From the reports it is hard to tell what
conditions were during the July SW. For '97 we need to
re-think our choice of SW dates. Perhaps as K1FO
suggests in his report we need to place more emphasis
on convenient moon times than any other factors...
After all, if no one shows up, a low moon path loss
will be of no benefit. One station that did show up
was YL3AG/A, on 1296. I still have no information on
the YL3AG/A operation, and do not know if this was a
one-time appearance, or if they will be on again,
possibly on other bands.
- AA6WI:
- Hoppy's July 23 cm EME Activity Report follows
-- Finally restored my HPA to normal operation during
June, and worked W2UHI during checkout on 27 June. On
6 July, my receive was intermittent and finally quit
completely. I made 2 trips to the roof at 0100 local
time to replace the LNA and Transco relay, but this
didn't fix the problem. I just knew a neighbor would
shoot me if I went to the roof for a 3rd time, so
called it a night. G4DZU did phone and let me hear my
echoes over the telephone!! On 7 July, I found a
corroded Jones plug (LNA/relay voltage line to feed)
which was only providing 0.9 Vdc to the LNA! I ended
up just removing the Jones plug and wiring directly to
restore the receive back to normal. On 7 July;
surprisingly, I worked HB9BBD at a moonrise of 6 deg
el, while still looking through the trees. I also
worked EA6/DF5JJ, KB2AH, PA3CSG, OZ4MM and W2UHI. All
had very FB signals. I only heard one other station
during the Eur window, but they never transmitted long
enough for me to get their call sign. I got on for 2
hours during the JA window and worked W2UHI again. No
other stations were heard, but echoes were FB.
- G4FUF:
- Keith had a poor showing during his skeds -- As
usual I worked more on random. The following did not
appear QRV: JA2JRJ, JA6CZD and JA6XED. I am not sure
they are worth re-skeds until I know if they are
really active. I am concentrating on stations I have
heard, so I would like skeds with the following
stations whom I failed to attract on random: VK5MC,
W9QXP, KA0RYT (heard and called for about 4 hours,
apparently pol lockout, he only worked USA), N4PZ and
OH3LWP. It would appear I can repeatable work stations
running 2 x yagis of > 10 lambda length and with at
least 500 w power. I am keen to try with anyone else
desiring a sked.
- EA3UM:
- Magi is in a low activity mode due to
involvement with his business [Tell me]. Everything is
working and he QSO'd during the June SW on 70 cm K5GW
(559/559), KA0RYT (O/O) and W7HAH (539/569) for
initials #89,90 and 90 respectively. He is receiving
excellent echoes on 23 cm, but has heard nobody else
on at the times he has been QRV.
- EA6/DF5JJ:
- Peter is QRV on 70 cm again after several
years of absence. [He says he sent 2 letters
announcing his plans to return to 432, but none were
received prior to the present FAX.] He is using a 5.5
m dish with a 2.2 f/d, ring quad feed and 1300 w at
the feed. Despite the deep dish Peter is doing quite
well. He is receiving 12 dB of Sun noise (flux 70) for
a G/T of 6.5 dB/deg. He completed initials with K5GW
(569/O), OZ4MM (559/529) for 1st EA6-OZ QSO, DL9NDD
(O/O), JA5OVU (449/539), NC1I (449/539), CT1DMK (M/M),
G4FUF (O/O) for 1st EA6-G, DK3BU (449/O), WA4NJP
(449/O), K5JL (449/O) for initial #47 and a partial
with 9M2BV (O/O). Others QSO'd were UR5LX, PA3CSG,
and JA2KRW. Peter was also active on 1296 and
contacted DH9FAG (O/O) - 3 m dish with 200 w, JR4AEP
(O/O) and YL3AG/A (559/539) for the 1st EA6/YL QSO and
initial #101. He will be QRV on 3 Aug on 432.008 and
on 4 Aug on 1296.008. He will be away on holiday for
the 3 weeks following the Aug SW, but plans to be QRV
for all SWs through Oct with Saturday on 432 and
Sunday on 1296.
- Yoshiro updates his status -- Last weekend,
6/7 July, I worked JA2KRW, EA3UM and DF3RU on 432 MHz.
My latest standings report is #255 initial /43 DXCC
/32 US states on 144, #229 initial /42 DXCC /32 US
states on 432, #53 initial /19 DXCC /7 US states on
1296, and #10 initial /7 DXCC /2 US states on
2304/2424. Multi-banders worked (B:144, D:432, E:1296,
F:2304/2424) are: (BDEF) SM0PYP; (DEF) OE9ERC, OE9XXI,
PA3DZL, VK5MC and JA7BMB. The number of two-banders
worked is 44: (EF) I6PNN; (DE) F2TU, ZS6AXT, EA3UM,
- K1FO:
- Steve worked on 9 June during the June ARRL VHF
contest W9QXP, VE6TA, KA0RYT and W2CRS. NC1I reported
very good activity during the Eur window, but
unfortunately Steve did not get on early enough.
Worked on 22 June were KA0RYT, JA5OVU and WA4NJP, and
on 23 June JS3SIM. Steve, like many others, thought
that 22/23 June was the activity weekend. He was
disappointed to find out that 6/7 July was the SW, due
to the low dec and horrible operating hours for NA to
Eur. Due to many other activities Steve was not able
to get on for the overnight Eur window. Thankfully
there was again good JA activity. Worked on 7 July
were JA2KRW, JO3RNL, JR9NWC and JA5OVU. Steve has been
engaged in some significant landscaping projects
around his house along with clearing land for a new
garage. Unfortunately, although Steve has over 6 acres
of property, some strange property lines along with
the terrain of his property have required that he
obtain a variance to build the garage where he wants
it to be located. The work required to apply for a
variance has consumed a lot of his time. Steve also
comments to Chris, DF9CY that Chris or any of the
other EMEers who are coming to the conference and are
doing additional travel, are certainly welcome to
visit Steve. His QTH is about 6 hours driving time
from the conference location. Steve is also sure that
Frank NC1I will also be welcoming visitors. Frank is
about another hour north of Steve. [I think this can
be said for all of us in the north east area.] If you
would like to visit Steve be sure to check with him
ahead of time as he is often called away on business
trips and is presently trying to move a trip farther
away from the EME conference dates. Steve's 432 MHz
EME totals are #494 initial, 49 states and 75 DXCC.
- K9BCT/4:
- Randy writes -- I lost my bid to get a
variance on my property line, so I am temporarily
postponing my plans for a larger dish. I thus has for
sale a Scientific Atlanta Series 8346 Earth Station
Antenna Elevation-Over-Azimuth Mount and 4.6 m
Reflector Assembly. This is a 15', 12 petal solid
aluminum dish good to 12.5 GHz. It's in very good
condition with no holes, dents or blemishes. Although
I haven't had it up, I believe I have the majority of
all mounting hardware. I believe I am missing one
portion of the mount, but it should be complete
otherwise. I have the technical and assembly manuals
which give about all the
information you need except for F/D. In measuring the
curvature, It seems to be about 0.45. I'm sure a call
to Scientific Atlanta would identify it for sure.
According to the guy I got it off of, it's original
cost was over $20,000. I obviously will take much
less. It is shipable, but it would be a major pain. I
would much prefer a pickup. [See the For Sale section
for more detail.]
- KB3PD:
- Rick has been fairly busy on 1296 EME. He's now
up to a total of 23 states, 11 of which were worked
off the moon. For now his 3.2 m dish will be in place
until the end of Sept, and then will be taken down so
Rick can put up some K1FO type yagis. His intention is
finish up WAS on 432. He needs only Arkansas and
Nebraska. On 23 cm, Rick's usually runs about 200-250
w in the shack, with about 140 w at the feed of his
dish. Rick wants skeds and says he will be on for any
skeds set up via the NL. On 70 cm, Rick is now using 2
x 29 el yagis and 800 w. Again, he's OK for skeds via
the NL. Stations worked on 1296 are as follows: #1
KD5RO, #2 N2IQU (still needs QSL), #3 KB2AH (still
needs QSL), #4 WD5AGO, #5 AA4TJ, #6 WB5LUA, #7 W0RAP,
#8 W7GBI, #9 OE9XXI, #10 AA6WI, #11 K9KFR, #12 OE9ERC,
#13 VE4MA, #14 OK1KIR, #15 OZ4MM,
#16 NU7Z, #17 EA6/DF5JJ, #18 VE3ONT, #19 OE5JFL, #20
K2UYH, #21 F1ANH, #22 WA4OFS and #23 VE1ALQ. Before
the dish comes down Rick would like to sked and work
the following WA4NJP, W2UHI, W0KJY, N7ART, WB0DRL,
WA9FWD and any DX willing to try.
- Peter on 26 May worked on 2300 SM3AKW
(559/569) and F2TU (559/559). He still has a lot of
work to do to finish his new house; thus activity has
been down. Despite the conflict, Peter finished a new
solid state PA for 13 cm. It uses 4 x 40 w transistor
PA-Kits (MT 13-D-44 from Philipp Prinz, DL2AM),
combined with 2 x 6-port quadrature PCB couplers
described in the April 1982 NL. Output power is about
155 w on 2300 and about 130 w on 2400. Gain is about
13 dB. For the next EME contest Peter plans to put the
new PA directly at the feed horn of his dish. This
should give about a 4 dB increase in power.
- ON4UV:
- Gilissen writes -- My 5.3 m dish is now 11
years old and the mesh has rusted out over nearly 15%
of the surface. Although it is a big job (at 76), I
plan to replace the mesh and will be active again on
1296. My new 3 m dish is near ready for operation on 3
cm. I can point it to .2 deg accuracy. I have 2 40 w
TWTs but without power supplies. I also have an 8 w
tube with a power supply. I am awaiting news on a
complete higher power TWTA, and hope to be QRV on 10
GHz EME before the end of this year.
- ON5OF:
- Dirk's Eur/DUBUS EME CONTEST results -- The
station was 16 x 23 el Flexa yagis (DL6WU type steel
wire elements, 15.8 dBd/ant), coupled in groups of 4
(4 small H frames on big H frame, spacing is 1.7 m
horiz and 1.6 m vert) with Aircom plus coax, 3.3 m
from each coupler to the next and to ants (6.6 m from
central coupler to each ant or 0.6 dB loss); Create
RC5B-3 Az rotor and KLM EL 3000 el rotor; TX coax 25 m
7/8" Cellflex, 1 dB loss, to single tube 4CX250B
cavity PA with max. 500 w, 400 w at the ant relay -
ERP 160 KW estimated; RX SSB electronics preamp, old
type 0.5 dB NF followed by new one, Converter to 28
MHz in the shack, YAESU FT-ONE receiver with 250 Hz BW
(also 500 Hz, and TS440S Kenwood with 500 Hz CW filter
as backup); and Sequential switching of ON7WP design.
QSO'd on 23 March were OZ4MM - my 1st OZ, NC1I, N4GJV,
UR5LX, KD4LT, DL9KR and K1FO, and on 24 March were
DF3RU, UT5DL, G3SEK, LX1DB - 1st LX and K2UYH for a
score of 12 x 11 or 13,200 points. Dirk is always
available for tests and skeds (+ tel,
via the NL or via packet to ON5OF @ ON6AR.#AN.BEL.EU.)
- OZ4MM:
- Stig was activity for the July SW -- I worked
on 6 July, DF3RU (on SSB) on 70 cm, and heard among
others G4FUF, KA0RYT, EA6/DF5JJ, OK1KIR and G3HUL. Not
much activity on 70 this Saturday. The next day I
shifted to 23 cm and worked YL3AG/A for initial #108 -
FB signal, then HB9BBD, EA6/DF5JJ, KB2AH, DF3RU,
YL3AG/A again and AA6WI.
- Anton reports -- We have improved our big horn
antenna, so WX conditions will no longer keep us off
the moon. For the purpose we have built a shack on top
of the feed. It has 2 floors and is just big enough to
hold the equipment and 2 operators. We have also moved
the entire system (2.4 tons!) to another location.
This kept us busy for quit some time. We are now QRV
again on 70 cm and looking for skeds. I can be reached
at (A. Vroom, Gramserweg 69, 3711 Av Austerlitz, THE
NETHERLANDS; tel 0343- 491930 QRL and 0343-520132 QTH.
- S59DCD:
- Silvo says that despite some bad luck with
recent skeds he is definitely QRV. He worked on 1296
on 1 June LA8LF (O/O) and HB9SV (O/429). Heard were
OE9XXI and HB9BBD. Silvo wants skeds and can be
reached at ++386 602 43430 or FAX 386 602 45102 (you
must ring 8 times to activate FAX).
- Darrell writes -- This has been a very busy
summer. As a result I have not been very active. I was
active on 7 July for the SW. I did a lot of listening
with my new dual band feed, which seems to be working
quite well. I found libration very bad on the 7th,
although echoes were very strong. My sked with S59DCD
was moved to 0530 from 0730. This would have been OK
during the winter months, but with all the foliage on
the Birch and Maple trees to my east, I heard nothing
and very, very little from any station until nearly
0700. I also heard NIL from JH5LUZ on my moonset,
although my echoes were very good right down to 3 deg.
I did not go away empty handed, however, I worked
W2UHI and F1ANH. Both had excellent (559) signals
along with libration chopping and fading.
- Dave has moved from New Jersey south as of
1 July. His new address is 2543 Rim Oak, San Antonio,
TX 78232 USA; tel at home is now 210 499 0274 and at
work 210 474 5714. Dave's Email address remains the
same: WG3I/G4FRE
- Ivo send goods news. He has recovered well
from his operation and is now in Eur on travel. He was
already away at the time of the July SW, but will be
back for the Aug SW. He had not yet completed repairs
to his 70 cm LNA, so it is not clear if he will be QRV
on 432 in Aug, but he will definitely be on 1296.
During the 25/26 May SW Ivo worked everyone heard on
23 cm. QSO'd were F1ANH, DD1XF, OH2AXH (twice),
EA6/DF5JJ, HB9BBD and W2UHI. Nil was heard on skeds
with JR4AEP, JH5LUZ, S59DCD, G4DZU and KD4LT. He
called CQ for hours during the ARRL VHF contest on 8/9
June, but heard nil on 1296 except for a QSO with
HB9BHU on Sunday. Conditions seemed quite good. Ivo
will be visiting SM3AKW during his Eur trip and hopes
to be QRV from Karl's QTH sometime in July. He is also
making progress on 13, 6 and 3 cm EME projects. He
hopes to acquire needed parts during his Eur trip. He
still needs a TWTA and a dish for 6/3 cm. He is
thinking of buying a Ku-band TVRO system which
includes a 6' dish, and wonders if anyone has had any
experience adapting these dishes for EME? Ivo also
notes that he has had poor luck getting into the 20 m
nets. He rarely hears anyone. He plans to get on e-
mail as a partial solution to his net/skeds
I have 3 extremely interesting papers from
Chuck, W8MQW which he will be presenting at the EME
Conference later this month. I plan to include
portions of these papers in future NLs. [Chuck has
promised to provide at the conference a special
tutorial on programming the TI 320C20 digital signal
processor for weak signal filtering and other magic.]
This month I have information by WA3AXV on making
power dividers using waveguide. This material was
stolen from the Park Rat's excellent VHF Newsletter
9H1GT on the island of Malta is interest in
1296 EME. He is particular interested in ideas for
HPAs. His address is (S. Francalanza, Plot 24 Housing,
Estate, Zejtun ZTN04, Malta).
NU7Z is now QRV on 13 cm.
KA0RYT is working toward 23 cm. Ron has a 10' dish
with VE4MA feed and a 300 w PA.
HP3XUG will be back on
70 cm EME for the Sept SW. His yagis are back up.
Louis is going to Florida and will bring back new
ON6JY hopes to make the EME Conference in Aug
which he is trying to coordinate with another
professional conference in the states.
G3LTF is making
good progress on getting re-established on EME from
his new QTH. The shack is complete and the new mount
for his dish is under construction.
W7ID has moved.
His new address is 14063 Towers Dr. Caldwell, ID 83605-
KB2AH added YL3AG/A to his list of 1296 initials
and countries during the July SW.
WA3HMK is looking for some 432 EME antennas
- FO25s, CC424 mod, MK45s, etc. Chris will be moving
in Sept and needs something to work on over the
AK2F has a Lunar Link amplifier for sale with
a new pair of EIMAC 3CX800A7 tubes (paid $US250 each),
and a 2 KV (110V input) supply. One or 2 guys were
interested in putting it on 440 for repeater use, but
he would rather see it end up on EME.
KB3PD is looking for 2 KLM 432-30 LBX's yagis
K9BCT/4 has for Sale a Scientific Atlanta 4.6 m Earth Station dish,
12 petal, solid Al design, good to 12.5 GHz. Like new with most
mounting hardware. Also a 1.8 m solid Al dish. Good to
44 GHz. Both antennas shipable, but would much prefer
pickup. Call Randy, K9BCT/4 at (954) 723-5788/472-3846
or Email Randy, K9BCT/4
KA0RYT is looking for a CC 424B yagi - modified or not. Ron's tel # is 612-
WA1ZPI Wanted: Start-up 432 station around
the $400 range. Transverters OK. Contact Bob, WA1ZPI,
e-mail Bob, WA1ZPI
or snail mail (Bob Knott, WSBE-
TV, 50 Park Lane, Providence, RI 02907).
PA0AVS has
for sale an R&S large 144 MHz cavity PA with new
3CX3000A7 tube - it needs only HV supply - for
$US1250; a HV transformer for 2.5 KV at 1 amp for
$US175, RACAL 500 w solid state TX (1-30 MHz) for
$US1,000; 2.6 m solid Alum Dish $US300. See Anton's
report for address and telephone numbers.
N6TX The
SETI League has reprinted the original report (book)
on Project Cyclops - the Interstellar Receiving System
proposed in the 70's. This book is filled with
technical material of great interest to EMEers. It is
a available for $US20 in US and $US24 elsewhere
postpaid. Order from the SETI League, Inc., PO Box
555, Little Ferry, NJ 07643 USA.
K1FO's Lunar-Link, 1500 w amplifiers for 144, 222
and 432 MHz are still
available. Steve has another batch of plate circuits
headed out to the silver plater and will have units
available as soon as the parts are back. He plans to
have some units at the EME conference. For more info
contact Steve at 203-421-3377.
FINAL: Klaus notes that the list of skeds for the Aug
SW is very short. Part of the problem is that the EME
Net has been rather quiet. Scott reports a much
smaller turn out than in past summers, although he has
been averaging about 12 checkins per weekend. Another
factor this month is the closeness of our big Inter
national EME Conference in Washington/Baltimore. I
hope this is an indicator of big turnout at the
conference. I could not be on for the last SW because
of a conflict with my daughter's wedding, and I will
not be on for the Aug SW because of an overlap with
our summer vacations plans, (I will be in Israel for 2
weeks). I will be at the EME Conference and expect to
see all of you there! Sally and I invite all
conference attendees to pay us a visit - either before
of after the conference.
73, Al - K2UYH.
Skeds for AUG 3
Time 432.070
0830z K1FO -DL3EAG
1400z JH4JLV-KD4LT
2200z DL3EAG-UR5LX
2300z IW5AVM-7M2PDT
Skeds for AUG 4
Time 432.040
2330z G4FUF -VK5MC
Skeds for AUG 3
Time 1296.050
Skeds for AUG 4
Time 1296.050
0000z G4DZU -ZS6AXT
0400z KB3PD -ZS6AXT
0430z KD4LT -ZS6AXT
0630z VE1ALQ-G3LTF
2330z S59DCD-ZS6AXT
Do not forget to read it!
This information was obtained from Scott, KD4LT
Top Page
For comments or corrections: Rein, W6/PA0ZN.