and 30/31 Oct, or 30/31 Oct and 27/28 Nov. Lionel
feels that last year the dates recommended by the EME
community were chosen to not conflict with the IARU Region 1
VHF Contest in Eur. Despite the best effort to accommodate
terrestrial contest interests, there were still criticism
from mid to northern Eur that the 2nd leg of the EME contest
was to late into the winter with the result that the weather
was and can be very poor. This year the situation is not
quite the same, but has some similarities. 2/3 Oct and 30/31
Oct will provide the better expected weather for the Northern
latitudes in Eur and NA. However, the 432 MHz & up IARU
Region 1 UHF Contest is on 2/3 Oct. The other dates are free
of any other contest dates, but the weather has the
probability of being not good during the 2nd weekend. It is
suggested that you send your opinion to Joel, W5ZN ASAP as
this decision should have been made already. [I strongly
support the 2nd option. Last year the contest was moved to
Dec to avoid a conflict with the ARRL's Sept VHF Contest. I
can not see how the ARRL can not do the same for the Eur
stations this year.]
Fortunato reports that he is making progress on his
new 10 GHz EME station. He now has his TWTA operating and
believes he is getting 27 W, but is not sure of his VSWR.
Fortunato hopes to be back on EME very soon.
Mike had similar results in June as in May -- I tried
RW1AW and DK3WG on numerous occasions with nil results. RW1AW
reported hearing me and sending (O). Tried with KB4CNI again
and heard him (O) on 2 occasions, but he did not hear me, so
no QSO. While trying to work Cowels, W7QX was hearing me FB.
But he could not TX due to high VSWR. We arranged sked for
later, and this time I could hear him (339), he could not
hear me. I did work
and copied K1FO (loud) near
his moonset. He did not hear me. Nil was copied from WE2Y
although John copied me (M). VE1ALQ (O/439) QSO - interrupted
by high noise level, wind and rain. Nil was heard from
HP3XUG. VK4AFL's signal was detectable (T), with the same
situation at Trevor's end, he sent (T) also. On 432 I am
running 16 x 12 el NBS 2.2 wl yagis, K2RIW 700 W PA, ARR .5
dB NF preamp and FT-736. I should have 1296 on the air by
next month SW.
Gerald found 70 cm conditions fair with good echoes,
but found nil activity from JA and NA -- Where were the JA
and W/K stations? I worked
Heard were
DF3RU and OZ6OL was CWNR. [Gerald will be moving QTHs soon -
see his last report.]
Josep has been busy this year on 70 cm and now up to
initial #100 -- During last few months I added initials with
W7QX for #90, N7LQ #91, KA0RYT/0 #92, N9AB #93, F5FLN #94,
DL4MEA #95, W7HAH #96, JH4JLV #97, RW1AW #98, WA9FWD #99 and
OZ6OL #100.
In March 1993 I started activity on 432 EME
running only 2 x 38 el M2 yagis. K1FO was my 1st QSO. After 6
years, I am still using the same antenna. The only difference
is that I am now running 950 W from a GS23B PA. This past
month I finally crossed the #100 mark. I may be the first
station to reach this level running with such a small array.
[I think that you are the 1st to make 100 initials with only
2 yagis.] Over the 6 years I have been QRV, I completed 389
QSOs (305 on random and 84 on sked). 74 initials were worked
on random and many worked 1st on sked and then on random. 26
more worked on sked only. 14 stations QSO'd were running only
4 yagi. 5 of these were worked on random - 2 yagi/4 yagi QSOs
are quite usual in my log. Also stations running 5 m dishes
are unusual in my log. Up to now 2 yagi to 2 yagi QSOs have
not been possible. I do hear my echoes from time to time and
would like to try some 2Y/2Y skeds - any takers? I still need
SA for WAC and hope to complete with PY5ZBU soon. I have 26
DXCC and 20 USA states. EME with 2 yagis is not easy, but
with patience and perseverance it is possible to do a very
fine job.
Charlie writes that he was on for his June 3 cm skeds
-- We were QRV and listening to the NL skeds, but did not
hear any of the sked stations. We did hear a new station
believed to be IW4ZTJ at (T-M) copy. I am pretty sure of the
call, but might have made a mistake. Has anyone heard of
them? They were echo testing a lot so they must have a system
that allows them to hear their own echoes. We called them but
only got a QRZ, and later an (M) report, but we never copied
our own call.
Doug writes -- It's been a long time since I've been
QRV on 23 cm EME with my 10' dish and about 800 W. Finally I
have everything working again. I now have a VE1ALQ optical
position board working with the VK3UM software. I was QRV on
19 June. A number of stations were heard and 2 QSO'd.
However, that evening, the contacts on the relay controlling
the dish welded together. I cancelled my sked with K3HZO as I
didn't want to waist his time. As it turned out, I managed to
get everything working again and listened at sked time just
in case he was on. Nothing was heard, just my echoes, so I
presumed he received my e-mail. Earlier I QSO'd
(549/549) and HB9BBD (549/559).
I should be active again for
the next SW.
Csaba's group's June results on 1296 follow -- Worked
on 19 June at 1705
HB9BBD (579/559) and on 20 June 1245
, 1300 nil 4X6UJ, 1330 nil I5MPK, 1400 nil I6PNN,
1430 nil HB9BHU, 1542
VHB9SV (579/549),
1730 nil VE3BQN - Ted
writes that he is not QRV, 1733
F1ANH (O/O),
1830 nil LU6DW -
Marc writes he is not presently QRV, 1900 nil WA8WZG, 1930
nil K9BCT and 2030 nil W4OP.
Steve found a bit of time to get on EME in June. He was
QRV during the ARRL VHF contest, but found no 432 EME. During
the June SW he found conditions phenomenal. He doesn't ever
remember hearing echoes so strong during the warm weather
months. If anyone experienced bad conditions, it must have
been due to polarity misalignment as polarity was very sharp.
Steve worked on 16 Jun
JA5OVU, on 19 Jun KB4CNI, W7CNK,
JA3SGR, JA5NNS, JA5OVU, JA3SGR again and JA6AHB #550
- from
new QTH. Steve notes that he has worked
a number of
times on random and believes that JA3SGR is still running a
single yagi and 500 W. On 20 Jun Steve added
but was
disappointed at the low Eur activity on Saturday. He intended
to get on again on Sunday, but got tied up doing other
things. Steve QSO'd back on 23 May
DL8OBU, DF3TU and RW1AW#549.
Marc sends news from LU land -- We will be back on
1296 EME very soon; only the elevation readout for the 6 m
dish is still not finished. We have installed a B&W TV camera
for display of both the el and az readings. We have measured
up to 18 dB of Sun noise with a flux of 170. KB2AH's 4 tube
amp arrived OK, but will not be operational for some time as
we need to construct power supplies, cooling, etc for it. I
am working on a 2 x 2C39 water cooled amp (cavity by DL4MEA),
which is almost finished. Photos of the dish can be seen in
my web page:
the Rio 2000 EME Conference, Daniel, LU8EDR, Mariano, LW6EHZ
and myself will be assisting. It is going to be a great
event, and I am looking forward to being there with all the
EME fellows from around the world.
Marc had a bad, bad weekend and very little
contribution -- We were active on 1296 on 19 June, but heard
nil during our sked with JF3HUC. We also listened for several
hours, but no activity was spotted and measured 17 dB of Sun
noise. On Sunday, the day of all my skeds, the WX changed.
Rain and wind came pouring from the coast. I was even not
able to start up the station. Sorry to all the stations
listening for our call. I hope to be active the next SW.
Stig writes -- I am finally back after several months
absence from EME, because of rebuilding the kitchen and
additional rooms in the house. Last Saturday on 19 June I was
receiving on 432 and heard several stations, but noted a lack
of activity. I missed RW1AW, who had a great signal. When he
finished his last sked and I had hoped to catch him on
random, but we had a visitor and I had to close down. On
Sunday, 20 June I was again on 432 at moonrise, looking for
RW1AW but didn't find him. Instead I worked was
(549/559), JA5NNS (559/559), JA6AHB (549/559) for initial
#182, JA4BLC (549/559), DF3RU (569/569) and JS3SIM (549/549).
Then I switched to 1296 and heard several stations during the
afternoon. In the evening I discovered that the PA water pump
was not running! The pump had failed as a result of its
several month of idleness - hi. So I never really got on 1296
in June, but expect to be on next activity month. I am
missing several (in fact many) EME QSL cards. Please ask
stations owing me cards to respond!
Hans was QRV on 432 again in June. He added initials
among other QSOs.
Peter's NL report for June -- I was active on 432
both days and found conditions good. I worked the following
initial #358, G3LTF, DF3RU and KD4LT.
I tuned to 1296 on
Saturday evening and heard W1ZX with a good signal working
K5JL. I had everything tuned up on 432, so I did not QSY. On
Sunday evening I was QRV on 1296 and worked the following
Heard among others
were G4DZU and HB9SV with good signals, but did not hear W1ZX
again. I will be looking for him next SW.
Trevor rites -- I am dismantling my present antenna
to make way for a new array, which is now completed but in
subassembly form. Everything is new (apart from the
preamp/relay box) including the tower and rotators. I expect
final assembly and testing to take 5 to 6 weeks, which will
preclude any July SW skeds. My target is to be back on by the
Aug SW. The replacement array is 16 x 4 wl WU yagis with full
polarity control. It has been a very big (and expensive)
project but with the end hopefully in sight. I have learned
that fixed polarity is a big disadvantage. Power will remain
the same, (approx 600 W at the array).
Willie is now QRV on 1296. He worked 4 stations
K5JL, W2UHI and W6HD)
on Saturday of the June SW. Willie
plans to remain QRV on 23 cm for next few SWs.
Shep had good results on 432 in June -- During the
19/20 June SW I worked
AL7OB (O/O) for initial #205, VK4AFL
(O/O) #206,
nil JA5NNS,
G4RGK (O/O) #207, DJ3FI, GD4IOM,
KB4CNI, OZ6OL O/O #208, nil LU4HO and nil HP3XUG. I
understand that Louie, HP3XUG was out of the country and will
not be back in Panama until Sept. I found conditions fair,
but think that some of the stations do not get the skeds or
ignore them. I am always open for skeds.
Ivo reports -- On Sunday 13 June we made it with NU7Z
(M/O) for initial #30 on 2304 MHz. I believe this QSO is a
new world DX record for this band! We had only short window,
thanks to Rick's overgrown trees. Rick's signals were (319)
in the beginning and up to (429) before I hit the horizon
noise. He heard me (519). The distance is 16,480 km. Does
anyone know of a farther QSO? On Saturday 19 June, activity
was very disappointing on 23 cm. I worked
KB2AH and K5JL,
and heard JA6CZD, DF4PV and W6HD. On Sunday
20 June, I added
and heard
HB9BBD, G4DZU, K5JL, WA8WZG and HB9SV. All with very good
signals, though there was some QSB on occasions. I am
finishing up needed work around the house, like painting of
the garage roof (over 120 m2 ), etc. It is our dry season,
but quite cold, (0 deg C in the mornings). When I am
finished, I will try again with my 6 cm system. I heard from
ZS6JON. He is putting finishing touches to his EME system. He
will probably be QRV 1st on 70 cm with QRP before going for
23 cm. He is only about 5 km from my QTH and has a 5.5 m
has a new e-mail address:
K6IBY= k6iby@earthlink.net
His 432 system is complete and he expects to be ready for skeds for
the July SW.
has been plagued by many small problems - preamps,
relays, coax, etc. However he did hear AL7OB.
is not ready on 23 cm yet. One of his drive motors has
will be mounting another dish in the next month or so.
It will be smaller, but have better surface for higher band
will be off the air until Oct. Louie will be visiting
Alaska during his travels.
worked RW3BP on 10 GHz.
will be back on 70 cm in a couple of weeks.
is looking for K5JL on 23 cm.
reports that his 23 cm dish drives are not working.
Scott has a new 70 cm preamp ready to try out.
is still working on his 10 GHz system.
Darrell worked VE4MA on 5.7GHz with good signals.
is recuperating from medical problems.
is working on 5.7 GHz EME.
missed his June SW RW1AW sked.
is still using tin can feeds and needs to upgrade. He
may try a rectangular feed.
reports that all is working fine. He was active during
the SW and had good fun QSOing K5JL (539) running only 3 W.
W5LUA has a new e-mail address:
Al Ward,W5LUA= al_ward@am.exch.hp.com
will put the Azores back on 432 EME. Luis should
be on in a year or so from this location. He will let us all
know when activity starts.
reports that the 3V8AA dxpedition is postponed until
next year. Jan worked JA6AHB from his new location for
initial #716 and is looking for a QSL address.
does not expect to be QRV before Aug with his 5 m dish.
has been QRT for a few months, but is now back on the
EME net.
is trying to become more active off the Moon.
is heading home after 3 weeks of traveling. He met up
with Sergej, UR5LX in Germany and now has cavities for 70 cm
and 2 m using GS35b tubes.
Vlad, is looking for info on a VE9 dxpedition – none
is known at this time.
W1ZX has available
a General Radio 1236 30 MHz IF Amplifier
for $US150 + shipping (s),
a General Radio 1216A 30 MHz IF
MFJ-784 Super DSP filter
HP 415E
SWR Meter
- brown unit (later build unit) $US85+s,
Noise Com
Noise Diodes NC305, glass package
$US33+shipping, flat
package $US 42+ shipping. Call Willie at 301 645 5584 between
2000-2300 EST, FAX 301 645 6853, 24 hrs, E-mail:
N6BQ is
looking for James Millen HV connectors - 6 black and
6 red connectors.
W7QX is
looking for APC7 to type N; female adapters.
K0YW is
looking for a 16 to 20' dish for use on 23 cm.
has access to 1.6 to 3.2 GHz LNAs.
PA3CSG is still
looking for a HP-8555A plug in.
This month we have the first in a series On Getting the Goo by K5JL
which describes mods to the TH-327, Cavity for 1296. Jay has compiled a
series of notes telling how to get this popular cavity to produce the outstanding
signal heard from K5JL.
The conference WEB Page is now active. The site is:
Don, PY5ZBU intends to show 6 or more different active EME station's
antennas each month in the WEB page. He needs pictures from EMEers
with their callsigns, which should be of good definition to be scanned
or alternatively sent to him in digital form. Don also needs
information on articles to be eventually published in the
conference proceedings. For example: - Title, - Approx.
Number of pages (A4), - Approx. Date when ready, - Authors,
Disaster struck K1RQG this month. His computer self
"destructed" and his backup was less than complete. To say
that Joe was a bit frustrated is inadequate! As a result the
Netnotes are a bit thin this month. He has built up another
one, but has not completely recovered all the files and
programs that were lost.
During our visit to CA we had the opportunity to visit W6PY
(x- SM0PYP) at his new QTH near San Diego. Paul's home is
located on a hilltop with a spectacular view of the
surrounding valleys. He has been expending much of his energy
on turning his home into a virtual palace, but has not given
up on EME. He still has his big dish from Sweden and several
smaller dishes for the microwave bands. Paul will be QRV
before long with a big Moon signal.
Because of the short turn around this month, only 3 weeks
between SW's, this NL and the list of skeds are not that
long. I expect things to be back to normal in Aug. Keep the
info coming. I hope to CU you soon off the Moon.
73, Al - K2UYH
Time 432.040
1200z KA0RYT-RW1AW
Time 1296.050
1230z G4DZU -HA5SHF
Time 2304.050
1330z OK1KIR-NU7Z
1400z HB9SV -NU7Z
1430z DF3RU -NU7Z
1300z IK2RTI-NU7Z
1330z DF9QX -NU7Z
Modifications to the TH-327, Cavity for 1296 MHz
by K5JL
I hope some of the following may help you in the final assembly and firing
off the TH-327.
We had all hoped that the Cavity - as built - would be more or less a Plug and Play Device.
Many hours of work on the project as proven otherwise. Many thanks must go to Darrell -VE1ALQ- and Scotty -KD4LT- for their
contributions to this project.
So far - all that have examined the cavity have found loose heater
connections. I found this true when I first received the cavity. (repair was
made) and again after operation of the cavity. These are the connections that
go to the cathode and filament through the plastic feed-thrus. The plastic has a
very low temp melting point. When heat is applied to solder the heater lines
the lugs actually melt into the plastic, causing the feed through to become
loose. (as large wire is required to carry the necessary current - a large
amount heat must be applied to the wire and thus the lugs). I have found that
the lugs actually melt into the plastic on both ends of the plastic feed
through, which will cause a loose connection. When heater voltage is applied
the poor connection causes more heat and soon you really have a serious problem.
To prevent this problem I removed the screw and outside lugs from the
feed through. Then attached the heater wires to the lugs and re-assembled the
feed through. I used heavier lugs that were supplied with the cavity in hopes
that I would get a better connection (at least on the outside). To do this I
found it necessary to removed the plastic handle from the tuning rods and also
remove the 5 small screws holding the bottom of the cathode compartment. Once
removed the bottom of the cathode compartment may be slipped out over the tuning
rods, thus giving ample working room.
When inserting the tube into the cavity - care must be taken not to push
the screen tube away from the anode section of the cavity. The screen tube is
held in place by 3 screws located just below the anode section of the cavity.
These screws could be loose or in some cases by pushing hard to seat the tube
the screen tube could slip or be pushed down. (See Notes below on Cavity Mods)
In some cases the anode ring which contains the anode finger stock has to
been removed. (such as to replace the dielectric material) It should be noted
that the 5 insulators are NOT self centering. There is considerable play that
will let the anode ring move around and not properly center. When inserting the
tube - leave the 5 screws loose and let the anode ring center its self when the
tube is inserted. Then lightly tighten the five screws. There has been one
case when the anode ring was not centered and when the tube was removed - it
caused the finger stock in the anode ring to fly apart and break up to a point
that it was unusable.
Modifications have had to be made at both K5JL and KD4LT before the Cavity
could be placed in operation. In a nut-shell the tube could not be properly
inserted into the cavity without the following modification. If you measure the
distance center of anode ring to center of screen ring on the tube, the distance
is 19mm. With the 3 screws that hold the bottom of the cavity loose and that
section of the cavity pushed all the way up into the anode section of the cavity
it was found that the distance from the anode finger stock to the screen finger
stock was in excess of 24 mm. This would let the anode ring on the tube slide
past the anode finger stock and not even make contact with the anode finger
stock. (To see if you have the same problem loosen the 3 screws just below the
anode compartment of the cavity and push the input section of the cavity all the
way up into the anode compartment). There is a notch milled out that the input
connector wall slide up into. When you move this part of the cavity it moves
the screen ring, grid ring, cathode ring, and heater ring all together. Push it
up and measure the center to center distance from the anode finger stock ring to
the screen finger stock ring. It will be about or in excess of 24 mm instead of
the proper distance of 19 mm.
You will note that when the input section is pushed all the way up that the
input connector will touch the milled out notch and there is about an additional
3 or 4 mm that may be ground or milled off of the ring on the bottom of the
cavity. By milling off this additional metal until the notch for this input
connector is flush with the bottom of the cavity the center to center distance
of the anode and screen ring can be reduced to about 20 mm.
Yes, to make this mod the whole cavity must be taken apart and the input
section removed from the bottom of the anode section of the cavity. Just clear
a work space and go to it. Be sure to unsolder the yellow wire that connects to
the grid ring. (It will re-align ok) This grid ring must also be removed (6
set screws) You may or may not have to remove the cathode and heater tubes at
this time. If you do remove the cathode and heater rings - be careful as you
pull this out as the finger stock that slides against the screen tube as it will
fly all over. In most cases it has been in two or more pieces. You will also
find another piece of finger stock that the screen tube slides on. (This can be
removed and discarded - not necessary).
While the cavity is apart - REPLACE THE ANODE BYPASS CAP - The cavity is
shipped with either 5 mil Teflon or Kaplon. All five amps that have been fired
up have blown a hole in the 5 mil. Use either 10 mil Teflon or 2 pieces of
good 5 mil Teflon or Kaplon or even better us a piece of Ultem. If you blow
this bypass you will also blow a hole in the cathode bypass (which is 2 mil
Kaplon) and blow the 2 mil Kaplon in the input tuning . In addition to all of
the above I created a short between my HV filter choke and ground. DON'T EVEN
When the above mods are completed re-assemble the cavity. Carefully insert
the tube into the cavity. The tube should bottom out on the screen ring and the
anode ring of the tube should now be about 1mm below the top of the anode finger
stock ring. When the tube bottoms out on the screen ring, it should also bottom
out on the heater ring. So far this has not been the case and now is the time
you must adjust the cathode and heater tubes to be sure you are also at the
bottom of the heater ring with the tube at the bottom of the screen ring. The
cathode tube is held in place by 3 counter sunk setscrews. To get to these set
screws you must remove the 5 screws that hold the input compartment to the
screen tube.(Input compartment hold the cathode bypass and is where the cathode,
heater and grid connections go in) This may be pulled down about 1/4 to get to
the 3 set screws holding the cathode ring. You will probably have to take the
bottom off of the compartment and loosen the screws that hold the grid, heater,
and cathode bypass caps or you will break their leads when you pull the
compartment out to get to the set screws. You can actually cut out the 3 bypass
caps (the blue ones) as they are not needed.
With the setscrews loose - push the cathode tube (heater tube is connected
to it) all the way up so that the heater ring of the tube now hits bottom of
heater contact on socket. Tighten the 3 setscrews and re-assemble.
I found that when the tube is not installed in the cavity - there is a
short from grid to cathode, do to the cathode finger stock touching the grid
finger stock. When the tube is installed this short goes away as the finger
stock is properly positioned by the grid and cathode rings on the tube. By now
like Scotty and I you will be able to take the cavity apart blind folded. You
are ready for Goo....
Once all mods have been make you are ready to light it off. This should
go quite normal now. The input tuning rods will tune about one inch out. By
setting the input tuning and with the proper placement of the input connector
(about 3/16 inch from all the way in) you can obtain no swr. Play with both
adjustments until you have no swr. (swr on the input will cause excess heat)
This adjustment can be make without plate or screen voltage on the tube. Once
you find this point no further adjustment on the input is necessary.
The output probe shows optimum very far out (nearly to wall of cavity) We
think we know why this is and will follow up on it at a later time. Plate tuning
is very sharp and tunes with about 34mm of the probe sticking out.
With 3kv on the plate, 480 volts on the screen and 75 volts of grid bias,
my idling current is about 200 ma. 130 watts of drive will increase the plate
current to 1.1 amps, 20 mils of screen current and just a few mills of grid
current. Additional drive will saturate the tube at about 20 ma gird, increase
screen current to about 30 ma's and plate will go to about 1.2 amps. Further
drive at this point only saturates the tube. If you want more output you will
have to raise the screen and grid voltage, but remember the limitations of the
grid bypass cap.
This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT
Top Page
Rein, W6/PA0ZN