JULY VOL 28 # 7


OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH



HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:
Klaus Tiedemann.



*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***




Many TNX to the OX2K group. They did a great job. I QSO'd them on both 70 cm and 23 cm as did many others. We need more activities like this one! OX2K's affect on 432 and 1296 is clearly shown by the size of this NL. There were almost as many reports this month as after the ARRL EME Contest. OX2K's log for 70 and 23 cm is shown at the end of this NL. They made (approx.) 70 QSOs on 1296 and 37 on 432. QSLs should be sent to Allis Andersen OZ1ACB, Kagsaavej 34, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark (or via bureau). Their e-mail address is:
and their Web Page is :
OX2J WEB site

A special presentation on the OX2K dxpedition will be shown at the EME2000 Conference in Rio next month.

Mike writes - I worked on 432 OE9ERC on Sunday of the June SW for initial #56. Erich will be visiting here next month. The BIG news is that I have found a big 28.5" azimuth bearing (a 30" crane bearing) for my 9.2 m dish project. The even bigger news is that it cost me only 2 cases of beer. And I have more than one available if anyone needs one. It is pictured on my website:


Michael is looking for 70 cm EME dxpedition ideas -- In the past few years I have made dxpeditions all over Europe to activate rare grid squares, especially for microwaves with reasonable rigs for all bands between 70 and 3 cm. Also, while travelling through NA the last 3 years for our summer vacation, I have activated remote places like Paradise Island or the Pribilof Group on HF for the IOTA-fans. This year, by the way, St.Lawrence Island in the Bering Strait (NA-040) will be on the air as another rare one. I am now in a position to set up a dxpedition for 70 cm EME. What places are people particularly interested in seeing QRV? I have the feeling that SA has not been very active on 70 cm. Any advice would be more than welcome.

Jan reports that he worked RW3BP for initial #733 [1.65 m dish and 800 W - see RW3BP's report in the last NL]. He also worked RZ3BA/1 #734 (1 x 38 ele and 800 W) and G4YTL/TF #735 (6 yagis and 600 W). RZ3BA/1 is in grid KO56 and may be scheduled through RW3BP. He is only QRV Jun through Nov - not QRV in the winter. Jan thinks HB9Q #736 is really new station, but says it is still not clear. HB9DBM is the second operator of HB9Q. [This is a difficult case. Can it be argued that HB9Q is really HB9DBM's station at a different location from HB9CRQ? In the past many stations have moved to new locations in the same grid square and not been considered new initials. Changing calls does not justify consideration as an initial. It seems that the only case for HB9Q's status as an initial would be that it is a club station or really HB9DBM's station, and not a continuation of HB9CRQ's station.]

Herve reports that F5IQA who was heard on 23 cm is part of the F6HYE group. Herve' has no more info, especially on any possible 23 cm activity. Possible it was something set up for the OX2K activity. At F6HYE, Herve' has put up for 1296 a 16 x 23 F9FT array with 400 W to try with OX2K. He completed the QSO quite easily on 3 June. Earlier he had a partial with F5PAU and QSO'd F1ANH (O/O) on random. He also heard HB9Q rather strongly on Sunday and some other unidentified signals. Herve' plans to be active on 23 cm from time to time in the near future. No skeds please as Herve' wants to concentrate on random QSOs.

Alex (F4CJV) a member of F5KDK Team will be in Palo Alto near San Francisco, CA for his job. He will stay 3 months and is interested in meeting others interested in EME while there. If someone want to meet Alex, please e-mail to:


Peter's report -- In the May SW I operated on 432 for one pass only and worked on the 6 May S52CW, I5TDJ, F6HYE, G4ALH and JR4AEP. On 10 May (Wednesday) I was on looking for W7QX and W7SZ on 1296, they had bad WX in Az, but I worked G4CCH, OZ6OL, K2DH and DF4PV - not bad for midweek. On 11 May I added IK2MMB. On 19 May we had a very pleasant visit with Jerry, W7QX and his XYL. We ran up my G4COM NF measurement system to compare his W7CNK preamp with mine. His was slightly better. We had a good chat about everything EME. On 30 May I worked OX2K for initial #154 on 1296. I believe I was the 1st QSO. At the time they were not too strong, but later on 3 June, I worked them on SSB with a much better signal. On 31 May I worked the OX expedition on 432 for initial #351. In the June SW on 1296, I worked G4CCH on SSB - (Howard had a great signal with his new dish), W7SZ, WA8WZG, LU8EDR for initial #155 and W7QX. Heard were VE6TA, OK1CA and SM2CEW. CWNR was F5IQA; I'm not sure if he is a new station? I had a sked with DD1XF on 2320, but we didn't make it although we were both hearing echoes. Possibly my frequency was a bit out. This was a pity as he is sadly going QRT on EME.

Howard had an initial problem -- On Thursday 1 June I discovered how powerful my prop pitch gearbox is. I set up my station before going to work, so that I could come home at lunchtime to work OX2K. When I got home the dish was pointing in a different direction to where I had left it, and the azimuth drive was running continuously. I soon discovered that the dish had rotated as far as it could before running out of free cable. The smaller cables were broken and the larger coaxial cables were badly damaged and in the process of having their connectors pulled off. [I thought this stuff only happened to me!] It took several hours working up a ladder by floodlight to repair the damage, which included shortening the feeder cables and joining the broken control cables. Everything appeared to work after the repairs, but I was unable to test the system until the weekend. Fortunately, no other damage had been done and all that was required was re-calibration of the az/el indicator. I was active for most of the weekend and everything worked great from the start as indicated by my log, which looks like this: 3 June OK1CA (549/559), JA6CZD (559/579) for initial #99, HB9BBD (59/56) on SSB - amazing signal like tropo, OX2K (559/569) #100, GW3XYW (559/559), F5PAU (559/559), K0YW/5 (569/559) same as K5JL, OX2K (57/57) on SSB, W5ORH (569/569) #101 [I believe this is the same station as K5JL as well - W5ORH is Jay's old call], W7SZ (539/549), SM2CEW (559/559), K2UYH (53/55) on SSB, G3LTF (54/54) on SSB, W7QX (529/439), K3AX (529/549) and HA5SHF (529/559) #102, PA3DZL (429/449) #103, and 4 June JA4BLC (539/559) #103, JF3HUC (539/549) #104, GW3XYW on SSB, ZS6AXT (549/569), G4DZU (549/559), K2UYH (55/55) on SSB, G4DZU (53/53) on SSB - very easy!, W7CS (529/549) #104, LU8EDR (529/559) - same as LW5DX [yes], W1ZX (559/559), VE6TA (539/559) #106, F5CGJ (569/559), HB9Q (559/559) #107, W7GBI (549/559) and W2UHI (559/559). I added on 8 June OZ6OL (559/569), CT1DMK (549/549) #108, and on 10 June IK2RTI (539/539) #109, OH2DG (549/559) #110, K5JL (569/569), K4QI (559/559) and OZ6OL( 549/559). I have had QSOs with LU8EDR, LW5DX, and LU4DHD. Can someone tell me if these count as separate stations or do they operate from the same station. [See LU5DW's report in this NL.] During the last two activity weekends I have increased my total initials by 26! This brings my totals to initial #110, 27 countries, 6 continents and 18 US states. For the 1st time I am in the situation that I have a backlog of QSLs to send out. I will try and clear this before the next SW in July. If I missed QSLing anyone prior to May 2000, please e-mail me at:

Howard, G4CCH

and I will get one to you quickly.

Mark (IO85ar) has had some problems, but basically is QRV on 23 cm. He acquires the moon at 165 ETN regardless of elevation (see the photo of his dish position on his web page at:

Mark,GM4ISM Web Page

He was using linear pol in May and June, but should have switched over to a circular VE4MA feed by now. Mark has a 2.4 m dish, 125 W in the shack with 0.75 dB of feeder and relay loss, and a 0.45 dB NF LNA on loan from G3LTF. He also has a YD1336 PA running 600 W near ready, and plans to extend his dish to 3 m. The f/d is now 0.4, but he feels it will still be feedable at 0.3. Mark also has plans for 6 cm operation. He hopes to be QRV there by the end of the year with 35 W to his 2.4 m dish. Other plans include the recommission of GM3JFG's 432 station with a YD1336 PA, and his reappearance on 10 GHz. Mark can be reached at:
Mark, GM4ISM

Ernie reports (Csaba, HA5BGL is away on holiday) on plans for the Zoltan Bay EME Memorial Station, HG100BAY. The station will be QRV between 22 and 30 July from Hungary on 144, 432 and 1296 EME with the following equipment: On 144 4 x 11 el yagis and 1 kW output; On 432 16 x 32 el yagis and 1 kW output; and on 1296 3.1 m dish and 100 W output. Specials QSLs will be sent to all station that QSO or report reception via the moon of HG100BAY. More details can be found on the WEB site:


The station is to commemorate the moon echo experiments of Zoltan Bay. On 6 Feb, 1946 Zoltan Bay and his associates were among the 1st to detect radio echoes from the moon. Precedents of this successful experiment were the development and production of domestic microwave devices and their subsequent use for microwave communications and the development of modern radiolocator/radar systems. The work began at the United Electric Bulb Com-pany (Egyesült Izzó) in Hungary. The engineer in charge was Zo ltan Bay. The factory developed microwave tubes. Using these electronic tubes successful transmission and reception experiments were carried out and the 1st impulse-operated radiolocator/radar was borne. During the successful distance measure-ments made by the radiolocator, Zoltan Bay had the ingenious idea: The radiolocator could be used also for scientific purposes. Using the Moon as a reflecting surface, the active investigation of space could be started. After much research work, the many practical problems that seemed impossible to solve were overcome. Using a hydrogen coulomb-meter to measure and detect signals below the noise level, their efforts succeeded in demonstrating the reception of signals reflected from the moon. This was just 4 weeks after the Americans did the same. They independently achieved this wonderful result.

Dominique writes -- It is quite a while since I sent a report. I QSO'd on 13 Feb at 1705 HA5SHF (559/589), 1714 GW3XYW (56/58) on SSB, 1731 OE9ERC (57/58) on SSB, 1752 OH2DG (549/569), 1806 G4DZU (559/579), 1926 KB2AH (59/59+) on SSB, 1955 CT1DMK (53/55), 2004 OZ6OL (569/579), 2010 IK6EIW (559/559), 2017 W2UHI (579/589) and on SSB (57/56), 2030 I0UGB (55/57) on SSB, 2035 ZS6AXT (579/56) CW/SSB and 2049 W5ORH (57/58) on SSB (=K5JL), on 14 Feb at 1736 SV1OE (539/559), on 18 Feb at 1719 F1ANH (549/569), 1733 IK2MMB (579/579), 1741 ZS6AXT (579/589), 1757 PA3CSG (589/589), 1800 S59DCD (569/569), 1807 F5PAU (589/579), 1812 JH5LUZ (589/599), 1818 SM3AKW (589/589), 1820 OZ6OL (569/579), 1827 JF3HUC (559/559), 1834 JA8IAD (549/589), 1852 G3LTF (589/589), 1908 HA5SHF (539/579), 1926 G4DZU (539/579), 1935 G3LQR (549/579), 1946 OE9ERC (599/589), 1950 DH9FAG (549/599), 1958 OE9XXI (599/589), 2002 F5AQC (569/569), 2010 OE5EYM (579/579), 2212 DL6YDH (569/559), 2300 WA9FWD (539/549), 2306 OZ4MM (589/589), 2324 N2IQU (599/599), 2332 W2UHI (589/589), 2343 W3XS (559/599) and 2350 CT1DMK (569/579), on 19 Feb at 0004 OE5JFL (529/539) with feedhorn only on Hannes' side, 0020 K5JL (599/599), 0030 W4AD (549/559), 0044 K2UYH (589/589), 0053 VE6TA (559/579), 0117 K4QI (579/579), 1935 EA3UM (579/589), 1950 F6CGJ (599/599), 2000 LX2DB (599/589), 2117 DK5MV (559/559), on 26 March at 0400 DL4DTU (419/O) for initial #142, on 8 March at 1054 GW3XYW (56/57) on SSB, 1102 DK7LJ (57/58) on SSB and 1600 DK0ZAB (529/559) #143, on 9 April DF4PV (559/589) and 1617 DJ5MN (539/579). on 13 May at 1716 DK0ZAB (559/519) and 1717 DK0ZAB (52/41) on SSB, on 2 June at 0932 OE9ERC (58/58) on SSB and HB9Q (56/58) on SSB and 1249 GW3XYW (57/57) on SSB, and on 6 June at 0752 F5PAU (579/579), 0905 HB9SV (58/59) on SSB, 0907 HB9Q #144 (56/56) on SSB, 0930 OX2K #145 (579/599) and 1016 OX2K (55/55) on SSB. All the above station's signals may listened to on my homepage, which my son Lukas has updated with the latest soundfiles at:

Dominique, HB9BBD Soundfiles Page

There are now 110 soundfiles in CW and SSB for 1296 EME on this page. All initials will automatically be available in audio in the future.

Dan and Marc (JN47cg) are QRV on 70 and 23 cm EME after an absence of more than 10 years. They were QRV before on 432 under the call HB9CRQ, but are starting their initial count again for the new station, which is greatly enhanced over the older one. They now have a 15.28 m dish (f/d=0.53), which has got to be one of the largest. On 432 they are using 2 twin-dipoles as the feed, one horizontal and one vertical. On RX they can switch from one to the other. On TX they are always circular pol. The PA is a 2 x 8874s putting out 800 W, which is 400 W on each twin-dipole. The preamp is a 13 year old GaAs-FET, still working! On 432 they have QSO'd on 8 April DK3WG, ON4KNG (559/519), UT1PA (O/529), G4ERG (O/419), SM2CEW (559/559), OE5EYM (559/559), UA3PTW (O/O), RW1AW (569/449), JH4JLV (559/449), JA6AHB (O/O), JA2TY (449/429), SM3AKW (569/559), YO2IS (559/529), EA3DXU (439/529), DL1YMK (539/429), PA0AVS (559/459), S52CW (559/539), UT3LL (O/O), JJ1NNJ (O/O), DK0TU (559/539), F6KHM (559/559), RA3LE (559/429),OZ6OL (559/529), G3HUL (559/O), YU1IV (O/O), OH2PO (449/559), DL9KR (579/579), PA3ECJ (559/539), UA6LGH (O/O), DL1DWI (O/O), YU1EV (559/429), DK8VS (O/O), K1FO (569/569), KA0RYT (O/O), OE3JPC (O/429), W7SZ (559/529), DL4MEA (O/539), G4ALH (O/429), K5JL (O/O), ON5OF (569/549), W7GBI (559/339), OE5JFL (569/559), S51ZO (O/439), OH2BNH (O/O), OM1TL (559/O), KB0VUK (449/439), VE6TA (559/549), W7BBM (549/559), W7CNK (559/539) and K2UYH (559/549). on 9 April DL6WU (O/O), DL9NDD (579/559), DK3BU (549/429), AL7OB (439/429), I5TDJ (O/O), VK4AFL (559/429), K0RZ (O/449), K9BCT (569/429), PA3CSG (569/559) and K4QI (559/559), on 6 May JA5NNS (429/559) and HB9SV (42/54) on SSB, on 31 May OX2K (55/55) on random SSB for initial 63 and the 1st OX - HB9 QSO on 432, and on 8 June 8 S52CW. On 23 cm Dan and Mark are using a TH308 PA at 500 W, 0.28 dB NF LNA and DSP audio processing. On 31 May they just made it on before moonset to make their very 1st QSO on 1296 with OX2K (55/57) on random SSB for initial 1 and the 1st ever QSO between OX and HB9 on 1296. They added on 1 June F5PAU (569/569), OK1KIR (559/539), PA3DZL (529/529), IK2MMB (569/529), OZ4MM (56/53) on SSB, HB9SV (57/58) on SSB and HB9BBD (55/56) on SSB, on 2 June OE9ERC (56/56), on 3 June DJ5MN (579/529), F6CGJ (569/549) and OK1CA (559/529), and on 4 June JA4BLC (559/419) - Yoshiro had only 40 W, I0UGB (51/51) on SSB, G4CCH (559/559), K3AX (559/529), W7SZ (539/539), W2UHI (569/539), W5LUA (579/559), W7GBI (559/429) and OZ6OL (539/519) to bring him to initial #22. They will be checking:

Discusssion Board

during their QRV time. Back in the 80's they had worked 12 stations on 432 and feel the new station should count as an initial for everyone. Dan says that the 144 EME group consider them an initial and they have even more QSOs on this band. [They have a new call and moved QTH - about 3 miles. The problem is that neither of these changes are sufficient for their station to count as a new "initial".] Dan and Mark have sent QSLs for all QSOs so far via bureau. They plan to print a new QSL showing the dish this summer. They will send the new QSL direct, once they have them (probably only after the ARRL EME Contest in late Nov). Dan and Mark can be reached by e-mail at:


Their WEB page is at:

HB9Q's WEB Page

Andrea is back on 432 for a while -- I am running 4 x 13 wl M2 yagis and a GS35b PA from JN46la. I missed the June SW and have only heard few unidentified stations while tuning and looking for echoes. I still have to finalize my el readout. I will be active on random when free time will permit. The idea of going to Turkey for the ARRL EME Contest is still alive, but the manpower is still lacking.

Luigi reports that his dish has been successfully moved to its new location. The station is now ready for operation, but at the moment is still QRT due to an administrative problem. He hopes to see it back on the air in the near future with the new call, IK4UQT. The multi-operator team will be IK4UQT, I2COR, I2TFI, IK2TLA and I2YID.

Piero was disappointed not to work OX2K on 70 cm -- I copied OX2K on 1, 3 and 4 June. Their signals were not too strong, but quite good enough for a QSO. I called them many times, but they seemed to be answering only big station's calls. I had requested a sked to OX3LX by e-mail, but I have not yet got an answer. On 4 June I worked DF3RU (569/549) and HB9SV (569/559). CWNR were OX2K, DL8OBU, DL6NAA and OE3JPC.

Sergio writes that he needs to catch up on his reports -- I am up to 90 QSOs and to initial #46 on 23 cm. Nearly all QSOs were on random - only 3 or 4 on sked. I finally broke the barrier with JA and 'hooked' JA6CZD who responded to a CQ with a very nice signal. Also QSO'd was W7SZ. We tried skeds several times with poor luck and then made it on random. Regarding activity, I am recognizing a certain slow down as summer approaches. I was told it is normal, but certainly sometimes it is boring not to turn the station on for weeks. Moon permitting, I am willing to switch on the station at least once every weekend, if the moon is available. I am also available on weekday evenings from 1600 till 2300 (job trips excluded). If someone wants to sked, let me know at . I did some experiments with an external borrowed DSP filter and had moderate success. It is one thing to filter echoes to obtain a fantastic S/N, but totally different to use the same set-up during a QSO. I noticed that the filter's shape (skirt) is very important, more important than the bandwidth. Recently a group of 6 people (HB9/I) of which I was one, dismantled the unused 16 x 17 2 m array of Enrico HB9SV. The main pole and motors are still up, and will be used for something more challenging... Here I leave you with a mystery. Please encourage more summertime activity!

Toshio reports the following 432 EME results -- On 6 May June S52CW for initial #90, HB9SV, G4ALH #91, I5TDJ and JR4AEP #92 - heard were F6HYE, G3LTF and K4QI, on 7 May W5ORH #93 [same as K5JL], VK4AFL, F6HYE, OE3JPC, JA5NNS, S52CW and UA3PTW - heard were K4QI, KA0RYT, KB8RQ, VK4AFL, JA3SGR and G3HUL, on 8 May VK4AFL - heard K5WXN, on 13 May JR9NWC #94 and F6KHM, 14 May UA9FAD #95 and JR9NWC, 31 May - heard 0E9ERC, DL9KR, W5RCH, VK4AFL, AL7OB and JA4BLC, on 1 June OX2K #96 - heard G3SEK, OZ6OL, SM2CEW, DF3RU, VK4AFL and JH0WJF, 3 June - heard OX2K, UA3PTW, DF3RU, 7M2PDT, EA3DXU, RW1AW, PA2CHR, G4YTL, I5TDJ, PA3CSG and VK4AFL, and 4 June OX2K - heard JA5NNS, W7HAH, VK4AFL, ON5OF, UA3PTW, RW1AW, DL6NAA and G4YTL. Toshio notes that JA6AHB is new station since June 1999 when he moved to a new QTH in PM53 from his old one in PM51. He needs QSLs for his new QTH from many EME old timer's. His mailing address is:
(6-26-802 Chikkoh-hommachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-city, 812-0021, JAPAN).He has sent QSLs to all QSO'd stations. If you have not yet received his QSL, please e-mail Toshio at:
JA6AHB with your correct mailing address.

Joe send a progress report -- Things are very busy here with not much activity on the radio, but I am moving forward on my dish project. I brought home from Syracuse a 20' piece of Rohn 85XTA tower for the dish to perch on. I have moved about half of my stuff from the old house. I still have to take down all the towers. Work is a real issue. I am averaging 15 hours a week of overtime plus drive time and am usually too tired to do anything else!

Harry (formally K3HZO) worked OX2K (559/569) and (55/55) on SSB. He also QSO'd G4CCH and heard many of the regulars working OX2K as well as many stations not heard before (HB9Q, K0YW/5, W5ORH, etc.) Harry reports that the Elecraft K2 receiver has excellent performance, but lacks sufficient RIT for 23 cm EME work. He has been told that Elecraft is making available an option that will provide sufficient RIT range. It is known as the K2XRIT and costs $29.95 extra when a K2 is ordered. Harry is also looking for info on the TH-328.

Gary is still working on his new house. He is currently building a barn, but will be QRV on 432 when the antennas are moved to new QTH using an improved crossed yagi design.

Marc has the story on EME from Argentina -- The only active station is LU8EDR. Daniel, LU8EDR's station is working great. LW5DX and LU4DHD operate from his station. I hope this is not too confusing. LW5DX is the key CW operator and is always present during operation. Daniel is working on a new HB dish, 7.4 m with 0.5 f/d. His 4 tube KB2AH amp is also close to ready. The exciter is a 2 x 50 W SSPA (DJ9YW design). I have all the necessary equipment (homebrew) to set up a station of my own except for the antenna, but I will not do anything until after I have graduated, hopefully next year. I am currently helping LU4DFZ, Hector, who lives not far from my QTH. He designed and built a 23 cm transverter and recently got a 3.6 m dish. He has almost finished a one tube PA. He could be active soon. He is an excellent CW op. His only problem is a very restricted view of the moon. I hope to CU all at Rio!

Rick reports that the July SW will be his last on 6 cm EME for sometime -- I will be leaving 5.76 GHz after the July SW period so that I can concentrate on 10 GHz with my dish. I will stay on 3 cm at least through Aug. I will then move back to 13 cm.

Zdeněk sends info on his activity during the May and June SWs - I QSO'd on 1296 F1ANH (559/559), OX2K (599/569) for initial #93, 1st OK - OX QSO and DXCC 31, OX2K (55/56) on SSB, ZS6AXT (559/559), OK1CA (559/559), GW3XYW (559/559) and OX2K (589/559). I have a new feed for 432 based on a K4QI design. On 432 I QSO'd F6HYE (559/439) for initial #27 and DXCC 12, OX2K (O/O) #28 and DXCC 13, DF3RU (559/549), HB9SV (579/549) #29 and DXCC 14 and F6HYE (559/559). My 70 cm station uses a 2 x 3CX800A7 PA with 1500 W out, a 3.8 m dish and a 0.4 dB NF preamp. I heard my own echoes without problem. This was also the 1st time I used an FT847 on EME and had good success hearing with its DSP filter set at 25 Hz. I will be in Rio between 13 and 21 Aug and am interested in getting together with other EMEers there before the conference. [Contact Zdenek at:


I have prepared a video tape with a proposal for an EME2002 Conference in Praha, Czech Republic. I will also have a video from the OX2K gang ontheir dxpedition to Greenland.

Carsten should be back at on 1296 soon -- I have just started construction of a new 8 m dish. I lost my 2 m 8 cross yagis last Dec, and am jumping back up on the higher bands - 2 m was very noisy here, anyway. So sometime in the future, I will be QRV again on 23 cm to start with, and hopefully also some of the other bands. I have already a 20 W TWTA for 3 and 6 cm.

Stig's May/June activity concentrated on the OX2K expedition -- On 432 I worked OX2K on 31 May at 0742 (449/O). Their signal went up and down in most every sequence during the morning as they had pointing problems. On 1296 I also worked them on 31 May at 0947. Here they had a great signal (579/559) and later on SSB (56/56). A sked with PA3DZL was setup via e-mail. Jac had a FB signal with his new 2.5 m dish and 120 W. We worked (429/549). On 1 June I also QSO'd on 1296 on random F5PAU (569/569) and HB9Q (56/53) on SSB for initial #170. I couldn't be QRV during the SW because of a short holiday trip to Copenhagen, but I will be on for the next activity weekend. I am looking for skeds on 432, 1296 and 2304 and can be reached by e-mail at:

Stig, OZ4MM

Jac is QRV on 1296 and had a great time on 1296 during the June SW - I have been QRV since 30 May with a 2.5 m dish of f/d 0.36 and gain of about 27.5 dBi, VE4MA feed (with built in polarizer), preamp at the feed with MGF1302 and 0.6 dB NF, PA with 2 x 2C39BA water-cooled giving 100 W at the feed. I consider all QSOs on 23 cm from my home QTH to be initials. I had previously operated on 432 EME from my home. During 1994 and 95 I was QRV on 1296 EME from our local Radio Observatory (JO21gn) and made 161 QSO's with 65 initials. From my home (JO21hm) on 1296 I worked in May '98 TM8EME (529/529) for initial #1 with a single 23 el F9FT yagi and 150 W, on 31 May OX2K (O/O) #2, OX2K (549/549) - 2nd time later in day and OZ4MM (429/549) #3, on 1 June HB9Q (529/539) #4 and OX2K (539/539), 3 June OX2K (549/549), K0YW/5 (O/O) #5, K2UYH (O/O) #6, PA3CSG (439/539) #7 and G4CCH (429/449) #8, on 4 June OX2K (549/549) - they sent QRT QRT at 1434 and we exchanged 73's, F6CGJ (339/549) #9 and HB9Q (519/539), and on 11 June ZS6AXT (M/O) # 10. Others heard were OE9XXI, OE9ERC, OK1KIR, F5PAU, HB9SV, GW3XYW, W2UHI, ZS6AXT, W1ZX, OZ6OL and G3LTF. I need more PWR. My PA puts out 140 W in the shack, that is 100 W at the feed. Some weeks ago I had about 180 W in the shack, but I had a flashover. Have to put some new tubes in it. I hope to get the "old" 250 W output, which I was running during my operation at the Radio Observatory. [Jac - You can count for yourself all QSOs from your home as initials, but for those of us who have previously worked you at the observatory, we can not count you as an initial. The issue is not that the calls are the same; it is what constitutes a new QTH for the purpose of an initial that is the issue. It was decided that to count as a new initial a station must move to a new grid square or geographic/political area - new country, US state, etc. Both your QTHs are in JO21.]

Don easily QSO'd the OX station on 23 cm -- They had a good strong signal and I completed with them both on SSB and CW on 1 June. I also listened for them on 432 (around 1500), but heard nothing except for K5JL with whom I exchanged reports. I will continue to look for them on 432. I am looking forward to seeing as many of the EME group as possible in Rio next month.

Alex is a MIG-29 pilot and has been re-activated from the reserves. As a result he presently does not have much free time. Alex did find time to complete with OX2K on 2 and 432. He is not QRV on 23 cm at this time.

Peter reports -- The prospect of working OX2K on 3 bands made the June activity weekend interesting. I started out on 1 June listening for them on 144 on their moonrise but heard nothing. Later I found out that they had an amplifier problem. So, I switched to 432 and there they were, loud and clear. I had a good contact at 0810 OX2K for initial #367 and DXCC 67. Later that afternoon I worked them on 144. My plans were to try on 1296 the same day, but when I tuned up I found my output to be erratic. Eventually I discovered a bad tube in the 2C39 driver. After desoldering/resoldering the water-cooling cap and replacing the tube, the moon had set. I had to wait for 3 June to get another chance, and sure enough, they were there when I got on, and they were LOUD! I QSO'd OX2K (599/589) at 1509 for initial #123 and DXCC 29. They were truly peaking (599) on the S-meter, whatever that means in terms of S/N in my RX - good fun to see the meter swing that high! I went on to work G4CCH (excellent signals with his new dish), OK1CA #125 and W7QX #125 (this is the 3rd band EME for Jerry and me). On 10 June I had the pleasure of working RW3BP on 432 MHz with his 1.65 m dish and 700 W. Conditions were poor, but we had a good QSO. I have also worked Sergej on 1296 MHz so we are now looking for another band to try. I have no gear for 10 GHz. I also worked RZ3BA/1 on 432 random. Vladimir is using a single 13 lambda yagi and 1 kW. He worked DL9KR for his 1st 432 EME and then I tailended. His locator is KO56bc. I am available for skeds any time.

Darrell has been very busy and not even been in Nova Scotia much lately. Nevertheless Darrell was able to work the OX2K dxpedition on both 23 and 70 cm with very good signals. Darrell hopes to be more active in July.

Don is back in business on 70 cm. His system now seems to be working well. During the June SW he worked 4 stations including 2 new ones.

John had 9 inches of rain in May. All this rain has limited his activity. He needs to dry out his feedline on 70 cm, and he still has preamp problems on 13 cm. The 23 cm feed is not in at this time. John is working on a GI7 amp for 70 cm, but had the motor of his old Southbend lathe burnout and needs a replacement.

Ivo's report -- I worked on 23 cm on 6 May OK1DFC, GW3XYW, G4CCH, W2UHI and W6HD, on 7 May DK7LJ on SSB (55/34) for initial #155, DJ5MN, SM2CEW, IK2MMB, W2UHI, F1ANH and K3AX #156 [same K3EAV, etc.] - heard were GW3XYW, OK1DFC, HB9BBD, OH2DG, HA5SHF and W7SZ, on 31 May OX2K (579/549) #157 - heard SM3AKW, OE9ERC, OE9XXI, OH2AXH and PA3DZL, on 3 June on 13 cm HB9SV (579/559) and DD1XF (559/O) for initial #31, and on 4 June on 23 cm F5PAU, G4CCH, K2UYH, W2UHI, VE6TA and K0YW/5 [same as K5JL] #158 - heard were K5JL, W7SZ and OE9ERC. I had to close down bit earlier due to high winds. Not much activity in both weekends, however I am pleased with 3 initials. I am leaving for Eur on 20 June and will not be back until 27 July. So no skeds and e-mails please. I hope to meet some of you in Friedrichshafen. After my return I will install the 6 cm W2IMU horn, so that I will be QRV with circular polarization also on this band. I hope that circular polarization for the 6 cm band (and 3 cm?) will be discussed and approved during the Rio EME meeting, which I cannot unfortunately make. I had quite a lot of problems with linear polarization on this band.

I have not been very active this past month. I did take off from work during the middle of the week to look for OX2K and was rewarded by QSOs on 1 June on 1296 at 1308 OX2K (579/579) for initial #176 and DXCC 39 followed at 1314 with a (57/57) QSO on SSB, and on 432 at 1842 OK2K (O/O) for initial #629 and DXCC 77. During the following SW weekend I worked on 1296 on 3 June at 1418 K0YW (559/339), 1434 GW3XYW (569/569), 1444 OX2K (57/58) on SSB, 1508 CT1DMK (449/549), 1521 W7SZ (559/559), 1530 PA3DZL (O/O) and 1600 GM4ISM nil on sked, and on 4 June at 1516 ZS6AXT (559/579), 1531 G4CCH (55/55) - nice SSB ragchew, 1600 GM4ISM nil again on sked, 1628 F5PAU (559/559) and LW5DX (449/559). I thought that K0YW, PA3DZL and possible LW5DX were initials. As it turned out K0YW was probably operating from K5JL's QTH and thus not an initial, PA3DZL was in the same grid as I had worked him in before - see Jac's report, and LW5DX is the same as LU8EDU whom I had already QSO'd.



DK3FB, Rüdiger has a new e-mail address at: DK3FB

DK0ZAB is a new station on 23 cm EME. He has a 10 m dish and about 80 W in the shack. He has QSO'd HB9BBD several times.

F5IQA was heard on 23 cm - see F5HRY's report.

W5NZ needs QSL cards from W0KJY for 432, and OE9ERC and OE9PMJ for 5.7 QSOs.

KB0PYO hopes to be back on 1296 this fall with a 16' dish.

PA2CHR is again QRV on 70 cm.

W7QX is back from London where he met G3LTF and had a great time.

WB0GGM is not presently QRV on 70 cm, but will be back on for the July SW.

PA3CSG worked OX2K and RW3BP on 70 cm and PA3DZL and OX2K on 23 cm during the SW.

KA0Y is still waiting to paint his dish.

WA2WIM is interested in 23 cm EME. Neil is located near Ann Harbor, Mi and is working on a feedhorn. He looking for someone to do the machine work.

WD5AGO worked OX2K on 23 cm and may be on again for the July SW.

W7SZ's new 12' dish (on 23 cm) is working well. He has already added 3 initials and 2 new countries with it.

KA0RYT is QRT on 70 cm EME while he puts up a new 6 yagi array, and should be back on soon.

WA8WZG worked G3LTF on random on 23 cm but reports no luck with OX2K (at the time of his report).

W7CS worked OX2K on CW and SSB on 1296.

DK3WG is up to initial #368 and DXCC 77 on 70 cm.

RW3BP should be QSL'd direct to PO Box 462, Moscow 111555.

K2DH is looking for a QSL from RW3BP.

VE4MA reports that the Hellscriber soundcard program may be useful on EME. Here is the site for Hellscriber information.

WA0WPJ has a couple of 23 cm yagis and hopes to try EME on the horizon. [How much power?].

N7EIJ has abandoned his search for more KLM 30lbx yagis, and will give 432 EME a try with 2 yagis and 100 W.


VK4CV is
looking for a Noise Bridge that will work well at 432. He wants to accurately measure impedance for some yagi work he is doing. [I would think the best bet would be and old HP Network Analyzer.] Does anyone have any ideas? Contact Nev at: Nev

WD5AGO has a couple of extra 23 cm feedhorns designed for dishes in the 0.37-0.42 f/d range for sale. One is a 3 ring scaler and the other is a single ring scaler. No polarizers. They need hybrids for circular polarization. Tommy has one hybrid available.

KB0PYO, Mark has a matching pair of legal limit RF decks for sale for 432 and 2 m. Both amps use the 4CX1600u/GS23b. The amps include filament and grid supplies, full metering, and blowers. He is asking $US1400 for the 2 m amp and $US2200 for the 432 amp, and will do a package deal on both.

W5VDW has a prop pitch motor for sale. Call 936-825-2491.

W5UN is looking for some 4CX250R's for Gabe, OD5NJ.

VK4AFL is looking for a high power amp (600 W or more) for 23 cm. He will be at Rio and can carry it home from there.

KD4LT is looking for a 20 turn pot.

N7EIJ is looking for a 70 cm 2 port power divider

UR4LL has for sale a variety of Russian high power tubes (GS9b, GS23b, GS31b, GS35b, G17b, GU47b, etc.) with sockets. Contact Alex at .


This month we have details of ZS6AXT's 6 cm W2IMU type circular pol feed - see diagram at the end of this NL. The basic tubing can be of smaller ID, if 37 mm is not available - down to 35 mm should be ok. The cone and front part are made from 0.2 mm fingerstock material, which is first cut to size with about 3-5 mm overlap pieces on both sides, then holes are drilled (M2 in my case). It is then bent and bolted together. After that the junctions can be soldered. After soldering all three parts together into the final shape, the M2 screws are removed. First adjusted the lengths of the probes for best VSWR, then adjust the polarizing screws for best circularity. ZS6AXT had better than 1 dB circularity. The change in VSWR was negligible after this adjustment.

6 CM Horn .pdf


-- Because of the poor alignment of Moon declination, perigee and the Sun this summer, the coming SW is not until 22/23 July. Thus there was an unusually long gap between this and the last NL. I had wanted to put out an interim (preliminary) NL via e-mail (only), but I ran out of time. Turn around will be back to normal for the rest of the year.
-- One complication this month is the Central States VHF Conference, which is being hosted by long time EMEer VE4MA. The conference unfortunately is scheduled for the July SW. (I received no notice and would have missed this completely if not for K1RQG.)
-- How are your plans going for RIO2000? We still have to get our visa, but I was pleasantly surprised by the excellent airline rates. It is costing less to fly to Rio than it did to either Paris or Sweden! If you have not registered to go there is still time to do so! Contact Don, PY5ZBU at Cleide Kaminski Larsen
-- The question of what constitutes an initial QSO has surfaced again. This question is not as simple as it may first appear. It seems that we may need a lawyer to answer some of the recent cases. Please see the comments in the reports from DL9KR, HB9Q, PA3DZM, LU5DW and K2UYH. I am sure this issue will be raised at the Rio Conference along with other procedural matters.
-- Don't miss QSOing HG100BAY, the Zoltan Bay EME Memorial Station during the July SW - see the HA5VHF report.
-- The local VHF/Microwave Club (active on 70 cm EME as W3CCX and the 1st 70 EME Dxpedition to Columia in 1976) will be hosting the Microwave Update/Hamarama 2000 this year on 28, 29, 30 Sept and on 1 Oct in Philadelphia, PA. For more info see:

Pack Tats

Come and visit with us!
-- That the news for this month. Not too many skeds this month. Please keep the reports, tech material and skeds coming. [TNX - ZS6AXT for his contribution.]

73, Al - K2UYH


22 July

Time           432.040                          2304.050

0630z                                          W5LUA -DD1XF
0800z     WA9FWD-K3AX

23 July

Time          1296.050

1030z     W7QX  -K3AX
1100z     W7QX  -WA4NJP 

        OX2K LOG for 432 and 1296

Band    Date         UTC   Call   WWL      Sent  Rcvd 
1,3 GHz 2000-05-30   1447  G3LTF  IO91GG   559   O/559  
1,3 GHz 2000-05-30   1455  W7QX   DM44AR   O     O       
1,3 GHz 2000-05-30   1504  OZ6OL  JO65DJ   549   559     
1,3 GHz 2000-05-30   1508  W6HD   CM98PF   559   559
1,3 GHz 2000-05-30   1518  VE1ALQ FN65VH   569   579
1,3 GHz 2000-05-30   1537  W2UHI  EN73AI   559   569
1,3 GHz 2000-05-30   1620  K3AX   FN20AG   O     539
432 MHz 2000-05-31   0655  DL9KR  JO40DE   O     O
432 MHz 2000-05-31   0740  DL9NDD JN59KN   O     O 
432 MHz 2000-05-31   0745  OZ4MM  JO55GH   O     O
432 MHz 2000-05-31   0858  OE9ERC          O     O     
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   0941  SM3AKW JP92AO   569   559
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   0944  OE9ERC JN47VL   559   579
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   0948  OZ4MM  JO55GH   O/559 579
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   0950  ZS6AXT KG33VV   549   579
432 MHz 2000-05-31   0952  HB9Q   JN47CG   O     O
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   0954  IK2MMB JN45PQ   O     539
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1000  OE9XXI JN47UL   579   579
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1004  OH2AXH KP20OK   55    569
432 MHz 2000-05-31   1006  SM3AKW JP92AO   O     O
432 MHz 2000-05-31   1028  G3LTF  JO01     O     O
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1037  G3LQR  JO02QF   539   539
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1048  PA3DZL JO21HM   O     RO
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1052  K2DH   FN12FO   569   579
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1103  OE9ERC JN47VL   55    57
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1127  G4DZU  IO93ES   O/539 579
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1206  PA3DZL JO21HM   549   559
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1212  OE5EYM JN68SK   579   569
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1220  PY5ZBU GG54IN   559   559
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1223  OZ6OL  JO65DJ   559   579
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1227  OK1DFC JO60TM   569   599
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1243  OZ4MM  JO55GH   56    56
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1306  PA3CSG JO33FB   O     RO
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1310  W3XS   FN10     549   599
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1316  W7QX   DM44AR   539   449
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1332  PY5ZBU GG54IN   56    56
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1341  OK1DFC JO60TM   54    55
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1413  K3AX   FN20AG   559   569
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1513  HB9Q   JN47CG   579   599
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1518  HB9Q   JN47CG   57    55
432 MHz 2000-05-31   1522  K5JL            O     O
432 MHz 2000-05-31   1537  N9AB            O     O
432 MHz 2000-05-31   1538  K1FO            O     O
432 MHz 2000-05-31   1549  VE1ALQ FN65VH   O     O
1,3 GHz 2000-05-31   1906  W5LUA  EM13QC   579   589
432 MHz 2000-06-01   0727  OZ6OL  JO65DJ   O     O
432 MHz 2000-06-01   0738  JA6AHB          O     O
432 MHz 2000-06-01   0758  DK3WG           O     O
432 MHz 2000-06-01   0820  SM2CEW KP15CR   O     O
432 MHz 2000-06-01   0826  SM3AKW JP92AO   O     O
432 MHz 2000-06-01   0850  G3SEK           O     O
432 MHz 2000-06-01   0900  ON4KNG          O     O
432 MHz 2000-06-01   0925  DL8OBU JO42XI   O     O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   0932  HB9BBD JN47EE   579   579
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   0939  OK1KIR JN79DW   O/539 RO/559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   0942  HB9SV  JN45LV   569   559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   0949  DJ9YW  JO42QA   559   539
432 MHz 2000-06-01   0950  DL4MEA JN58JD   O     M
432 MHz 2000-06-01   1010  S52CW           O     O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1016  HB9BBD JN47EE   55    55
432 MHz 2000-06-01   1028  G4ERC           O     O
432 MHz 2000-06-01   1100  OK1KIR JN79     O     O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1122  WB0DRL EM18CT   559   559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1127  N0JK            559   559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1131  DL6YDH JO42OB   559   559
432 MHz 2000-06-01   1137  DL1YMK JO31QX   O     O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1140  DJ5QX           559   559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1142  KD4LT  EM81CG   589   599
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1145  DH0OAH JO42OB   559   559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1150  IK2MMB JN45PQ   569   579
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1158  PA3DZL JO21HM   539   539
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1221  DJ5MN  JN58WH   579   599
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1226  DK5MV  JN58WH   579   599
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1243  DL5RBW          569   579
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1251  HB9SV  JN45LV   589   599
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1255  OK1KIR JN79DW   57    56
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1306  DL8OBU JO42XI   O     RO
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1309  K2UYH           579   579
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1314  K2UYH  FN20QG   57    57
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1352  W7QX   DM44AR   539   559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1422  DJ9YW  JO42QA   57    58
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1504  OK1UWA JN69QT   O     RO
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1515  OE5JFL JN68RL   579   579
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1625  W7QX   DM44AR   539   569
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1628  WA4NJP EM84DG   569   599
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1652  W7QX   DM44AR   53    53
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1717  WD5AGO EM26BD   559   559
432 MHz 2000-06-01   1850  K2UYH           O     O
432 MHz 2000-06-01   1850  VK4AFL          O     O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1935  K5JL   EM15DQ   589   589
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   1939  K5JL   EM15DQ   57    58
1,3 GHz 2000-06-01   2014  JA6CZD PM53FM   O/559 449/559
432 MHz 2000-06-03   0948  PA3CSG JO21     O     O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1041  DF3RU  JN59VL   549   569
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1045  DF4PV  JN49AX   559   569
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1050  G4CCH  IO93RM   569   559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1100  G4ERG/PIO93RM   569   559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1104  PA3CSG JO21WD   559   569
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1122  OK1UWA JN69QT   529   539
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1128  HB9BBD JN47EE   59    58
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1139  F5HRY  JN18EQ   539   529
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1146  OK1DFC JO60TM   559   589
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1252  OK1CA  JO70GM   549   599                                                     
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1255  F5PAU  IN88CB   579   579
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1301  GW3XYW IO71XR   569   569
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1348  WA4OFS EL98     539   549
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1405  GM4ISM   IO85AR O     O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1412  K0YW/5          589   589
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1416  W7CS     CM87WI 559   559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1420  DF9QX    JO42HD 569   579
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1425  PA3DZL   JO21HM 549   549
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1430  W7SZ     CN85UO 549   549
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1443  K2UYH    FN20QG  58   57
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1446  G4CCH    IO93RM  57   57
432 MHz 2000-06-03   1448  DJ6MB    JO30    0    O
432 MHz 2000-06-03   1458  NC1I             O    O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1506  GM4LBV   IO86    O    O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1512  SM2CEW   KP15CR  579  589
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1516  KU3T/3           599
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1531  W7SZ     CN85UO  569  569
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1559  G3LTF            58   58 
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1604  W5ORH            58   58
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1606  K3AX     FN20AG  55   55
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1626  VE4MA    EN19LU  O/559 RO/569
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1632  W7QX     DM44AR  559  579
432 MHz 2000-06-03   1708  WA4NJP   EM84DG  O    O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1735  HA5SHF   JN97NM  559  569
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1833  F5HRY    JN18EQ  549  O/539
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1856  W5LUA    EM13QC  58   58
1,3 GHz 2000-06-03   1859  W7CS     CM87WI  55   55
432 MHz 2000-06-04   0922  RW1AW    KP50EB  O    O
432 MHz 2000-06-04   0930  DL9NDD   JN59KN  O    O
432 MHz 2000-06-04   1000  G4YTL    IO92MB  O    O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1025  JF3HUC   PM74UX  579  569
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1029  JA4BLC   PM65NM  579  579
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1036  F6CGJ    IN78RK  579  589
432 MHz 2000-06-04   1050  JA6AHB           O    O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1054  JA8ERE   QN02QX  559  579
432 MHz 2000-06-04   1056  DL6NAA           O    O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1100  F5IQA            559  O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1109  F6HYE    JN36DG  559  559
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1116  PA3DZL   JO21HM  549  549
432 MHz 2000-06-04   1122  JA5NNS           O    O
432 MHz 2000-06-04   1154  ON5OF    JO21FF  O    O
432 MHz 2000-06-04   1208  OE5EYM           O    O
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1221  F6CGJ    IN78RK  58   58
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1309  CT1DMK   IN50QP  579  589
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1312  CT1DMK   IN50QP  56   57
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1341  HB9CW/P  JN47EG  549  549
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1410  GM4ISM   IO85AR  529  529
1,3 GHz 2000-06-04   1416  VE6TA    DO33GS  559  559

Learn about the upcoming EME Symposium.

Most recent Schedules from Klaus, DL4EBY

Lunar Calendar for 1999 prepared by G3SEK

Netnotes by K1RQG

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This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT


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Rein, W6/PA0ZN