September VOL 28 # 9
OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH
TOM KIRK, KA2VAD (908-521-2049).
HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:
Klaus Tiedemann.
*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***
I am afraid that almost all the activity reports this month are
for 1296 where conditions were quite good. Unfortunately not enough 70 cm
reports were received to give a clear picture of happenings on this band. There
was certainly activity on 432 during the Aug activity weekend. Part of the
problem is the vacation schedule with many key operators away on holiday. I
did not help by spending the little moon time I had on 23 cm. This won’t
happen in Sept. The Sept SW is the last chance to check out systems and
equipment before the ARRL EME Contest at a time of significant activity.
I have always said the best part of a conference is not
the formal sessions but the time spent talking in small groups on a one to one
basis. The formal sessions were great, and very professionally done. There
was excellent media equipment and several technicians to make sure the
presentations went well. But what made this conference so special was the
group size. Large enough to represent divers interests from all over the globe,
and yet small enough to coalesce into a group that could that could go and do
things not possible at a larger conference. The party really started on Thursday
when Don, PY5ZBU arrived and continued through Monday. Some of the
gang stayed around Rio for the remainder of the week to enjoy the excellent
weather and sights. Rio is one of the most beautiful cities I have visited. Food
and shopping were very reasonable compared to the US and Eur. The formal
conference presentations ranged from 1296 solid state amplifier combiner
design to TWTAs and from the latest news on 6 m EME to 24 GHz -
WA7CJO is hearing echoes on this band. Don and his associates from the
Araucaria DX Group and INEPAR went out of their way to make to
conference memorable. I can not say enough about the attention to detail of
the organizing committee. The food was incredible with coffee breaks that
were more like multi-course breakfasts, and all you can eat meals that feature
every sort of food imaginable. On Saturday night there was a mystery bus ride
that took the conference to Buzios, a luxury beach resort several hours north
of Rio made famous by Bridget Bardot. There we were treated to a visit of a
private astronomical observatory to see the southern sky something most of
us had never seen before. This was one of the highlights of my trip. The group
spent the night in Buzios at a lovely beach hotel. The next day we returned to
Rio to conclude the conference and another sumptuous meal. The major
decisions reached at Rio was an overwhelming endorsement for the us of
circular polarization on the microwave bands, and the selection of Prague in
the Czech Republic as the sight for the 2002 Conference. My thanks to the
conference organizing team of Aldenor, PY5EJ, Atilano, PY5EG, Don,
PY5ZBU, Cleide Larson, Eduardo Carmona and Sonia Bombardelli for a truly
outstanding EME Conference, one which all who attended will not forget and
The SETI League of which Paul, N6TX is Executive
Director has received a grant to set up an EME Beacon on 1296 MHz. The
purpose of this beacon will be to help SETI volunteers calibrate there listening
systems. The beacon will also be useful to 23 cm EME operators as a
reference for checking out our systems. More information can be found at:
SETI League 1296 EME Beacon
I will also keep you informed of beacon developments.
Mark in Jerusalem, Israel is interested in getting on EME. He
presently has a 7’ dish and 10 W on 1296, but is working on a 100 W PA. On
432 he has 100 W to single long yagi (Cushcraft 719B) that he uses for
Oscar10, but is considering building up a larger array. He is willing to try
skeds on 70 cm with the bigger stations and can be reached at
martek@zahav.net.il. Mark will appreciate any ideas and help.
Mike (BP51dc) says that Sept will probably the last month for
activity with his yagi array as his new big dish is nearing operational status.
He was QRV in Aug with the old system of 16 x NBS yagis, DEM 0.4 dB NF
LNA and 700 W PA, but reports no new QSOs. He can be reached for skeds
at melum@customcpu.com, and details of his dish’s progress can be found at:
Gerald is pleased to announce -- I am back on 432 MHz EME after
my move to the southern part of Germany and a year of no activity. My new
QTH is in JN48ou (previous JO31MB) and thus I count as a new initial.
[Absolutely!] The system still consists of TS-850, homemade transverter, PA
GS23B and 4x29 el BV (8.5 WL) yagis. Sun noise is about 12 dB and I can
hear/detect my echoes all the time. During tests I tried some DSP software and
found it very useful to find my weak signals. I was able to adjust my antenna
heading with the help of DSP. I will use Hamview software the next time I’m
Bernd has been working on his 70 cm EME system during his
summer holidays. He had hoped to get more done, but says he will definitely
be QRV for the ARRL EME Contest with at the least 4 x 11 wl 9BV yagis. I
am waiting for the elevation rotor and a new frame for a new 8 x 13 wl array.
My goal is to be fully QRV for the contest.
Howard was impressed by the great SSB signals in Aug -- Since my
last report, I have received a new pre amp from Tommy - WD5AGO. I have
spent some time testing and making comparisons with my newly repaired
G3WDG stripline preamp with MGF4919 HEMT. The AGO pre amp seems
marginally better; so it's now my #1 LNA. I was QRV during the Aug activity
weekend and had a great time again. A total of 30 QSOs were made and 2
initials were added. There were some very loud signals around and activity
was all concentrated in the 10 KHz between 1296.010 and .020 making it
difficult to copy some of the weaker signals at times. I QSO’d on 26 Aug
JA4BLC (539/559), HA5SHF (539/569), OK1CA (549/549), ZS6AXT
(549/579), F5PAU (589/569), VE1ALQ (569/559), K3AX (539/549),
HB9BBD (57/54) on SSB, VE1ALQ (54/55) on SSB, DJ5MN (549/569),
WA4OFS (429/449) for initial #113, W7QX (439/449), PA3DZL (339/549),
W7QX (439/449), W7GBI (549/539) and W2UHI (559/549), and on 27 Aug
PA3DZL (439/449), OH2DG (539/559), DF9QX (559/559) #114, F5PL
(559/559), DJ9YW (549/549), OK1DFC (549/559), SM3AKW (559/569),
HB9BBD (59/57) on SSB, OZ6OL (549/559), K2UYH (55/55) on SSB, K5JL
(589/569), IK2MMB (559/559), K2DH (569/569) and HB9Q (559/559).
Getaways were I0UGB - heard working HB9BBD on SSB, OE5EYM and
HB9SV. I will be active again in Sept and will be available for sked. It really
is great to hear so many signals off the moon, and with better levels than I had
expected. I have recently added more examples of the kind of signals that I
hear as Real Audio files on my web site at:
Please note that I am in the process of changing my e-mail address. Always send mail to me at:
This address is an alias and mails should get to me
irrespective of which server I am using.
Ken trying to copy 1296 signals off the Moon with very simple
antennas. So far he has had no luck. He sends the following information on
the early days of EME -- I am 81 now but still quite active. Recent bulletins
from David, GM4JJJ and Ian, G3SEK mentioned pioneer EME work by
W1ZIG and K1HMU on 144. Though not going back quite that far, I have a
set of beautiful Eimac EME bulletins published in the 1970's, filled with
photographs of dishes and yagi arrays dating back to the 1960's. The sheer
size and complexity of some of the antenna systems built by amateurs in
basement workshops has always fascinated me. The bulletins also contain old
QST articles by authors such as Al, K2UYH and Joe, W1JR (W1JAA or
W6FZJ was his call in those days). It's good that the long list of active
EMEers at the time includes several still aiming at the Moon today. Also
featured is the 128 element 432 MHz array of Peter, ZE5JJ, a long-gone
prefix, which will bring a touch of nostalgia to some old-timers. (How many
still around worked Peter under that call?) And what about the constructional
article by W6PO for a state of the art preamp for 144 MHz using a Siliconix
U310 or a 2N5397? If you fancy building one I can supply a full set of
drawings. I like an article on W7FN's big array in which he comments on
some of the factors that influenced the design, e.g. 1. Weather -it's wet in the
North West, 2. Neighbors - Locate antenna close to ground in backyard to
minimize visual impact, 3. Motorized EL-AZ - none, antenna may not work-
wait and see. All of which still apply! In the 1970's my call was G8VR/W1,
and I lived in a condominium near Hartford, CT, where no antennas were
permitted. However I could sit in my living room and, with 18 inches of coat
hanger stuck in the back of my TS 700, listen to K1WHS up in Maine
working stations off the Moon with his 300-plus elements. One night there
was a sizeable aurora, so I called him using my coat-hanger set-up and he
came straight back. A couple of years later when I was back in the UK and
again worked Dave on 144, but this time via the Moon using 350 W to a 16 el
yagi. Another huge New England signal in those days was Steve, WA1FFO,
later K1FO of course. I was briefly an EMEer from CT. Bob Atkins, KA1GT,
and I put together a somewhat shaky array of 128 el quagis for 432. I worked
Charlie G3WDG... Oh happy days!
Csaba sends the following summary of his group results on
1296MHz and on 2320 this summer: They worked on 13 cm on 3 June at
16:47 OE9ERC (559/M) for the 1st QSO from Hungary on 2320, and on 1296
on 3 June at 1737 OX2K (569/559) for initial #55 and DXCC 23 and 0317
G4CCH (559/529) #56, on 30 July at 1242 CT1DMK (O/O) #57 and DXCC
24, on 26 Aug at 0256 JA4BLC (M/O) #58, 0600 OK1CA (O/O) #59, 0615
G4CCH (569/539), 0930 W3XS nil on sked, 0955 HB9BBD (579/529) and
(56/42) on SSB, 1030 I0UGB (559/539) #60 and DXCC 25, 1126 ZS6AXT
(449/O), 1155 OZ6OL (M/M), 1230 W7SZ (M/O) #61 and WAS 10 and 1300
W7GBI (O/O) #62, and on 27 Aug at 0536 HB9Q (569/529) #63, 0800
G3LTF nil on sked, 0835 HB9BBD (579/529), 0900 DJ5MN nil on sked,
1000 IK2MMB (O/O) #64, 1202 HB9SV (579/559), 1213 K2UYH (559/549)
and 1241 K5JL (569/559).
Harry was active during the Aug SW on 1296. He CWNR W7SZ
many times, but did worked about 9 stations other stations.
Jay had a great time in Rio. He returned just in time to get on 23 cm
during the Aug SW and worked about dozen stations. Signals were
particularly good from W7QX, K3AX, HA5SHF and W6HD during the
Franta was on the 26th during the Aug SW -- I worked on 1296
HA5SHF (O/O) for initial #67 and new country, G4CCH (549/549), VE1ALQ
(549/449), ZS6AXT (449/559) and HB9BBD (579/569). I also heard
OK1UWA and F5PAU, but had to QRT early because of strong QRN.
Atilano who supported and helped organize the RIO2000 EME
conference and has been bitten by the EME bug. He expresses his
extraordinary pleasure on his opportunity to meet with so many EMEers at the
conference, and learn about the fantastic hobby of moonbounce. He hopes to
be QRV on 70 cm before long, and can be reached at: PY5EG
Marko also sends word of his pleasure in attending the EME
Conference in Brazil. He also wants to alert everyone that his e-mail alias:
S57UU doesn't always work.
He recommends use of S57UU, which should be more reliable.
Darrell is rewiring his shack so that there is no interference,
particularly from computer and other electrically noisy devices. He also has a
project to make his own waveguide adapters for his 10 GHz EME system.
During Aug he worked W2WD for an initial on 70 cm.
Frank connected with K9BCT on 23 cm in Aug. He also heard
OK1DFC, K5JL and DJ9YW during the SW. He asks to "please remind those
that call CQ and then hear YYYY from another station, this means to repeat
only your call sign with proper spacing so that the station answering your CQ
can dig out your call."
Warren disappointed we could not make RIO2000, but reports some
progress in debugging his portable EME station I had the dish up for quite a
while, but still not totally happy with the results, particularly with my weak
and inconsistent echoes. The following is a summary of successes and
failures: K4AR nil, K1FO CWNR, N9AB CWNR, NL7Q nil, PA4FP (O/O),
EA3DXU nil, RW1AW O/O, I5TDJ nil, DF3FI partial (O/-), VE1ALQ
(449/549), SM3AKW (M/M) but no R’s and K8UC nil. The moon is now
south of my window, so I have dismantled the dish to keep the neighbors and
zoning officer off my back. I intend to put it up when the moon comes back
into view again. Calibrating the azimuth readout is still one of the major
problem areas. Hopefully, I will be in good shape for the Italian EME test.
Al reports that he worked on 28 Aug on 5760 EME WA5ICW in
EM26 OK. Al believes that Jim (WA5ICW) was running a 5 m dish and about
a 100 W, and heard him with a nice (559) signal off the moon.
Lucky is now QRV with a new 16’ aluminum dish. He was on 432
for a short time during the Aug SW and worked 1 JA. Little was heard from
Charlie writes -- I really enjoyed the conference in Rio. I especially
was happy to get to talk with all the guys there. Since my return, I have gotten
on 1296. I haven't been on 1296 for almost a year. I was on during the Aug
SW and managed to work 6 stations. I had a sked with HA5SHF and worked
them easily along with W7SZ, G4CCH, F5PL, W2UHI and K4QI. I will
probably spend more time on 23 cm now, but I am about to start echo testing
on 5760. I have about 70 W and a 12’ dish. I am getting 14 dB of sun noise,
and now that the WX is cooling off, I will get back on this project.
Larry used the Aug SW to evaluate performance of a recently
completed DSP-10 transceiver For EME applications -- The DSP-10 was built
from a construction article in Sept 99 QST. All functions are controlled via
computer key board. PC display features: waterfall, moon az/el, Doppler, time
base, signal strength in dB, etc. It's 25 mW output at 144 MHz was more than
enough to drive my 23cm transverter. Results were very encouraging. On
26/27 Aug I made 11 contacts including 3 initials and one SSB contact. There
was no problem with overload from the "big" stations. A real plus for me was
the binaural audio feature. Contacts included W2UHI, VE1ALQ, G4CCH,
W7GBI, F5PL for an initial (#), K2UYH on SSB, K5JL, HB9Q, K2DH,
HA5SFH # and OH2DG#. Ultimately I would like to work QRP ops off the
moon. My goal is a bandwidth of 10 Hz, and I am making progress towards
Doppler tracking.
Clark reports that there is a new product for Ham-M and TailTwister
rotors. It automates the rotor and even has an RS-232 option so you can
interface your rotator with a computer. The URL is:
Cost is $US100 for the manual version and $US130 for the RS-232 model.
Tommy is preparing for the ARRL EME contest. He hopes to be
on QRV 5 GHz as well as 432 and 1296 for the contest. He also considering
222 EME and can QRV if there is interest. Tommy will be available for EME
during the days for the next few weeks.
Ivo was active on 1296 during the SW, but is nearly ready for 10
GHz I QSO’d on 26 Aug G4CCH, F5PAU, OK1CA, VE1ALQ, DJ5MN,
HB9BBD, WD5AGO, HA5SHF, W2UHI and K9BCT on horizon, and heard
I0UGB on SSB, and on 27 Aug HB9Q, DJ9YW, SM3AKW, F5PL, K3AX,
W2UHI, K2UYH and K5JL, and heard OZ6OL, IK2MMB, OK1DFC,
PA3DZL, G4CCH and DF9QX. Signals were generally very good, thanks to
perigee. I now have 2 transverters (DB6NT) for 10 GHz running, but still am
missing PSUs for my TWTs, preamp and a suitable dish. I have found only
some for 4 GHz satellite TV that will be not be too good. I think I have a lead
on a 1.5 m dish from 12 GHz link, but feel that it will be too small. There is
no chance to extend it as it is very deep - f/D about 0.27. I suppose for TR
switching, I will do better with the waveguide switch, which I have, than with
an SMA coaxial relay. No tests as yet have been done with the new 6 cm
setup for the feed. I hope to have it done soon, while the good weather lasts. I
wonder - was there any discussions and/or decisions on the polarization
change for 6 and 3 cm in Rio? [The recommendation was that we should all
use circular pol on the microwave bands.]
The RIO2000 conference turned out to be something very special
because of the great job done by the organizing committee and the turnout
see my comments on the conference above. I returned from Rio on Saturday
and missed the 1st day of the Aug SW, but was able to get on 1296 on Sunday
and picked up an initial. I QSO’d on 27 Aug at 1159 OZ6OL (549/559), 1212
HA5SHF (549/559), 1222 ZS6AXT (559/569), 1240 DJ5MN (569/579), 1251
G4CCH (56/56) on SSB, 1311 OK1DFC (559/569), 1317 partial W2UHI
(569/-) I responded on SSB to his CW call and Frank never came back
again, 1326 W7SZ (549/549), 1334 K3AX (549/559), 1506 HB9Q (569/559)
and (55/53) on SSB for initial #177 and 1516 W7SZ (54/54) on SSB.
GM0ONN is planning to be QRV for the ARRL
K3LFO has a new e-mail address: K3FO
RW3PF (KO93cd) is looking for 70 cm EME skeds. I have no info on his system, but
he can be reached at: RW3PF
K9BCT has made several
receiver comparison tests and reports that a SOTA converter with an FT-1000
is much better than an FT-736, but as might be expected sun noise measures
the same.
KA0RYT is setting up a new 70 cm yagi array and has many
projects in the works.
VVE6NA had a visit from OE9ERC during Aug.
W0RAP has started to work towards getting the az/el systems of his 16’ dish
back into shape. Bob hopes to become QRV again soon.
WA9FWD has been
busy around the house, but still found time to get a GI-7b PA working with
low power. John is mounting it in a box and cleaning up the installation. He
hopes to test it in the near future.
K5WXN was on 70 cm in Aug. He heard
nil, not even echoes during the preSW, but worked 2 new ones and reports a
fair amount of Eur activity during the SW.
PA3CSG is building a new mount
for his 12’ dish for 3 cm EME. He needs KY and NM for WAS on 70 cm.
9H1PA in the Philippe’s, reports that 9H1ES has improved his sun noise and
is making some progress.
WA1JOF is just about ready again for 23 cm EME
with a much-improved system.
K1RQG working on his 32' dish and has it
more than 75% completed thanks to the help of W1ZX who is driving the
W7QX contacted K5JL and HB9Q on 23 cm during the Aug SW.
K0YW now has the feed mount complete, and has modified the hub of his
new dish for attachment. He hopes to have the tower and mount done soon.
N7EIJ has 4x9 wavelength M2 antennas for 70 cm and asks if these would be
adequate for EME. [QSOs are definitely possible. The number of stations that
can be worked will depend on the available power.]
W4TJ is still working
towards returning to QRV status on EME.
AA5C is checking out his 10 GHz
system in preparation for the fall EME contest.
K8UC is interested in skeds.
He is QRV on 70 cm and is looking for big stations to run with. He worked
KA0Y in Aug.
VE6TA will be QRV on 222 till the end of Sept.
heard KA0Y with a big signal during the SW.
SM2CEW is working on a new
cavity amp for 70 cm.
F1CH is now off 70 cm EME and is moving to 23 cm.
F5KDK is still QRV on 70 cm.
G4RGK is presently not available
for 70 cm skeds due to work commitments. He is not equipped for 23 cm and
has never been QRV on this band.
UR4LL has many Russian
transmitting tubes available. You can find detailed data and other interesting
information at the ND2X WEB site, which has a new address:
Russian Tubes
K9BCT is looking for a GR-1236 IF meter.
a 10’ dish available for pick-up. It is good to 10 GHz.
looking for an 8699C, 4-8 GHz plugin for a 8690B.
VE6TA is
looking for a 4
tube amp for 23 cm.
KL7HFQ has
a National 600 crane bearing that he has
no plans to use available.
On behalf of the EME Community I would like to express our
feeling sadness and wishes of sympathy to EMEer Mike, SP5CJT, (brother of
WA6PY) upon learning of the death of his wife after a battle with cancer.
-- Thanks again the Curitiba group. I don’t think anyone could have a better
job than they did in organizing an EME conference. An added benefit of this
SA conference will be increased EME activity from this part of the world. I
also would not be surprised if we hear about some SA EME dxpeditions in the
very near future.
73, for the next 29, Al - K2UYH
This information was obtained from:
Scott, KD4LT
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Rein, W6/PA0ZN