Mark in the 23 cm SSB Contest worked on 30 Jan at 2209 S59DCD
(53/55) JN, 2210 GW3XYW (54/55) IO, 2216 HB9BBD (59/59) JN, 2220 LX1DB
(58/58) JN, 2229 DF9QX (33/52) JO, 2234 HB9BHU (55/55) JN, 2241 ON5RR
(53/55) JO, 2246 DF3RU (43/55) IO, 2250 G3LTF (54/54) IO, 2319 DF4PV
(44/57) JN and 2328 OE9ERC 58/57 (JN), and on 31 Jan at 0024 OK1DFC
(55/44) JO, 0030 K2UYH (55/56) FN, 0036 KB2AH (58/57) FN, 0048 K5JL
(58/58) EM, 0100 OZ6OL (44/55) JO, 0116 W2UHI (54/55) EN, 0128 WD5AGO
(54/55) EM, 0236 OE9XXI (58/56) JN, 0241 CT1DMK (52/54) IN, 0248 WA4NJP
(539/55) CW/SSB EM, 0249 K2DH (55/57) FN, and 0255 N6BQ (53/42) CM.
Mark's total was 23x8 for 360 points. About 6 more stations were heard
but not worked. Mark is also working on 10 GHz. He has recently acquired
a 10 kW CW TWTA (VTX 6383A2) government surplus. He is currently
mounting the TWTA in a frame and working on plumbing manifolds. The
power supply and tubes (he has 3) were manufac-tured in 1991. He says it
is 10 times too large, but it should last forever at 1.5 kW. Mark has a
Scientific Atlanta 5 meter dish with az/el mount working and ready for
the feed/preamp/relay
to go in. Look for Mark this summer on 3 cm. Mark also writes that plans
for the Aug Symposium in Rochester are moving along well. The plan is to
attract new blood to EME and give "new guys" another outlet for
information and the helping hands needed to get them on. Programming
will be targeted for the new operators in the early sessions. He
emphasizes that in no way is this conference trying to interfere or
replace RIO, but just trying to keep interest up in the off year.
Hoppie's EME SSB Contest report --- My SSB showing was poor at
best with only 350 W and 12 foot dish, but it was fun to actually work
several stations. I QSO'd on 31 Jan at 0250 OE9ERC (42/47) JN47, 0257
N2IQU (43/53) FN13, 03004 OE9XXI (53/53) JN47, and 0351 K5JL (43/33)
EM15 for 4x3 or 24 points. Before the contest I worked on CW on 30 Jan
W2UHI and heard VE4MA - very little activity, but conditions seemed very
good. On 31 Jan I also QSO'd S59DCD, OK1DFC, F5PL and WA4NJP on
CW, and
heard was VE6TA. Conditions on the 31st seem to be worse than previous
night. I was still using the TH328 PA at 350 Watts output. I hope to
have the TH327 PA QRV for the next SW after repairing an arced-through
cathode bypass capacitor.
Bill's 1296 EME report for Jan -- I worked on 1 Jan W7GBI
On 30 Jan the temp rose above -35 C and unfroze the rotators long enough
to work OK1DFC (O/O) for initial #38, and on 31 Jan OE1XXI (44/44) on
SSB. I have a new e-mail:
NL7F or NL7F at ARRL
Erich's EME report Jan -- In the 2nd NL 23 cm SSB Contest I made
31 QSO`s in 13 fields for a score of 767 points. My con-test log read as
follows: on 30/31 Jan OE9XXI (57/57) JN47, ON5RR (43/52) JO, HB9BBD
(56/56) JN, HB9BHU (54/55) JN, DF9QX (55/56) JO42, LX1DB (57/56) JN39,
IK3GHY (44/55) JN65, OH2DG (54/56) KP30, HA5SHF (449/56) JN97, DF3RU
(44/56) JN59, GW3XYW (55/57) IO71, S59DCD (55/57) JN76, OK1DFC (54/55)
JO60, G3LTF (54/56) IO91, DF4PV (53/57) JN49, N2IQU (57/58) FN13, K2UYH
(55/56) FN20, K5JL (56/57) EM15, OZ6OL (54/55) JO65, W2UHI (55/55) EN73,
RW3BP (O/559) KO85, CT1DMK (43/55) IN50, K2DH (55/56) FN12, VE6TA
(44/55) DO31, N6BQ (42/42) CM97, K3HZO (33/52) FN20, W7SZ (449/55) CN85,
WA4NJP (43/55) EM84, KD5FZX (55/54) EM12 and initial #201, W0KJY (43/52)
DN70 and WA8WZG (33/55) EN81. I heard
also in the contest VE1ALQ, KB2AH, NL7F, K9ZZH and W4RDI. I will be QRV
on 23 cm in the DUBUS Contest then I will be away on holi-day for 3
weeks to Cuba.
Peter's EME report -- In the 2nd SSB EME Contest on 1296 on
30/31 Jan I achieved a score of 33x14 or 910 points. Contacts included
KD5FZX (54/55) for initial #236. Unfortunately no French and no Japanese
station were heard. Back on 1 Jan I worked on 2300 MHz JA8IAD
for initial #51 and new field. Concern-ing the SSB Contest Rules, I
think that its time regulation (the second local Moonpass) is not very
fair to all participants. It cuts the competitiveness of the JA's and
the NA's. Consider that the JA's 2nd local moonrise on Saturday
corresponds to the NA's 1st (!) moonset and that the NA's 2nd moonset
corresponds to the JA's 3rd (!) moonrise. This may result in less
activity between NA and JA because the 1st and the 3rd local moonpasses
are out-side of contest time, which is advantagous for the EU's. I think
it would be be better to install a 25-hour block e.g. 1200 to 1300 which
provides similar conditions to all. [I see your point. What you propose
was the actual intention of the contest rules, i.e., everyone to have
only one common rising and Moon window. I did not consider the JA's 1st
local moonrise of their weekend to be part of the contest weekend
because it was before 0000 (UCT). I will try to make the rules clearer
(better) next year.]
Eino had very changeable WX during the 2nd Jan SW -- The 1st day
temperature was -25 C and on Sunday near zero, so every metal parts of
the dish was cover with hard ice and the rotator did not operate. After
heating and drying, it worked ok. I miss my sked with I6PNN because of
this problem. On the other hand the WX clear, so I able to use my CCTV
camera for antenna control. On 70 cm I had nice QSOs with KB4CNI, VE1ALQ
and JA5NNS for initial #174. The 2nd day during the SSB contest on 23 cm
I worked on 30 Jan OK1DFC (539/539) JO, OE9XXI (57/43) JN, HB9BBD
(57/54) JN, S59DCD (54/33) JN, OE9ERC (56/54) JN, DF3RU (539/549) JN,
ON5RR (539/519) JN and LX9DB (56/55) JN, on 31 Jan K2UYH (33/519) FN,
DJ5MN (O/O), and on 1 Feb DF4PV (559/439), K2DH (559/559) FN for initial
#62 and N2IQU (559/539). My contest total was 5 on SSB and 1 on CW/SSB
in 2 sectors.
Zdenek had WX problems during the SW. The temperatur was –10
degs C and strong snow fall all time. On the 1st day there was low
activity, but I had skeds with a couple of stations. Our NL7F sked was
interesting. NL7F’s dish was icebound in one elevation and azimuth
position. We reorganized the sked via e-mail for a time when Moon was in
front of his dish. We used 1 minutes sequencing and completed a QSO
(O/O). Other stations worked on 1296 were nil RW3BP, VE4MA (O/O)
initial #71, W2UHI (559/549), VE6TA (O/O) #72, NL7F (O/O) WAS 14 and BP
SQR, OH2DG (539/539), HB9BBD (55/51) on SSB, OE9XXI (55/44) on SSB,
LX1DB (55/44) on SSB for DXCC 26 and #74, S59DCD (559/339), S59DCD
(44/54) on SSB, ON5RR (O/O), OE9ERC (55/54) on SSB, nil W3XS - trouble
with WX, K5JL (55/44) on SSB,
nil WA4NJP, W2UHI (55/52) on SSB, K2UYH on
SSB (55/52) KB2AH (55/53)
on SSB, N6BQ (559/539), RW3BP (M/M) #75 DXCC 27 and KO SQR, VE6TA
(O/O), F1ANH (55/44) on SSB, LX1DB (559/559), DFRU (339/349), SM2CEW
(559/549, GW3XYW (559/549) and ZS6AXT (559/559) - UFB signal from Ivo. I
hope to be on for the DUBUS/REF Contest in FEB on 23 cm and after 2
years absence on 70 cm for the 2nd part. On 70 cm I will use a 3.8 m
dish and 1.5 kW output. My e-mail address was incorrectly listed in the
Jan NL. The correct address is:
Marc finally had a good EME SW -- No rain, no wind, clear sky and
cold (about -3 deg C). We got the dish up and worked the following
stations: HB9BBD, OE9XXI, S59DCD, OE9ERC, LX1DB, OK1DFC, OH2DG and
N2IQU. The big guns (5) were worked on SSB. The strongest signal came
from LX1DB. We were only active for about 4 hours, just enough to check
all equipment. The azimuth motor has some problems, probably the result
that the dish crashed two months ago. It should be easy to fix, but
heavy work. We plan to be active in the DUBUS Contest.
Stig sends the following info -- In the last SW I lost
my elevation actuator. I had just finished 432 operation, and
had the dish down for feedline change to 1296. I reached the
Moon, and heard great signals on 1296 and many SSB signals.
But after few minutes the elevation drive gave up, and I had
to leave the dish at 40 degs elevation! Fortunately the next
day I was able to get the dish in to its park position, else
it would probably have been destroyed in a big storm we had a
few days later. Before the elevation problem I worked on 432,
on 30 Jan VK4AFL (429/O) for initial #180, CT1WB (429/M)
#181, I5MPK (569/579) and UT3LL (539/O). On 1296 I missed my
skeds with RW3BP and DK5AI due to the problem. I expect to
have the elevation back in operation for the DUBUS/REF
Hans writes -- My 432 system is not the best and the
Danish winter WX a little cold and wet for antenna work, but
it will be better soon!. On 432 I worked on 21 Jan W7CNK
(O/O), NC1I (559/549) #24 and on 30 Jan K1FO (449/449) and
W1ZX (O/O) for initial #25. I have tried some skeds on 432,
but nil was heard from PY5ZBU, and due to family conflicts I
couldn't be on for 7M2PDT and OE3JPC - sorry. The next day I
worked 7M2PDT on random with
FB signals. On 1296 I heard nil
in a sked with NL7F and copied 9H1ES FB (429) but he couldn’t
hear me. In 1296 SSB Contest I worked HB9BBD (56/54), OE9ERC
(55/54), KB2AH (55/53), K5JL (56/54), N2IQU (55/44), K2UYH
(54/54), S59DCD (52/52), OE9XXI (56/54) and K2DH (55/55) for
9 stations in 3 sectors. Earlier in Jan I worked on 1296, on
3 Jan HB9SV, F1ANH and VE1ZJ, on 23 Jan OE9ERC and W2UHI, and
VE6TA for an initial (#), VE4MA #, W7CS, K4QI and KD4LT.
Jan sends an update on the current status of his
"project" to put BV on EME -- I had some very welcomed
donations from JA4BLC as well as the promise he to join in
the operation of the station. Yoshiro donated a pre-amp and 2
power modules. Thanks to Yoshiro for his help. We are now
working on the feed and the transverter. My idea is to donate
the entire 23 cm transverter system to BV-land group, so they
can on work on a more power full station for further EME
later. Base on this, I would appreciate some further funds to
finalize the transverter. Due to the limited available space,
I decided on the DB6NT transverter because of its size. This
unit matches well with the 2 modules and provides about 2 W
RF output. At home I have almost finalized the driver units
for my 10 GHz station. I think it will still be some months
before I am QRV. I'll keep you updated.
Sergie using his 1.65 m offset dish, CP, 250 W in feed
and FHX35 preamp completed QSOs on 23 cm during the SW week.
He worked on 27 Jan ZS6AXT (M/M), on 29 Jan W5LUA (M/M), on
30 Jan W2UHI (O/O), 31 Jan VE1ALQ (O/O), K2DH (O/O), G3LTF
(O/O), OK1DFC (M/M) and his 1st random CW/SSB with OE9ERC
(44/O), OE9XXI (44/549) and KB2AH (34/449). Nil was heard
from OZ4MM and W4NJP.
Uros was active on 432 at the end of the Dec/Jan SW.
He found very nice conditions, during Sunday evening, but not
many stations QRV. Uros worked K1FO, NC1I, SM2CEW and KD4LT.
Heard were DL8OBU, DJ3FI?, W7QX, W7CNK and N4GJV.
Jimmy's SW report -- I had to cancel my sked with
HP3XUG on 31 Jan because of high static noise (S-6). I did
QSO on 70 cm partial K7XD (O/O) - no R's, W1ZX (539/549) -
very good signal on V pol, I5TDJ, NC1I (549/559)
- best in V
pol even with high VSWR due to wet fiberglass masts, N4GJV
(429/549) - copied in V pol, nil JA5NNS and nil IK5QLO. I had
8.5-9 dB of Sun noise today. No matter how much loss I put
before the 1st stage, my preamps are desensed. After a lot of
tests and counseling from VE7BQH, I am almost sure that I am
4 dB worse off than other stations. I can not see cold sky
due to QRM. Only 0.5-1dB if compared to dummy load. [A dummy
load in not a good reference! Very small changes in impedance
can make big changes in preamp gain. It is best to reference
to cold, but this is not easy if you have high interference.
A problem I experience on 70 cm too.] I will change to a new
cavity ATF36077 first stage preamp by KA0RYT and an
unconditionally stable 2nd stage. This will help on days that
the QRM is down. Things seem to be much better now. I
acquired a better understanding of my IMD problems, the
environment and related preamp considerations with the help
of Lionel, VE7BQH.
Sergey could not be QRV for his skeds with WW2R, W7ALW
and CT1WB due to bad WX - sorry. Sergey did QSO on 70 cm on
30 Jan VK4AFL for initial on #361 but heard nil from VK4KAZ.
Richard is near QRV on 432 EME. He has an array of
8x22 FO yagis with full elevation on a 20 m tower and a PA
running 700 W, possibly 900 with a couple of drive changes.
Richard will have 1500 W sometime this summer. His only
problem is no preamp as of yet!
Barry was on 23 cm during the SW, but is still
fighting his OZ9CR amp. He has neutralized the UPX and is
getting much better results. He worked OK1DFC, W2UHI and
VE6TA and heard K2DH - the loudest signal on! With his new
preamp he thinks he is now hearing well again. He will be on
3 cm and maybe back on 23cm for the Feb SW.
Grant's had some nice SSB QSOs from his new DO33
during the 1296 SSB Contest. He QSO'd on 31 Jan at 0150
HB9BBD JN47, 0155 K5JL EM15, 0205 OE9XXI JN47, 0228 OE9ERC
JN47, 0315 K2UYH FN20 - all on SSB for a total of 5x3. Grant
also heard K2DH and WD5AGO but not response from them on SSB.
Trevor found the 2nd Jan SW conditions to be very
good. I am now running a KA0RYT cavity preamp, which has made
a big difference. Trevor asks if anyone had experience with
using 4CX400A`s in a K2RIW amp?
Jim operated during the1296 SSB Contest, but had some
2 m feed-through that was bothering him on receive. Jim
noticed that many stations call CQ on the same freq and
suggests that we all spread out more! Jim worked OE9ERC,
OE9XXI, N2IQU, K2DH and HB9BBD on SSB and K5JL on CW. VE6TA
and N6BQ on CW and KB2AH and OH2DG on SSB were heard but not
worked. He was on for all his skeds, but heard nil from
Willie was on 70 cm on 29 Jan, but at 2330 missed his
DJ3FI sked - sorry. He worked on 30 Jan at 0000 nil N2HLT,
0130 K1OR (559/O) for initial #290, SV1BTR (559/539) #291,
0225 KA0RYT (559/539), 0230 CT1WB - missed sked because of
the wrap around problem on the sked list, sorry, 0300 nil
DL3EAG, 0425 K2UYH (559/579), 0438 I5MPK (559/579), 0455 call
from OZ6OL, 0517 W7CNK (559/569) and 0532 NC1I (579/579), on
31 Jan at 0130 G3SEK (559/549), 0323 DL7AGU (O/O) #292, 0340
HP3XUG (O/O), 0340 KL7HFQ (O/O) and 0510 W7HAH (559/569), and
on 1 Feb at 0303 N2HLT (449/O) #293, 0310 W8MQW (559/569) and
0325 W7CNK (559/559). Willie is having some problems with his
antenna polarization rotor turning in the cold WX - possibly
water in the bearings. Willie was not hearing many Eur
stations off the Moon because of the time - too late for the
Europeans. He is still working on his 1296 equipment; 4 tube
amp, power supply, etc. He hopes to be QRV on 23 cm soon.
Frank enjoyed working the SSB Contest and QSO'd the
following on 31 Jan at 0055 HB9BBD (56/56) JN, 0100 K5JL
(55/55) EM, 0106 K2UYH (55/55) FN, 0111 OE9ERC (55/55) JN,
0117 N2IQU (55/55) FN and 0128 DL6YDH (43/53) JO. All
contacts were on 2-way SSB. Frank ended with 6x4 for 48
points, but closed down early due to high winds. He also
completed with RW3BP, his 1st Russian on 23 cm.
Al had his Jan EME weekend during the week due to a
conflict with a high school football banquet that his wife
and he had organized. He did work on 26 Jan on 3456.1 MHz
LX1DB (549/559) for initial #5, on 27 Jan on 10368.1 MHz
DL2CAC (O/M) for initial #24 - this was DL2CAC's initial EME
QSO ever!, and on 29 Jan on 1296.075 MHz RW3BP (M/M) for
initial #165. Al has now worked Sergei on 3 bands!
Barrie had a flood in his ham shack - a broken pipe.
Everything had to be moved. Things are getting put back to
normal, but Barrie did not expect to be on for his 432 skeds
during the 2nd Jan SW.
Shep writes -- I didn't have any 70 cm skeds except
with W5ZN and heard nil from him. Most of my activity was on
random. I QSO'd on 24 Jan W7QX (539/339) and KD4LT (559/449),
on 27 Jan N7LQ (M/M) for initial #194, on 29 Jan IK5WJD (M/M)
#195, on 30 Jan K2UYH (569/559) and W7KK (O/O) #196, and on
31 Jan I5TDJ (M/M) #197, W1ZX (579/559) and K1OR (O/O) #198.
I have been having receive problems. The antenna pre-amp
appears to be cutting in/out or a relay acting up. The WX has
been so bad, it is difficult to get things checked out. I am
hoping for an early spring.
Jim reports -- On 31 Jan, I was on 10 GHz and worked
LX1DB (O/569) for initial #41. Since I had W7GBI and PY5ZBU
in the shack, I did not stay on too long. The contact was in
response to my CQ and was readable without using headphones.
Everyone enjoyed the show. Incidentally, the 1st station I
worked that was using an all solid-state amplifier was G3WDG
on 19 March 1995. (Charlie was "M" copy and reported that his
power output was 9 W. Later that year, on 20 Aug, I worked
OH2AXH with "O" signals and power output was reported be 13
Watts. As far as I know, G3WDG was the 1st all solid-state
station. LX1DB's signal is quite good and his solid-state
amplifier (30 W) is certainly doing a fantastic job.
Tommy was on for a short time during the 1296 EME SSB
Contest. He worked 4x3 on SSB as follows: 0126 N2IQU (55/54)
FN, 0137 HB9BBD (56/55) JN, 0201 K2UYH (56/55) FN and 206
K5JL (56/55) EM, and 0215 shut down. Tommy had problems with
his SSB signal and says that he will stay on CW for now. He
will also stay on 1296 for a while.
Dave's reports that 30 Jan was disastrous --
Hail/thunder/lightening/high winds all evening. I lost
commercial power, so no PA for UR5LX and G3SEK skeds. I used
a 110 V 1 kW generator for RX, but heard nil. The power
returned (and hence the PA) for DK3WG and DF3RU skeds, but I
heard nothing. I decided that enough was enough at end of my
DF3RU sked and went QRT to watch 45 minutes of lightening
storms with all cables disconnected at tower base. Only good
thing to come out of it all was that by putting a DCI "big"
bandpass filter between preamp and transverter the intermod
caused by the local channel 23 TV transmitter has been
Ivo reports on his Jan activity -- My 6 cm system
worked fine on Thursday 21 Jan with 0.6 to 0.9 dB of Moon
noise, so I setup tests with OE9ERC for Saturday. However
after few days of nice WX we had a cloudburst of nearly 60 mm
of rain on Friday and on Saturday. My Moon noise was down to
0.3 dB, with some moisture probably in the preamps! As result
- Erich heard me and I did not hear him. On top of that, 10
mins before the sked my computer packed up, but I was able to
follow the Moon with the help of its noise. Of course, for
the next 2 days the WX was again nice. On Monday I was
getting again 0.6 dB+ of Moon noise. I have a question: When
scanning the sky with my dish I get a noise maxima of up to
about 0.5 dB. Is this normal? Also when beaming to my other
antenna tower, which is about 10 m away from dish, I get
about a 0.4 dB increase of noise. During the ARRL VHF Contest
I worked on Saturday K5JL, OE9ERC and W2UHI, and on Sunday
KD4LT. CWNR were VE6TA, VE4MA and KB0PYO. On 27 Jan I worked
RW3BP (M/M) for initial #141. Sergej was up to (429) at
times, after we missed the sked a day before when my 23 cm
transverter packed up due to a dead MAR- 1 in the oscillator
chain. Sergej is probably my smallest station I have worked
on 23 cm. He must have a really good preamp and ears, hi! On
Saturday 30 Jan my sked with JA8IAD on 13 cm was successful -
(M/M) reports, but solid copy for initial #27. Heard then
were DF3RU and OH2DG on 23 cm. On Sunday, 31 Jan I worked
LX1DB, DJ5MN (M/M) - his signals went on occasions up to
(429) #142 and OK1DFC. Heard were PA3CSG, JA7BMB, F1ANH,
OZ6OL and GW3XYW in their skeds. 9H1ES was peaking (429). I
called him a few times with no reply. I was also listening to
JA4BLC (589) in his 13 cm sked with G3LTF. I did not hear
Peter. After I CWNR JA4BLC, but it was late for Yoshiro.
There was not much activity on 23 cm, so I shut down. I will
be QRV in the REF/DUBUS Contest and hope to see more activity
I was on 432 the 1st night of the SW and 1296 the 2nd
as planned for a change. On 70 cm I worked on 30 Jan at 0318
NC1I (57/54) on SSB, 0331 W7HAH (569/569), 0339 K1FO
(579/579), 0353 DF3RU (559/559), 0425 W1ZX (579/O), 0437
DL9NDD (559/569), 0458 I5MPK (569/579), 0517 KB4CNI (559/449)
for initial #609, 0529 WA4NJP (559/559) and 0745 VK4KAZ (O/O)
#610. On 1296 I QSO'd on 30 Jan at 2337 HB9BBD (56/52) JN -
Moon still in trees and 2353 OE9ERC (56/55) JN, and on 31 Jan
at 0004 S59DCD (54/53) JN, 0008 KB2AH (54/56) FN, 0022 LX1DB
(56/56) JN, 0031 N2IQU (56/55) FN, 0034 K5JL (56/56) EM, 0046
K2DH (55/55) FN, 0055 OK1DFC (54/55), 0105 W2UHI (55/55) EN,
0109 OZ6OL (54/54) JO, 0201 WD5AGO (35/56 EM - Tommy's SSB
was very distorted, 0212 OE9XXI (57/55) JN, 0248 CT1DMK
(54/54) IN, 0255 G3LTF (55/55) IO, 0319 VE6TA (54/44) DO33
for initial #162, 0324 WA4NJP (54/54) EM, 0340 W7SZ (449/53)
CN - on way SSB for #163, 0415 KD5FZX (55/53) EM #164, 0428
W0KJY (54/54) DN, 0443 OH2DG (549/33) KP – one way SSB, 0553
WA8WZG (54/53) EN and 0940 JA7BMB (54/55) PM. Heard but got
aways included F5PL, N6BQ and NL7F. I also tried e-mail ar-
ranged skeds with RW3PB on 1296 during the following week. We
copied each other on all skeds, but some how a QSO eluded us.
In the contest I worked 24x12 (with 2 CW to SSB QSOs).
G4RGK, David Dibley
DJ9BV has a new email address, private amateur radio:
and for DUBUS affairs: DJ9BV
ON5OF sends his apologies to OH2DG for missing their sked.
Dirk is still looking for help to activate Monaco on EME, but
has not had any replies to his request for help.
WE2Y worked in his skeds partial HP3XUG, G3SEK, DL7APV,
I5MPK, K5WXN and NC1I.
LU4HO will not be QRV on EME untill further notice. Marc has
moved to Buenos Aires till March.
KD4LT has copied VE3FAC and says he has a great xmit signal,
but is a bit down on RX.
9H1ES asks what is best solid-state PA for 70 cm. He has had
a lot of trouble with his 23 cm PA. It blew up. He has made a
new plate insulator, but has some parasitic oscillations. His
10 GHz RX is working well and he is getting Sun noise. He
will be on ready to transmit on 10 GHz with 20 W and a 2.4 m
dish soon.
K9BCT is back from his trip. He has finally found a good way
to combine his 2 PAs on 23 cm. The combiners are rated at 100
W, but running at 500w and show no heating. They are
Microlab/FXR directional couplers Model CA35N (750-1500 MHz)
with 5 dB loss across band. You can get info at:
750 - 1500 MHz Couplers
DL9KR is looking for QSLs from W7EME and W7ALW. W4HHK reports
info on the solar activity is available at:
Solar Activity Info from Holland
This is the Dutch
short wave listener site. It contains very good information.
DF3RU was on for all Jan skeds except W6WE, but his having
problems with his PA output level.
WA4NJP heard W7KK during there sked, but did not complete.
W7KK heard Ray towards end.
WB0JQQ, Randy (EM39) is trying to get 1296 EME running. He
reports that W4OP is hearing well with a 12' dish and cir
W7SZ worked random on 23 cm in Jan K5JL, N2IQU and a few on
SSB including OE9ERC, OE9XXI and W2UHI. He heard VE6TA. He is
running 125 W and is experimenting with a Diagonal feed.
LX1DB worked on 9 cm on 26 Jan W5LUA and on 3 cm SM4DHN
(559/449) and WA7CJO (569/O) on random. He also heard VE4MA
calling OK1KIR.
DJ5MN is looking for cards from VE3ONT, KB2AH and OE3XXI. He
asks if K5JL, VE1ALQ, N2IQU and KD4LT received his cards?
F6DRO , Dom now has 3 m dish and hopes to be on 23 and 3 cm
was on 70 cm during the SW and reports that CT1WB was
low in freq, but thinks he got RRRs during their sked. He
added 4 initials with OH2DG, CT1WB (?) and VK4AFL on 70 cm
and RW3BP on 23 cm.
W7CNK heard nil in skeds with IK5QLO (2 yagis to 2 yagis) and
worked G4ERG, DF3RY, WE2Y, W1ZX and NC1I. He reports that
W1ZX was running up to (5/6) on his S meter. The 2nd night he
worked 3 QSOs including SSB contacts with NC1I & KA0RYT. WE2Y
was QRV during the SW on 432 and worked a few including
W7CNK, DL9NDD. He wonders who called on SSB?
PA3CSG worked RW3BP on 23 and VK4AFL (QG62oj) on 70 cm. DK3WG
did not complete with WW2R.
K5WXN worked WE2Y and K1FO on 70 cm and heard a lot more on.
KB4CNI completed with DK3WG and JA5OVU, but could not dig
DL7APV out of the mud. He heard a lot of stations very well
including K1FO, NC1I and W7CNK.
is back from Europe and working on his 23 cm system. He
replaced his preamp and now has has11 dB of Sun noise. He
worked during the SW OE9XXI and OE9ERC on SSB.
K2DH had a good time during the 1296 SSB contest. He worked
on 23 SSB 11x5. Dave QSO’d in skeds DJ5MN, OH2DG and RW3BP,
but nil heard from HA5SHF.
WA8WZG worked on 1296 SSB K2UYH, OE9ERC and OE9XXI and on CW
VE6TA during the SW.
KA0RYT was active on 70 cm during the SW and worked I5MPK
with very loud sigs. He also copied quite a few 3 way SSB
QSOs on 70 cm.
N2HLT worked K1FO but not W1ZX during the SW. KL7HFQ heard a
lot of stations on 70 cm during the SW. He QSO’d worked W1ZX
and heard I5MPK. He is still repairing damage to his array
from high winds and the very low temperature, very low.
WA9FWD has a new 23 cm preamp and feedhorn. Hopefully he will
have them mounted soon. He also has a xverter and a single
tube 7289 PA ready for 13 cm.
has got a new TWT P/S working, which will give him 4
dB more power on 10 GHz, but his dish is still down.
did not operate SSB Contest on 23 cm.
Dominique missed at least one in Eur (RW3BP) and
obviously some in W due to his limited window to the west
during the 1296 SSB Contest.
PA0PLY has available a DB6NT-MK2 oscillator unit RFoutput at
12 Ghz. Nice small design intended to be used for a 24 GHz
transverter, and a HP432C power meter and 10 Ghz WG head.
W1ZX has for sale a
MFJ-784 Super DSP filter $US150,
HP 415E
SWR meter-brown unit (later build unit) $US95, Bird 43
wattmeter $US190 with a new meter movement, (2) Bird 43
wattmeter, fair condition (cracked/broken meter face-needs
paint job) $US120 or best offer, Noise Com Noise Diodes
NC305, glass package $US33, flat package $US42. All prices
are + shipping. Call Willie at 301 645 5584 between 2000-2300
EST, FAX 301 645 6853, 24 hrs, e-mail:
WD5AGO has a
new stock of 23 cm LNA boards available and
ready for sale .
DL8YHR has a
2 m EME PA and power supply for sale. The amp
is a Creative PS1000 using a 3CX800A7. Price is around 2400
looking for info on the YD-1050 not the YL-1050.
Ray needs the specs .
ON5OF is still
looking for F-6007 tube
Contact Dirk at e-mail:
K9BCT reports
feedback is positive from the radiators
mentioned last month that Randy sent out from Phoenix. He has
also found some CAA-322 tubes and 6897 tubes that look like
the 7289 family. W7QX has 30 to 50 of these tubes.V They look
old but not abused. He wants $2 a piece - contact W7QX.
[There was a report that one of these tubes is basically a
needs an HP-83b noise sourceV or satisfactory
substitute. Karl is also looking for TH-338V .
K3HZO is
looking for isolator for 13 cm with SMA connectors.
NU7Z has
for sale a CV-2810 complete with P/S, tube and
manual for 903 MHz. call Rick.
FINAL: K1FO suggests in his report that we consider moving
the SWs to more favorable times to increase participation.
Moon times have been into the wee hours the last few SWs and
Steve feels that this cuts down on activity. I am sure we
lose some stations because of the late hours, but sometime
late hours can help. There less chance of a conflict with
family and social activities in the early hours. What do you
think about this issue? What do you think about a 70 cm SSB?
WA7CJO corrects comments in the last NL about the 1st solid
state QSO on 10 GHz. It was by G3WDG you see Jim's report.
This may sound like a broken record, but the NL needs more
technical material. Keep sending in your ideas and circuits –
they are needed, and reports too! Good luck in the DUBUS/REF
CU on the Moon. 73, Al - K2UYH
OE9XXI (32x2+1x1) = 910 points
OE9ERC (30x2+1x1)x13 = 793 points
K2UYH (22x2+2x1)x12 = 552 points
N2IQU (22x2+1x1)x8 = 360 points
K5JL (16x2+1x1)x12 = 342 points
CT1DMK (7x2)x5 = 70 points
OZ6OL (9x2)x3 = 54 points
W2UHI (6x2)x4 = 48 points
VE6TA (5x2)x3 = 30 points
N6BQ (4x2)x3 = 24 points
OH2DG (5x2+1x1)x2 = 22 points
ON5RR (5x2)x2 = 20 points
HA5SHF (1x3+2x1)x1 = 5 points
G3LTF has sent in a drawing of his rotable 432 feed which several people have
asked him about recently. Peter has used it successfully with dishes from 0.5 to
0.30 f/d ratio and diameters from 4 to 6 meter.
Rotable dish feed by G3LTF.
HB9SV, 16 Yagi 432 Array.
KB4CNI, 8 * FO33 approx 28 dBi gain.
Mark, N2IQU is organizing an informal
warm up to EME2000 scheduled for Brazil in the summer of 2000 (organizer on
site is:
conference is EME
Symposium 99, a beginner's workshop, and scheduled for August 20-
21 in Syracuse, NY. The objective is to bring in new blood. Many
old hands will be there to tell of their experiences and to
advise hams thinking about trying this most demanding mode of
communication. The registration fee will be nominal, just enough
to cover meeting room rent and cost of the proceedings: An EME
This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT
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Rein, W6/PA0ZN