December VOL 28 # 12


OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH



HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:
Klaus Tiedemann.



*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***




The ARRL EME Contest story is tempered by very sad new again this month. I5TDJ has jointed the ranks of the silent keys. IK5WJD wrote on 14 Nov "I5TDJ, Piero, our dear friend and teacher has left this world. It's only too true, the old illness of five-six years ago turned up again, this time implacable. He was in the Firenze Hospital with bronchial pneumonia and a high fever. He was undergoing antibiotic therapy and on auxiliary oxygen when he passed away. We hope a best world for him. We pray for him."

Feeling about the contest are again mixed with some reports of good and others of poor conditions. In truth conditions were probably somewhere in between and very much modulated by local WX conditions, which varied greatly. The 13 cm activity periods proposed by G3LTF in the last NL was a success and should be repeated. With the ARRL Contest over it is now time to start thinking about other contests. The NL will be again sponsoring an EME SSB Contest on 1296 in the 2nd moon pass of the Feb SW. This to be followed by the Euro Contest.


Because of the short turn around this month we may have less than the final picture of the high contest scores. On 432 it appears that DL9K is the winner with 118x38 followed by OH2PO at 111x38 - this score may not be final, N2IQ 113x37 and K1FO 108x36. I have no reports of any other stations that broke the 100 mark on 432. On 1296 I do not have an update report from last month's leader OE9XXI (78x28 in Oct). G4CCH and K2DS are presently tied for the lead with 84x32. The next highest 1296 score is that of OZ4MM at 72x30. On 13 cm OZ4MM with 14x13 appears to have taken the lead from ZS6AXT with 10x10 in Nov.


The date for the Eur EME Contest have been set as 31 MARCH/01 APRIL for 432 MHz, 2.3 GHz to 5.7 GHz operation, and 28/29 APRIL for 144 MHz, 1.3 GHz and 10 GHz activity. The rules are very similar as in the past and will appear in the NL just prior to the contest.


Paul, N6TX is the Executive Director of the SETI League. SETI stands for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The SETI League is an amateur group conducting a search for extraterrestrial radio signals, primarily in the 1400 MHz region. [I have had information on this organization in past NLs as the equipment needed for this activity is similar to that required for EME – particularly in the 23 and 13 cm bands.] Paul reports the SETI League plans to put an EME beacon on 1296 to help their members (many are hams) check out their receiving equipment. Paul hopes to have the system working and to be able to run a weak signal receiving test in Feb. The beacon will operate on 1296.000 from FN21ta, initially with the callsign WA2IKL (until club callsign is assigned). EIRP will initially be a maximum of 200 W PEP to a +24 dBi quad-helix antenna, for +47 dBw. We will step the power down incrementally during sensitivity tests. QSLs will be available! Polarization is RHCP transmit, LHCP receive. The schedule will initially be intermittent, but eventually he plans to have the beacon active whenever the moon is >20 deg above local horizon. Paul reports that several SETI members succeeded in receiving random 1296 EME signals with their 1420 MHz radio telescopes, during the recent ARRL EME contest. More information on the SETI Moon Beacon and the SETI League can be found at:

SETI League
or from Paul at:
Paul, N6TX

Mike had his 9.2 m dish ready to go for the contest -- I fabricated a brake for the elevation drive, fixed a few odds and ends, system fully checkout and all set to go except for mother nature. We had high winds (I believe they have hit 80 at my place). This prevented operation on Saturday. [Mike did make it on for a few contacts on Sunday before the contest ended.] I will be traveling through 30 Nov, so I will probably not have a chance to get on until the next SW. The 16 x 12 yagi array is out of service. Look for me on the dish in Dec.

Tom, DJ5RE reports 70 cm random contest QSOs with 80 W – I awoke very early on the Saturday morning of the Nov ARRL Contest weekend, and did not feel very much like sleep, so I decided to go to the DL0AO Club Station. The moon was still over 45 deg – too high to bring the 2 m antennas in position. I pointed our 2x 38 el M2 yagis to the moon. I used an IC 202 with a 70 cm brick running 90 W out. I made a very easy QSO with N2IQ with (0/0). K1FO was also kind enough to pick me out of the noise (O/M). I called and got "QRZs" from HB9Q and OH2PO. CWNR were KA0Y, K5GW, OZ4MM, OE9ERC and G3SEK. Unfortunately I have not had much time to work on a 70 cm TH327 PA project. I hope to put DL0AO on the moon in a big way one day.

Gerald reports on the 2nd leg of the ARRL EME Contest -- Conditions seemed to be quite good and participation also seemed high. I was not QRV in the JA windows and was only active during the weekend for 4 hours. Fighting with my rotator control I worked on Saturday KA0Y (559/539), N9AB (O/O), OE5EYM (O/O) and K5GW (559/559) and on Sunday F6HYE (549/449) for initial #58, K0RZ (O/O) #59, DL7APV (O/O) #60, DL4MEA (O/O) #61 and HA1YA (O/O) #62. These brought me up to 21x15 for the contest and 7 more initials. Due to my very limited operating time this result is very satisfying. The following stations were heard in the 2nd leg DJ6MB, K1FO, K2UYH, DL9KR, N2IQ, OH2PO, G3SEK, DL6NAA, F5FLN (CWNR), DL8OBU (CWNR) and probably W7SZ (I am not sure). I plan add a better preamp to dig out some more weak stations. Equipment is a Kenwood TS-850 with homemade transverter, preamp MGF 1302 with NF 0.5 dB, PA GS-23B and 4 x 8.5 WL DJ9BV yagis. All are connected with Aircom coax. For sked requests please mail to mailto:dl4kg@qsl.net. I have a question for the EME community. Can anyone comment on the use of an FT-847 as compared to a TS-850 + transverter? I am interested in which performs better, an HF rig + transverter or readymade UHF rig?

Guenter's ARRL 2000 report for 70 cm -- This year I decided to put an all out effort in the contest. It was very convenient for the Eur because the moon rose very early in the morning and became unavailable during noon. I decided to be QRV especially for the NA window. In the past I always worked few NA stations due to my limited time. In the 1st part, the contest started with the moon over JA, and I QSO'd many JAs within a short time. Later when NA was covered, it was harder to work stations. There did not seem to be as much activity as during the JA window. I feel a little bit disappointed about the activity from NA. I believe the reason I've worked less stations from NA is just that there are not that many present. The 2nd part gave just a few more stations. I made 53 QSOs in the 1st and just 23 QSO in the 2nd. If there wouldn't have been a few duplicates calling in the 2nd part, it would have became very boring. I worked following stations (alphabetically): CT1DMK, DF3RU, DJ3FI, DJ6MB, DK3BU, DK3WG, DL4KG, DL7APV, DL8OBU, DL9KR, EA3DXU, F/ON5OF for an initial (#), F5FEN, F5FLN, F6HYE, G3HUL, G3LTF, G3SEK, G4ERG, G4YTL, GW3XYW (#), HA1YA, HB9Q, I5CTE, JA2TY, JA3IAF (#), JA3SGR (#), JA5NNS, JA6AHB, JH0JWF (#), JH4JLV, JJ1NNJ, JL1ZCG, JR1RCH (#), JR9NWC (#), K0RZ, K1FO, K2UYH, K4EME, K5AZU (#), K5GW, K5WXN, K8ISK, K8UC, KA0RYT, KA0Y, LA9NEA, N2IQ, N9AB, OE3JPC, OE5EYM, OE5JFL, OE9ERC, OH2PO, ON5OF, OZ4MM, OZ6OL, PA3CSG, PA4FP (#), S52CW, S57X (#), SM3AKW, UA3PTW, UA6LGH, UT3LL, VE6TA, VE9DW (#), VK4AFL, W7HAH and W7SZ. At the start of the 2nd part, I found my AZ sensor not working. The cover had broken due to UV on the plastics, and the circuit was wet. I used a hair blower to dry out the circuit, and then it worked flawlessly. I heard DL4KG triple, on tropo, EME and airplane scatter. It was nice to see that on the FFTDSP screen. F1FEN appeared late on Sunday and now surly knows what is a pileup on EME. At the contest's end the moon was behind my famous trees, so my background noise was 280 deg instead of cold sky. These trees cost me 2 hrs of time during the NA window, but are a very useful and necessary windshield. The rig was 6 x 33 el BVOPT 8m long yagis with parallel wire feed and 7/8" cable to the TX, FT847 with single TP3069 driver and GS35b final.

Frank,(JO54af) is new on 70 cm EME – I started in June with 4 x 9BV-8.5l yagis, but was reduced to one antenna in Sept due to an autumn storm. My station consists of an FT847, LNA FHX35LG + FSC11LG, YL1050 PA giving 600 W at the feedpoint. Conditions in the 1st weekend were good and I worked N2IQ (O/O), DL9KR (549/559), OZ6OL (559/539), DL7APV (559/569), DK3BU (569/559), K1FO (559/O) and KA0Y (559/O). The 2nd weekend we had poor weather with much wind. I worked only OH2PO (O/O), JL1ZCG (O/O) and OZ4MM (O/O). Heard (2nd part) were F6HYE, OE5JFL, DL9KR (always very loud), JA4BLC, HB9Q, N2IQ, VE9DW, K5AZU, KE2N, K5JL and KA0Y. I CWNR for an hour OE5JFL. Working with one antenna is difficult. Signals are very weak and in the day garbage signals come up. I am looking for an "easy to build" 70 cm PA design with a BFL548. You can find more info on my station atL
Frank, DL5LF' WEB Page.
and reach me at:
Frank, DL5LF

Carsten's 2nd leg contest results on 1296 -- Compared to the 1st leg, conditions in Nov were way down… And this weekend I had 600 W, I operated in Oct with my driver and only 75 W out. QSO'd on 18/19 Nov were F5PAU, JH5LUZ, IK2MMB, HB9BHU, JH3EAO, JA8ERE, F2TU, HB9BBD, EA3UM, DK0ZAB, OH2DG, G3LQR, OE9ERC, W1QC, K3AX, GW3XYW, DJ9YW, LX1DB, ON5RR, K5GW, G3LTF (dupe), K0YW (dupe), JF3HUC, VE9DW, W5LUA, W7CS and F6CGJ (dupe) for a total of 46x24 = 110,400 points. I had partials with F1AHN and WD5AGO that were not complete due to QRM – sorry. Getaways in both legs were JA6CZD, CT1DMK, F5AQC, K9BCT, W6HD, WA9OUU, W2UHI, K4RLE, VK5MC, SM2CEW, OK1UWA and I0UGB. I will be looking for more QSOs during the coming SWs.

Jan writes -- Deep sadness fills me regarding the death of I5TDJ, my 1st ever QSO partner at I5MSH back in 78. It was in 77 when I 1st heard ZE5JJ who was worked in early 78, too. There are so many fond memories, among them W6ABN to name another great guy. It was good to read about the Rio Conference. I would have loved to attend but other family related travel had priority. Ursula and I were scheduled to visit my eldest son who is teaching math at UW in Madison, WI. On the basis that HB9Q is not different from HB9CRQ, my initial count prior to the contest was up to #736 with RW3PF. The contest went as follows: 21 Oct DL4MEA, JA7BMB, JL1ZCG, RW1AW, S57Q, JJ1NNJ, JA2TY, UA3PTW, UT3LL, JH4JLV, EA3DXU, DJ3FI, JA5NNS, JA3SGR, VK4AFL, LA9NEA #737, SM2LKW #738, JR9NWC, S52CW, JA5OVU, JA6AHB, HA1YA, G4ERG, S51ZO, G3SEK, DF3RU, OH2PO, HB9Q, HA5BDJ #739, DK3WG, RZ3BA/1, PA0PLY #740, OE5EYM, OZ4MM, G4YTL, JA4BLC, YO2IS, DL1YMK, OE9ERC, JH0WJF, SM3AKW, DL7APV, UA6LGH, PA3DZL, G3HUL, K1FO, RW3PF, OE3JPC, N2IQ, I5CTE, K8ISK, F2TU, N9AB, PA4FP #741, K8UC, PA3CSG, KA0Y, K4EME #742, GM0ONN, G4ALH, DL4KG #743, W4ZRZ #744, DK0MM, F6KHM, GW3XYW, W7SZ, K5AZU, VE6TA, KJ7F, KL7HFQ, WB0GGM, K0RZ, W7BBM, OZ6OL, K2UYH, W2WD, DL6NAA and DL8DW #745, and on 22 Oct F/ON5OF #746, DL5LF #747, JR1RCH, JH0BBE #748, OE5JFL, IN3KLQ, F6HYE, S53J #749, YU1EV, JR4IUH, G3LTF, YO2DM (probably XYL YO2IS), G3LQR, IK6EIW, OK2DL #750, NC1I, DK0TU, SM2CEW and W7HAH. The 2nd weekend I took it easy by inserting 7 hrs sleep periods between JA and USA windows, thus missing DL0AO among others. I worked on 18 Nov F5FLN, F5KDK, DJ6MB, ON5OF, CT1DMK, KE2N #751, VE9DW, K5GW, KA0RYT, K6JEY, K5WXN, RA3LE, W6DF and W1ZX, and on 19 Nov JA3IAF, JH1EFA, DK3FB, W7MEM #752, NQ2O #753, DL8OBU and F5FEN. The WX was good, condx were what one would expect and equipment worked flawlessly to give a score of 118x38. Considering the get-aways DK3BU, OH2DG?, JA2JRJ, DL0AO, N3FA?, W3FFC?, OM? a total of approx. 125 stations must have been participating on 70 cm. Jan email address is at:
Jan, DL9KR

Peter says that he had been ill and that his Malacca operation is at an end -- EA6ADW is definitely QRT due to storm damage of my 5.5 m dish. All equipment was dismantled and is now in Germany. Some will be offered for sale. Other will be used at my new QTH in Hamburg (JO43xo). I plan to be QRV (DF5JJ) on 1296/10368/24192 tropo, but have no plans for EME. More info is at:

EA6ADW's WEB Page.

My new email is at: Peter, EA6ADW

Herve spent a little time the morning of 19 Nov on 23 cm EME. He used an array of 16x23 F9FT yagis phased with RG213 and "T" N couplers, with a TH338 PA giving less than 500 W and an old 0.8 dB BV preamp. With his modest system he worked OE9XXI, N2IQU and OZ4MM. OE9XXI was the loudest, peaking (529). Herve also heard F5PAU and others unidentified signals. He plans to mount a 3.1 m dish sometime in the future.

Francis writes that during the Contest on 23 cm he achieved a score of 61x32 for total of 195,200 points. New callsigns during the 2nd part were OK1UWA, DK0ZAB, K5GW, W1ZX, K3AX, DL6LAU and KD5FZX.

Peter writes -- I have been very busy working on my gear since last month. I built a new VE4MA style feed horn for 1296 eliminating the hybrid coupler and gained about 1.5 dB in sensitivity. (I will details for a technical item later.) I got a new PA working on 432, its a K2CBA design, see the July 1981 NL, using the DOD006, which is like a 7213. It gives me more o/p than the old K2RIW. Finally, the steel cable, which hoists the dish up to its operating height, snapped and the whole mast and mount came down like a guillotine onto the base structure. Fortunately neither the dish nor I was damaged, and after 6 days work I got it back in operation. I tell this all for the moral, ALWAYS use stainless steel cable! On 18 Nov on 432, I worked HB9Q and G4ERG, and then Murphy really struck. The transceiver VFO started to jump around, so from 0100-0400 I rebuilt it - including rewinding the coil. I then worked DJ6MB, DF3RU, YO2IS, PA4FP for initial #354, F5KDK #355, F5FLN, UA6LGH, K5GW, EA3DXU, K5WXN and K5AZU, and on 19 Nov G3LQR and G4ALH. CWNR were N2IQ, UT3LL and UA3PTW. Heard were K4EME, CTIDMK and JR9NWC. On 1296 I worked on 18 Nov ON5RR, GW3XYW, F2TU, W7CS, DL6LAU for initial #165, OK1UWA #166, VE6TA and OE9ERC, and on 19 Nov F2TU, JA4BLC, HB9BBD, VK5MC - fantastic to work Chris again (1st time since 1986 I believe), F5PAU, JF3HUC, EA3UM, OE9ERC and JA6CZD. CWNR were HA5SHF, JH3EAO and W7GBI. On 2320 I QSO'd on 19 Nov HB9SV, OE9ERC and OZ4MM. CWNR was K2DH and heard F2TU. The scheme for 13 cm activity definitely worked. We will do it again. Where were the US W coast stations? Not one heard on any band? I was also disappointed that some stations that I heard in the 1st leg didn't appear in the 2nd. Still, I made my highest score since '91. I had on 432 45x21, on 1296 55x28 and 2320 4x4.

Ian writes -- I ended the contest with 77x32. It was very slow on this 2nd weekend. This was partly the result of having had such a good 1st weekend. My initials total now stand at #311. Now that the contest is over, I hope we can give some thought to the EME QSO procedures. They haven't been published since 1992. A draft for comment is at Klaus's site, http://www.dl4eby.de. This is the same as the Rio paper. The main difference from older drafts is that it's much more about random QSOs, with more practical advice on "how to do it". A copy should also be published in the NL shortly. I hope we can have some good discussion on the 20 m net and on MOON-NET. Remember, it's only a draft. So PLEASE make suggestions and comments!

Ian has a new email address at: Ian, G3SEK's new email address.

Howard found it very difficult to find new stations to work in the last session – There were many very loud stations crammed in between 1296.000 and .025 all calling CQ and very few QSOs happening until someone new turned up. Then there was a massive pile up! I managed to work Don WA1JOF (529/539). He called me earlier than a proposed sked. I didn't find F1OAT again so only partial QSO with him. Someone called several times between 0900 and 0915, but I was unable to identify them. VE4MA was not much louder but we completed (O/O). Gotaways were JH3EAO and W0KJY. Both were heard easily in QSOs but I never got to work them. I worked K4QI with 2 deg of el and heard K2UYH, VE9DW and my own echoes down to moonset. I made 3 extra initials this weekend and now standing at initial #139 and DXCC 28, WAS 22 and WAC. My final score was 84x32. This was obviously my best contest ever. The 84 QSOs is 1 more than the total initials with my old 8' dish in 16 years!

Stu was on 1296 in Nov -- Activity on 23 cm EME was high on Saturday and Sunday. I worked 10 US stations. This was the highest number ever in one weekend. Contacts on 18 Nov were K4QI, K0YW, DL6LAU, K2DH, OE5EYM, HB9BHU, HB9BBD, K3AX, N2IQ, K5GW, K5JL, DF4PV, WA9OUU, G4CCH and G3LTF, and on 19 Nov G4DZU, DJ5MN, OE9XXI, DK0ZAB, K2UYH, IK2MMB, W5LUA, OE5JFU, F5PAU and OH2AXH. This gave me a total of 25x13. I was using a new G3WDG 026 preamp, which seems to work OK. The Sun is too low for a Sun noise check at the moment. I can now be reached by email at:

Fred at fredschuetz@freesurf.ch is now QRV on 10 GHz EME and looking for skeds. He was active in the Nov part of the contest on 3 cm a 3.7 m dish and a 30-40 W TWTA at the feedpoint. RX could be better due to too many relays. Sun noise is 14 dB and moon about 1.5 - 2 dB.

Alex (IK5WJD ) reports on his joint 3 cm effort with I5PPE. This year Alex was not QRV on 70 cm from his home station, and concentrated only on 3 cm. They worked on 21 Oct at 1045 W5LUA (O/O) and 0815 IW4BTJ (O/O), and on 19 Nov at 1050 OK1UWA (O/O), 1130 W5LUA (O/O) dup and 1150 WA7CJO (559/569). This gave a contest score of 4x4 for 400 points. The contact between IK5WJD and IW4BTJ was the 1st Italy-Italy 10 GHz EME QSO. Overall they are now up to initial #8 on 10 GHz.

Yoshiro was active on 200, 70, 23 and 13 cm in the contest – I ended the contest with totals of 10x6 on 432, 27x10 on 1296 and 4x4 on 2304/2424. I worked on 432 DK3WG, DL9KR, OZ4MM, JA5NNS, SM3AKW, JA6AHB, K1FO, K0RZ, OH2PO and K5GW, on 1296 OH2AXH, JA7BMB, OE9XXI, OZ4MM, OH2DG for initial #84, HB9Q, DJ5MN, G4CCH, HB9BHU, JH3EAO, G3LQR #85, F5PAU, K0YW #86, N2IQ #, K5GW #87, K5JL, JA6CZD, W6HD #88, K4QI, JF3HUC, G3LTF, F6CGJ, OE9ERC, DK0ZAB #89, OE5JFL, EA3UM and HB9BBD, and on 2304/2424 ZS6AXT, OE9ERC, OZ4MM and HB9SV. Including 144 (21 x11) my total score is 192,200 points this year. I was pleased to work 2 stations on 3 bands K5GW (144/432/1296) and OZ4MM (432/1296/2304) in the contest.

Toshio in Oct scored 43x23 for 98,900 points. He used a 7 m dish and 2 x 3CX800A7 PA. He OSO'd on 21 Oct at 0002 PA4FP (559/559), 0020 G3SEK (559/559), 0038 DF3RU (559/559), 0053 HB9Q (569/559), 0100 DL4MEA (559/549), 0108 JL1ZCG (569/449), 0115 JA2TY (549/549), 0126 DL9KR (589/579), 0132 JA5NSS (559/559), 0150 OH2PO (569/559), 0157 DL7APV (449/549), 0213 G4ERG (559/559), 0251 DK3WG (559/559), 0303 OE9ERC (559/559), 0314 UA6LGH (549/559), 0330 JH0WJF (559/559), 0335 JA4BLC (559/559), 0350 YO2IS (549/559), 0356 SM3AKW (549/559), 0406 F2TU (549/559), 1707 KA0Y (569/579), 1719 N2IQ (569/559), 1726 K1FO (569/559), 1739 VK4AFL (549/559), 1750 K2UYH (O/O), 1815 N9AB (549/559) 1821 KL7HFQ (539/539), 1835 K8UC (559/449), 1853 K0RZ (549/549), 1917 W7SZ (549/549), 1958 JA5OVU (559/559), 2008 JA7BMB (559/449), 2020 JR9NWC (549/559) and 2029 JJ1NNJ (539/559), and on 22 Oct at 0111 JH4JLV (O/O), 0127 OZ4MM (559/559), 0240 OE5EYM (559/559), 0332 F6HYE (559/549), 1805 K5AZU (559/559), 1827 VE6TA (O/O), 1840 WB0GGM (O/O), 1919 K4EME (559/339) and 2025 K5GW (439/569).

Takao writes -- I have come back on EME after 3 years absence. It was a lot of work to "refresh" my old system. The mast bearings of the 4.8 m dish were corroded and the AZ would not rotate. Think of the difficulty I encountered in replacing the bearings without a crane! The dc supply cable for the feed LNA was also defective. The ARRL contest and DJ5MN, Bernhard's sked request encouraged me, and I was able to finish the job just in time for the contest. I made 16 QSOs and 5 initials on 1296 during the 2nd leg of the contest. On 18 Nov I worked OE9XXI, OZ4MM, JA4BLC, HB9BBD, DL6LAU for initial #70, JF3HUC #71, DJ5MN #72, K5JL, K0YW #73, K5GW #74 and N2IQ, and on 19 Nov OE5JFL, F6CGJ, HB9Q #75, F5PAU and OE9ERC. Heard were W4RDI, JA8ERE, JA6CZD, JH5LUZ and JA8IAD. I can be reached by e-mail at:
Takao, JH3EAO

Kouichi's Nov contest 70 cm report -- I worked the following stations on 18 Nov DL7APV (O/O) for an initial #64, K5GW (O/O), VE9DW (559/449) #65 and K2UYH (O/O), and on 19 Nov G4ERG (O/M) #66, K8UC (O/O) #67 and JH4JLV (O/M). My overall total score was 30x16. I heard EA3DXU, DJ6MB, JA2TY, ON5OF, LA9NEA, SM3AKW, K5WXN, K0RZ, K4EME, VK4AFL, JR4IUH, JA4BLC, JR9NWC, JH1XUJ, W6DF [?], JA3IAF and JA7BMB. The WX for the contest was fine. Echoes were fine, but often changeable. My email address is at:
Kouichi, JJ1NNJ

Bill's 432 EME Report for Nov – I worked on 70 cm on 18 Nov DJ3FI, DJ6MB, F5FLN, JA2TY, JH1XUJ, JH4JLV, JL1ZCG, K4EME, K5AZU, K5WXN, KA0RYT, KE2N, LA9NEA, OE3JPC, ON5OF, UA6LGH, VE9DW, VK4AFL, and on 19 Nov AL7OB, DK3WG, DL4KG, G3HUL, JS3SIM, UA4API and W0KJY. Initials were K4EME for #292, LA9NEA #293, KE2N #294 and DL4KG #295. My final score on 70 cm was 65x28.

Steve has been unbelievably busy this year. Here is an update on his activities. He is still trying to find time to finish an addition to the house and a new larger ham shack on the 1st floor. He was unable to operate during most of the winter due to a frozen up prop pitch AZ rotor. The prop pitch gave up for good in July; fortunately after he QSO'd OX2K. It turns out that the prop pitch had gotten full of water. In Sept he replaced it with a different prop pitch. The rotor replacement became a bit complicated as some wasps had built a huge nest on the tower.. Steve has also been very busy with Lunar-Link Systems. He decided to update the 144, 222 and 432 MHz amplifiers that he builds. Getting the updated models out took a lot more time and effort than it was originally thought. K1FO EME activity since his last report follows: QSOs in May with VE6TA, F6KHM, N9AB, F6HYE, W5ORH (no initial same as K5JL), KA0RYT, UT3LL, YU1EV, K5WXN and on 31 May OX2K for initial #568, on 24 July PA4FP #569 at the end of the QSO the prop pitch died for good, in Sept IN3KLQ, DL4MEA, UT3LL, HG100BAY (is this a initial different than HA1YA?) [I assumed they are the same, but I am not certain.], IN2AGI #570, RQ1AW, OE3JPC, DJ3FI, K5AZU, S52CW, I5TDJ (very sad to hear of Piero's passing but glad to be one of his last EME QSOs), VK4AFL, JA6AHB, KL7HFQ, JA3SGR, K4EME #571 (new QTH), K6KHM, K8UC #572, OE9ERC, PA0BAT, #573, G4YTL #574, DK3BU, EA3DXU, RZ3BA/1 #575, G3HUL, AL7OB, K2UYH and PA3DZL. In the EME contest Steve had 108x36 for a score of 388,800 points. Steve feels that he really shot himself in the foot by spending too much time operating in Sept. He QSO'd several stations in Sept that he did not work in the ARRL EME contest.

Russ's contest report for Nov -- I operated exclusively on 1296 and QSO'd on 18 Nov DJ5MN, W1QC, ZS6AXT, HB9BBD, GW3XYW, HB9BHU, W4AD, WA4OFS, K9BCT, LX1DB, ON5RR, OK1UWA, OE9ECR, DK0ZAB, W7CS, W3XS, EA3UM, JA4BLC, JH3HUC, JA6CZD, 19 Nov: DJ9YW, VE6TA, F6CGJ, W4RDI for 61x28 total for the contest. I had to shut down before the Asian window on the 19th because of a snow storm. The heavy, wet snow was collecting very rapidly in my dish.

Stefan (LA0BY) sends news on 70 cm in the 2nd leg of the ARRL Contest – On 18/19 Nov conditions were generally quite good, but we had horrible weather with pouring rain and high winds. We worked new initials with DJ6MB, G4ERG, JH4JLV, SM3AKW, K0RZ, K4EME, VE9DW, K5WXN, F5FLN, W7HAH and ON5OF to bring our total to #48. Heard were JR9NWC, I5CTE, KE2N, K6JEY and others. We noticed that the activity was poor, particularly when the moon was at high elevation. Our 70 cm EME operation was terminated after the contest and the system was disassembled. Viggo is eager to put 2 yagis for 70 cm into his 2 m array.

Dirk operated the Nov contest weekend from Belgium not from France using his callsign ON5OF. He was the only station QRV on 70 cm from ON. He ended with a score of 38x22 running his GS-35B final. Dirk found condx poor. He used FT-100 and reports that its DSP and NB functions worked better than any other radio tried. Dirk will be going back to France and will be on EME from there in the future.

Josef reports on his Nov activity -- I worked on 1296 on 18 Nov HB9BBD (599/559), K0YW (559/339), F2TU (559/539), K4QI (559/539), OE9ERC (559/559), N2IQ (599/579) and G3LTF (559/439). I tried to call only the stations that had not QSO'd in the 1st part of the contest. On 19 Nov I switched to 10,368. I echo tested and heard in response an extremely strong signal. It was WA7CJO calling me. We QSO'd (599/549) and (59/31) on SSB. Later I worked I5PPE (559/559). I am now measuring 1.9 dB of moon noise and my own echoes at 12 dB [in what BW?]. I plan to concentrate on 3 cm operation during the next month. I plan to be QRV between 9 and 17 Dec during the day. (The neighbors are disturbed by the noise from my rotator. I am thus trying to limit my night time operation.) I can be reached at:
OK1UWA's Web Page.
Josef, OK1uWA

Stig's Nov report -- I was battling the WX during the last part of the contest. Lots of rain the whole weekend, I believe, degraded condx here. I feel the best condx occurred on Saturday in the 1st part. This weekend seemed to be more normal. During the night between Saturday and Sunday we got very high winds. I decided to keep the dish in the park position at moonrise on Sunday. Later in the night I took the chance and got back on the moon. I'm glad it was dark outside as wind forced the dish to do some "strange bouncing" that I did not want to see - hi. The F1EHN tracking had a tuff job trying to hold the dish on the moon within 0.1 degree when I was operating on 13 cm. It was a very good idea Peter, G3LTF had concerning the activity window on 13 cm. I feel activity was higher as a result. We need to do similar in coming contests. I ended with 14 stations worked on 13 cm as follows HB9SV, ZS6AXT, VE4MA, OE9ERC, W5LUA, OH2DG, F2TU, JA4BLC, OK1CA, OK1KIR, SM3AKW, IK2RTI, LX1DB and G3LTF. On 23 cm I added initials with F1OAT, WA1JOF and F5HRY to bring me to #178. Initials on 70 cm were KE2N and DL5LF #222. My overall contest score was 14x13 on 13 cm, 72x30 on 23 cm and 99x35 on 70 cm. This score is my best score ever despite missing several the regular stations. Anyhow it was 2 fun weekends.

Jac had to divid his time his time between EME and MS because of the Leonids shower -- I had great fun on both EME and MS. I worked 6 initials and 3 new DXCC via EME and 3 new squares and 2 new DXCC via MS. Because of the MS activity I was only able to operate EME on 23 cm. Just before the contest I replaced the oil-pump for my 2 x 2C39BA 1296 PA as the old one went QRT 2 weeks ago. On Saturday I was QRV for a short time and heard LX1DB calling on SSB. His signal was peaking (52) – unbelievable! I called but could not get his attention. After that I worked HB9BBD with a big signal. I only had to call once. On sunday, after the peak of the Leonids, I was active on EME for several hours and added 3 initials. ZS6AXT replied to one of my CQs. I was very surprised as I'm only running 2.5 m dish and 150 W. We made a FB QSO. I logged on 18 Nov HB9BBD (539/559), and on 19 Nov ZS6AXT (O/O), K2DH (O/O) for initial #26, N2IQ (539/539) # 27 and K5GW (O/O) #28. Heard were LX1DB, DJ5MN (CWNR for 25 min), F5PAU, F2TU, K5JL, OE9XXI, OE5EYM, OZ4MM, K2UYH, PA3CSG, F6CGJ, GW3XYW, OH2AXH, VE9DW and W7GBI. The strongest were LX1DB, OE9XXI and K5JL. I ended with a score of 18x12 on 1296, 5x5 on 432 plus 26x20 on 144 for a total of 49 QSOs on 3 bands.

Peter writes -- I am very sad that Piero, I5TDJ is no longer with us. He was not only an excellent operator and a great radio amateur but also a good friend who always shared his vast knowledge with the rest of us EMEers. I had the great pleasure of meeting Piero together with Peter, I5CTE in Thorn. Piero will certainly be missed. The contest was great. I was QRV on 3 bands, 144, 432 and 1296 as usual. I did not operate full time, most of my operating was done during daytime hours, hence I lost most of the Asian/Pacific window. The following stations were worked on 432 HA1YA, SM3AKW, F2TU, LA9NEA, K8UC, OZ4MM, N9AB, OE5EYM, I5CTE, YO2IS, HB9Q, G3SEK, UA6LGH, K8ISK, G4ERG, DL7APV, HA5BDJ, OH2PO, W7SZ, WB0GGM, EA3DXU, DL4KG, S57Q, G3HUL, DF3RU, IK6EIW, DL9KR, S52CW, F/ON5OF, G4YTL, G3LTF, DK3BU, OH2DG, KL7HFQ, K1FO, W2WD, KJ7F, OE9ERC, K0RZ, OZ6OL and DL1YMK; on 1296 HB9BHU, K5JL, K2DH, OH2DG, W2UHI, DJ5MN, SM3AKW, VE9DW, W3XS, W1QC, DF4PV, K2UYH, IK2MMB, F1ANH, DC6UW, G3LTF, OK1UWA, CT1DMK, K0YW, K3AX, WD5AGO, K5GW, OH2AXH, G4CCH, OE9XXI, OZ4MM, OZ6OL, W1ZX, F6CGJ, W7QX, K4QI, EA3UM, HB9Q, HB9BBD, OE5JFL, JA6CZD, OE5EYM, F5PAU, JF3HUC and F2TU. I heard VK5MC very well but missed him as my moon was in the trees. When signals came up, Chris' moon had set. On the last day of the contest I tried to operate on 432 in the morning but high SWR prevented me from continuing. It turned out that there was water in a coax that a squirrel had chewed through. Looks like I am getting the same problems as Al, K2UYH. How do you protect the cables these days Al? [We trapped and transported all the squirrels to the other side of a near by lake. More squirrels have over the years appeared, but these do not seem to be interested in my antennas. I also gave up on using a garbage can to cover the backs of my feeds. The can appeared to particularly attract the squirrels.]

Carl found US activity, at least on 432, poor -- I made more QSO´s on 1296 than on 432 although I put at least twice as much time in on 432. This year I rearranged my 432 16x21 Tonnas into 8 vertical and 8 horizontal. It helped me to make about 5 more QSOs. On the other hand I probably lost some QSOs because the horizontal stack was 3 dB down. 1296 was my best band, but made my last contest QSO on Saturday as I wanted to exchanged feeds for the 13 cm activity on Sunday. Stormy weather made 13 cm operation difficult with the dish "QSB-swing". Anyway I got 3 QSOs before going back to greener grass on 432. I also made a few contacts on 144. Stations worked in cronological order were on 21 Oct on 432 at 0015 G3SEK, 0028 JL1ZCG and 0045 HB9Q, on 1296 at 0118 HB9BHU, 0122 OH2AXH, 0129 G3LTF, 0131 JA8IAD, 0137 OE9XXI, 0139 JA7BMB, 0142 OH2DG, 0146 F1ANH, 0204 DF4PV, 0209 OZ4MM, 0213 JH5LUZ, 0216 DJ5MN and 0226 JA8ERE, back on 432 at 0306 OZ4MM. 0312 JA5NNS, 0318 OH2PO, 0327 JA4BLC, 0330 G4ERG, 0351 DL9KR, 0357 JA6AHB, 0414 DF3RU and 0422 HA1YA, QSY'd to 1296 at 0439 OE5EYM, 0445 G4CCH, 0451 DH9FAG, 0505 DK7LJ on SSB and 0510 CT1DMK, back to 432 at 0550 SM2CEW, via 144 back on 1296 at 0616 PA3CSG, 0745 SM2CEW, 0752 OZ6OL, 0758 W2UHI, 0806 W5LUA, 0824 K5JL, 0828 F5PAU, 0835 VE9DW, 0850 K2DH, 0908 DH0OAH, 0915 W6HD, 0934 F6CGJ, 0943 K5GW, 1027 K0YW, 1030 EA3UM, 1037 OK1UWA, 1059 K3AX and 1119 K2UYH, then via 144 to 432 at 1247 KA0Y, 1255 K2UYH, 1306 N9AB, 1314 K5GW, 1321 K0RZ, 1343 K1FO and 2355 VK4AFL, on 22 Oct via 144 back to 432 at 0025 DL7APV, 0033 DL4MEA and 0140 OE5EYM, 1296 WINDOW opened at 0225 JF3HUC, 0232 DL6LAU, 0239 HB9SV, 0249 IK2MMB, 0257 JA6CZD, 0313 DK0ZAB and 0356 ZS6AXT, then QSY'd to 432 at 0424 F6HYE and 0430 JH4JHV, but nothing else so back to 1296 at 0455 HB9Q and 0528 OE5EYM, again to 432 at 0551 G3LTF, 0806 N2IQ, 0825 K8ISK, 0848 UA6LGH and 0854 DJ3FI, again 1296 at 0934 K2AH and via 144 to 432 at 1028 GW3XYW and 1046 DK3BU, then to 1296 at 1053 K4QI, 1104 W7SZ, 1132 N2IQ and 1206 F2TU and on moonset on 432 at 1235 G4YTL, on 18 Nov on 432 at 0118 LA9NEA, then on 1296 at 0238 OE9ERC, 0259 HB9BBD and 0316 G3LQR, checked back on 432 at 0410 DJ6MB, nil until 0547 OE9ERC, 0550 ON5OF, 0704 K5AZU and 0712 PA3CSG, back to 1296 at 0727 KD5FZX, 0803 WD5AGO, 0908 W7QX and 0928, back to 432 at 1035 VE9DW, 1047 K8UC and moonset, on 432 on moonrise at 2335 JA3IAF and 2341 JR9NWC, and on 19 Nov (still on 432) at 0000 OE5JFL, 0040 UA3PTW, 0054 JH0WJF and 0103 DK3WG, QSY to 2304 at 0250 ZS6AXT, 0255 OZ4MM and 0314 HB9SV – could probably have worked more but the dish was swing from the gale force winds, so via 144 to 432 at 1007 F5FEN, 1038 KE2N, 1055 K5WXN and 1110 W7HAH. I made 88 QSOs the 1st weekend but only 31 the 2nd. I suggest that the EME contest add an exchange of gridletters, and these be used as the multiplier.

Grant notes that there was a communication error in his Oct scores -- My totals were on 70 cm 25x16 with 5 initials (GW3XYW, G4YTL, KA0Y, K5AZU and UA3PTW), and on 23 cm 26x18 with 3 initials (K5GW, IK2MMB and EA3UM). I was effectively only on for the 2nd moon pass in Nov as the wind was really howling the 1st night. I wish I could have had more time as 1296. There appeared to be lots of activity there. I plan to spend time on 1296 for the next few months and am interested in skeds. My email address is at:
Grant, VE6TA

Darrell, VE1ALQ, who now operates contests under the call VE9WD notes -- I have received 5 QSLs all looking for a VE9DW card for the 1st half of the ARRL Contest. The problem is that I have not yet made up cards for VE9DW. I may do so, soon perhaps. VE9DW is same as VE1ALQ and thus does not count as an initial for most stations. If the Stations requesting VE9DW QSL cards are not for an initial and only card collectors, I feel it would be appropriate for them to enclose return postage as well.

Willie was on 23 cm the 1st Contest weekend and worked some 30 stations. He heard a lot new Station - like 20 m with lots of QRM. New initials on 23 cm were on 21 Oct at 1107 SM2CEW (559/559) for initial #47, 1310 K0YW (559/559) #48, 1325 WA5AGO (559/569) #49 and 1331 F6CGJ (559/569) #50, and on 22 Oct at 1016 F5PAU (559/559) #51, 1125 HB9BHU (O/559) #52, 1205 OE5EYM (559/559) #53,1230 DF3RU (339/559) #54 and 1403 WA4NJP (O/O) #55. If any of these stations would like QSLs, Willie says no problem just send him a card. The 2nd contest weekend he changed the feed to 70 cm but worked on 19 Nov only DL9KR as he had receiver problems - a bad post- preamp. He heard many other stations, but all were very weak. He has fixed the post-preamp and is now receiving very well, but has no output power from his HPA due to a power Supply problem. Willie will be on 70 cm for the 9/10 Dec SW and is looking for skeds. His email is at:
Willie, W1ZX

Warren was not able to make it on for the 2nd part of the EME Contest. He had a freak accident while making pipe shims for his polar mount. He cut the back of his right hand while using a rotary power saw. He went to the hospital where they took x-rays and stitched it up. Unfortunately it became infected. He now has been to 5 doctors. The last one was a hand surgeon. It now seems to be much improved but he is still not allowed to use his right hand. He was thus be able to set up the dish even on the tripod mount. This was very disappointing, but Warren hopes to be QRV on EME again soon.

Dale is making great progress toward 10 GHz EME. He has an 8.5' dish up and is receiving 12 dB of sun noise with a 0.07 deg 3 dB beamwidth. During the contest he copied WA7CJO (579), HB9BHU and OK1?. Dale's email address is at:

Dale, W4OP

Larry reports that high winds for both days of the 2nd leg prevented operation on 23 cm for all but one hour. However his small yagi array on 70 cm worked well through wind gusts approaching 50 MPH. New 23 cm contacts included W6HD, JF3HUC for an initial (#) and W7QX. On 70 cm he added OE5EY, VE9DW, OE9ERC, F6HYE, K5AZU #, DL7APV #, ON5OF, DJ3FI, K2UYH, K5GW, DF3RU, JL1ZCG, OE5JFL, G4ERG, HA1YA # and F5FEN. His total for both legs was 55x35 with 8 initials on 2 bands. Those interested in skeds can reach Larry at:
Larry, W7SZ

Paul decided at the last minute to give 1296 a try in the contest – On Friday afternoon I unpacked all my 1296 stuff from moving boxes packed back in Sweden, and mounted a 4' dish with 0.37 f/d and a W2IMU feed. I was ready to go at moonrise, but I could not hear anybody. Then I measured deepness of the dish and found that focus should be at 50 cm. The original 14 GHz feed was at a distance of 65 cm [?]. After mowing feed to the calculated focus I immediately heard N2IQ and OE9XXI, but I could not get attention with my 300 W (at the feed). The next day I optimized the feed position and finally got 4.5 dB CS/G and 6 dB of Sun noise. The next night I heard OE9XXI - loudest, N2IQ, K5JL OE5JFL and 2 other stations with #5 in their callsign, one of them F5P? [probably PAU] and an SM3 probably AKW. I could not get the attention of OE9XXI or N2IQ. Later my only TH328 flashed over. I am in desperate need of a TH328 in good shape. I can test these tubes. My old 3 x GI7B PA was sent to Mike, SP5CJT when I was moving from Sweden. My installation is temporary, due to a fight with neighbors who do not like a fence I built around my property. For now I cannot erect big dish before things calm down. I will temporary try an 8' dish, but my real problem is now power. In the meantime I am searching for a big gear for rotating my real dish. I visited almost every junkyard in San Diego without results.

Tommy was active during the Nov contest weekend. His window is limited to period from a start at 25 deg El on moonrise to about 4 hours later. After the contest he plans to reconfigure his station for greater operating time. Tommy asks about how to offset the FT726 to compensate for Doppler. [No special modification is required. Just use the Shift+ or Shift- mode as if you were operating through a repeater. The offset can be set in Hz. It is ideal for EME and one of the features of the 726 that the newer 736 does not offer.]

Ivo's Nov contest report -- As in the 1st leg of the contest our weather was bad; rain on the 1st day and gusty winds on the 2nd day. At least all the equipment worked well, with the exception of my alarm clock, which failed to ring, and thus I started 2 hrs late. On Saturday I was on 23 cm and worked HB9BBD, DK0ZAB, OH2DG, SM3AKW, F5PAU, OE9ERC, K3AX, K5GW for initial #162, K2DH, K5JL, K0YW, WA9OUU, W1QC #163, K4QI and WD5AGO, and on Sunday EA3UM, JF3HUC, G3LTF, DF3RU, PA3DZL and N2IQ. CWNR were JH5LUZ, VK5MC, W7QX, HA5SHF, GW3XYW and WA4OFS among other stations copied. On 13 cm I worked on Sunday OK1KIR, SM3AKW and IK2RTI. As in last year's contest, the number of stations on 13 cm was disappointingly low, especially from NA. This just amplifies the need for a well-structured microwave EME Contest. On 23 cm I made at least 2 initials and my 1900th EME QSO with PA3DZL. This brightened my day at bit.

My 2nd contest weekend was a little slower than the 1st, but I still had a good time. Nothing broke down and the WX although not perfect was not a problem. There were still some leaves on the trees, but the rising and setting moon window was a little better than in Oct. This was probably compensated by the slightly lower Dec in Nov. Unfortunately KC2TA was out of town, so I operated all by myself this time around. I was exclusively on 432 on Saturday and on 1296 on Sunday. I probably would have done more band switching had Hank been around. I ended with 64x28 on 70 cm and 60x27 on 1296, which is about 50 percent better than last year. QSO'd on 432 on 18 Nov were at 0717 PA3CSG (569/559), 0723 OZ4MM (569/569), 0730 HB9Q (569/549), 0145 HA5YA (559/559), 0825 DJ6MB (559/549), 0839 VE9DW (559/559), 0845 F5FLN (569/569), 0920 UA6LGH (559/559), 1023 W7HAH (559/549), 1034 EA3DXU (549/O), 1056 W7SZ (559/559), 1110 K5GW (569/569), 1146 OEEYM (569/559), 1147 K5WXN (549/559), 1309 W0KJY (O/O), 1437 JL1ZCG (569/559), 1516 JA2TY (549/449), 1535 JH0WJF (559/559) #639 and 1603 JH1XUJ (449/559), and on 18 Nov at 0752 N2IQ (569/569), 0802 F5AQC (55/55) on SSB, 0818 HB9BBD (579/579), 0824 VE9DW (569/559), 0832 VE6TA (549/559), 0859 I0UGB (559/549), 0940 GW3XYW (559/549), 1001 PA3CSG (559/559), 1032 I2MMB (559/559), 1043 DJ9YW (559/559), 1128 EA3UM (559/559), 1150 K2AH (569/579), 1240 G4CCH (569/569) dup, 1247 WA9OUU (559/559) dup, 1438 W7GBI (559/559), 1503 W6HD (569/569) and 1703 JA7BBM (O/O).




KA0RYT now has 4 yagis up and is hearing well. He worked 22x14 on 70 cm with 2 initials.

N2IQ has added a scaler choke ring to his 70 cm waveguide feed. Mark reports working 113x37 on 70 cm and 52x24 on 23 cm in the contest.

W4AD was active on 70 cm in the 2nd leg of the contest. His moon window is limited to AZ between 85 and 160 degs. He has a new preamp that is giving a 0.5 dB more sun noise.

LX1DB was active on 23 cm Saturday and 13 cm on Sunday of the contest.

WA1JOF added on 23 cm OZ6OL, F2TU, K0YW, HB9BBD, N2IQ and K5GW for a score of 15x10.

W3XS was active on 1296 during Nov and ended with a score of 42x26 with 3 initials.

K9BCT was on for a few hrs in Nov when Murphy struck. His azimuth hung up and wouldn't get past 170 degs.

WA9FWD worked HB9BBD with the moon at -0.1 degs and DJ5MN for a new one. John tried to get on 70 cm, but the preamp was bad.

KE2N is reported to be running 16 x 22 yagis and LA-70B PA.

RW1AW not on 432 in Nov.

G4RGK was not QRV in Nov due to problems with cables running under-ground from his shack to the array. Nov has seen exceptional rainfall in England.

K2DH had a minor disaster with his 23 cm DEMI xvtr and needs a PA hybrid for it. But Dave is very pleased with his contest score on 23 cm of 84x33.

K0YW on 23 cm is getting 24.2 dB of sun noise. He reports a score of 31x11.

LU7DZ hopes to be on 70 cm soon from FF78ra with 4x33 el yagis and a GS23b PA.

LU8EDR is working on a new 7.2 m dish for 23 cm that he hopes to finish very soon.

WA4NJP had serious WX problems during the Nov contest weekend including rain, ice and snow. His furnace went out and he had to use his fireplace. Despite his problems he made several QSOs, 4x4 on 70 cm for 1 hour of operation and 21x17 on 23 cm.

DK3WG added initials on 432 with K8ISK and K6JEY during the Nov weekend.

W7MEM finally worked DL9KR (529) and tried to work N2IQU running about 50 W.

VE4MA was active on 23 and 13 cm during the contest. On 1296 he worked 4 with lots of CWNRs running 75 W and a 10' dish.

KD4LT had tracking problems and worked only 4 stations on 23 cm (N2IQU, K5GW, K2DH and K5JL).

W7CNK was active on 70 cm briefly near the end of the contest.

WA8WZG did not make any QSOs during Nov because of snow and wind problems.

OZ9AAR has a new email address at:

His web address is still
OZ9AAR's WEB Page.

W7QX had power problems on both nights in Nov and ended with a total of 25x15 on 23 cm.

K6JEY was QRV on 432 in the contest and made several QSOs.

JH0BBE is QRV on 70 cm and located in PM97.

WB0GGM scored a frosty 16x12 on 70 cm in the contest with 600 W and 4 x 24 el yagis. His west window is to El > 30 degs.


K1FO's 1500 W output 144, 222 and 432 MHz amplifiers have been updated to new models: the LA-22, LA-12 and LA-72. They still use a pair of 3CX or 3CPX800A7 tubes but now have over 20 improvements. The most significant change is having a peak responding RF power meter available that indicates RF output in KW and includes reflected power capability. The front panel now has a high quality powder epoxy powder coat finish. Contact Steve at 203-421-3377 or visit

Or contact:
Steve, K1FO at Lunar Link

W1ZX has for Sale an MFJ-784 Super DSP filter $US100+s, a JPS NRF-7 Noise Remover & Audio Filter $US50+s, an HP 431B Power Meter with head $US100+s, an HP 415E SWR Meter (brown color - a later model unit) $US65+s, Noise Com Noise Diodes (NC305) in glass packages $US33+s and an AIL hot-cold noise generator (load) type 70 that needs some work $US25+s. Call Willie at 301 645 5584 2000 to 2300 EST, FAX 301 645 6853, 24 hrs or email:


WA6PY is in desperate need of a TH328 in good shape. Contact Paul at:

Paul, WA6PY


We all missed the ball this month. I thought there was a 4 week turn around and did not discover my error until late on Saturday night. Thus this NL is another rush job. I am writing this at 2 am Sunday morning and still have a ways to go. Please excuse me if for any missed reports or promised parts. I will catch up next time.

The question has been raised if Cabrillo Format is required for logs submitted for the ARRL EME Contest. This format is required by most of the other ARRL DX and VHF contests. According to information supplied by VE1ALQ, it does not appear to be presently required for the EME Contest. This does not mean that this requirement might not be imposed in the future. I will keep you posted.

Doug, K6JEY has been asked by the Handbook editor to look at the EME section of the 2001 handbook and provide feedback for changes it might need. He is asking EME operators to send him suggestions on what they would like to see changed or added. Among Doug's ideas is the addition of URLs at the end of the section to provide readers with more information. Please send your ideas to:

Doug, K6JEY

SM3AKW suggests in his report that the ARRL EME Contest add as an exchange gridletters (JO, FN, etc.) and that these be used as the multiplier. I believe this idea has a lot of merit. It would add a little more challenge to a contest that has not changed in more than 20 years. It eliminates the problem of stations who's calls do not correspond to their location. I think it would tend to make the multiplier more equitable. Why should the US and Canada have multipliers for call areas, but not Australia.

That the news for now. Please keep the technical material and reports coming.

73, Al - K2UYH


Time     432.040
2330z  UA3PTW-K2UYH

Time     432.040        432.045
0000z  IN3AGI-K2UYH
0100z  DL5LF -K2UYH   WB0GGM-HA1YA
0130z  DK0MM -K2UYH   WB0GGM-ON5OF
0200z  KE3N  -K2UYH   WB0GGM-DL8OBU
0230z  KJ7F  -K2UYH   WB0GGM-DJ3FI
0730z                 JH1XUJ-WB0GGM
0800z                 VK4AFL-WB0GGM

10 DEC
Time    1296.040       1296.050       1296.060
0100z                                I0UGB -VE6TA
0130z  CT1DMK-W7QX                   HB9Q  -VE6TA
0200z                                W7QX  -VE6TA
0230z  WA1JOF-VE6TA                  LU8EDR-W7QX
0330z  WA1JOF-W7CS
0400z  WA1JOF-W7GBI
0430z  WA1JOF-W7SZ

        G3SEK's Lunar Weekend Calendar for 2001
           (Skeds Weekends Indicated by "*")

At 2400 Sat/   Declination  Signals  Sun offset  Sky temp     Comments
   0000 Sun       (deg)       (dB)     (deg)    (K,432MHz)

 *6 /  7  Jan      18.4       0.6       +141        27     Night.
 13 / 14  Jan       7.8       0.7       -122        15     Night.
 20 / 21  Jan     -21.2      -0.6        -39        166    Moon in south.
 27 / 28  Jan      -9.9      -0.7        +38        19     Moon in south.
 *3 /  4  Feb      20.2       0.7       +120        29     Night.
 10 / 11  Feb       4.5       0.6       -142        21     Night.
 17 / 18  Feb     -22.3      -0.7        -58        149    Moon in south.
 24 / 25  Feb      -6.5      -0.6        +19        19     Moon in south.
 *3 /  4  Mar      21.8       0.7       +102        35     Day(PM).
 10 / 11  Mar       1.4       0.6       -162        21     Night.
 17 / 18  Mar     -22.9      -0.8        -78        149    Moon in south.
 24 / 25  Mar      -3.0      -0.6         +5        20     Moon in south.
 *0 /  1  Apr      22.9       0.8        +84        29     Day(PM).
  7 /  8  Apr      -1.9       0.5       -175        20     Moon in south.
 14 / 15  Apr     -23.0      -0.8        -97        41     Moon in south.
 21 / 22  Apr       0.3      -0.5        -20        19     Sun noise.
*28 / 29  Apr      23.2       0.8        +68        20     Day(PM).
  5 / 6   May      -5.3       0.4       +159        20     Moon in south.
 12 / 13  May     -22.6      -0.8       -117        41     Moon in south.
 19 / 20  May       3.4      -0.4        -39        20     Day(AM).
*26 / 27  May      22.6       0.9        +51        20     Day(PM).
  2 /  3  Jun      -8.9       0.3       +142        23     Moon in south.
  9 / 10  Jun     -21.7      -0.9       -135        24     Moon in south.
 16 / 17  Jun       6.4      -0.3        -58        20     Day(AM).
*23 / 24  Jun      21.2       0.9        +34        14     Day(PM).
  0 /  1  Jul     -12.5       0.2       +126        26     Moon in south.
  7 /  8  Jul     -20.1      -0.9       -154        18     Moon in south.
*14 / 15  Jul       9.4      -0.2        -76        22     Day(AM).
 21 / 22  Jul      19.3       1.0        +17        13     Sun noise.
 28 / 29  Jul     -15.8       0.1       +109        29     Moon in south.
  4 /  5  Aug     -18.0      -0.9       -171        20     Moon in south.
*11 / 12  Aug      12.7      -0.2        -94        24     Day(AM).
 18 / 19  Aug      17.1       1.0         -4        13     Sun noise.
 25 / 26  Aug     -18.7       0.0        +92        39     Moon in south.
  1 /  2  Sep     -15.5      -0.9       +169        17     Moon in south.
 *8 /  9  Sep      15.9      -0.1       -112        24     Day(AM).
 15 / 16  Sep      14.6       1.0        -21        14     Sun noise.
 22 / 23  Sep     -20.9      -0.1        +74        66     Moon in south.
 29 / 30  Sep     -12.7      -0.9       +151        17     Moon in south.
 *6 /  7  Oct      18.9       0.0       -129        27     Night.
 13 / 14  Oct      11.6       1.0        -39        14     Day(AM).
 20 / 21  Oct     -22.6      -0.2        +54        166    Moon in south.
 27 / 28  Oct      -9.8      -0.9       +132        19     Moon in south.
 *3 /  4  Nov      21.4       0.1       -147        29     Night.
 10 / 11  Nov       8.1       1.0        -57        15     Day(AM).
 17 / 18  Nov     -23.6      -0.3        +34        166    Moon in south.
 24 / 25  Nov      -6.8      -0.9       +112        19     Moon in south.
 *1 /  2  Dec      23.0       0.2       -166        35     Night.
  8 /  9  Dec       3.9       0.9        -75        21     Day(AM).
 15 / 16  Dec     -24.2      -0.4        +13        149    Moon in south.
 22 / 23  Dec      -3.8      -0.9        +91        20     Moon in south.
*29 / 30  Dec      23.9       0.3       +174        29     Night.

Lunar Calendar for 1999 prepared by G3SEK

Netnotes by K1RQG

Leave Contest Info or Comments to Allen Here

This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT


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Rein, W6/PA0ZN