*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***
OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH
HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:
Klaus Tiedemann.
A special presentation on the OX2K dxpedition will be shown at the EME2000 Conference in Rio next month.
and I will get one to you quickly.
He was using linear pol in May and June, but should have switched over to a
circular VE4MA feed by now. Mark has a 2.4 m dish, 125 W in the shack with
0.75 dB of feeder and relay loss, and a 0.45 dB NF LNA on loan from G3LTF.
He also has a YD1336 PA running 600 W near ready, and plans to extend his
dish to 3 m. The f/d is now 0.4, but he feels it will still be feedable at
0.3. Mark also has plans for 6 cm operation. He hopes to be QRV there by the
end of the year with 35 W to his 2.4 m dish. Other plans include the
recommission of GM3JFG's 432 station with a YD1336 PA, and his reappearance
on 10 GHz. Mark can be reached at:
Mark, GM4ISM
The station is to commemorate the moon echo experiments of Zoltan Bay. On 6 Feb, 1946 Zoltan Bay and his associates were among the 1st to detect radio echoes from the moon. Precedents of this successful experiment were the development and production of domestic microwave devices and their subsequent use for microwave communications and the development of modern radiolocator/radar systems. The work began at the United Electric Bulb Com-pany (Egyesült Izzó) in Hungary. The engineer in charge was Zo ltan Bay. The factory developed microwave tubes. Using these electronic tubes successful transmission and reception experiments were carried out and the 1st impulse-operated radiolocator/radar was borne. During the successful distance measure-ments made by the radiolocator, Zoltan Bay had the ingenious idea: The radiolocator could be used also for scientific purposes. Using the Moon as a reflecting surface, the active investigation of space could be started. After much research work, the many practical problems that seemed impossible to solve were overcome. Using a hydrogen coulomb-meter to measure and detect signals below the noise level, their efforts succeeded in demonstrating the reception of signals reflected from the moon. This was just 4 weeks after the Americans did the same. They independently achieved this wonderful result.
There are now 110 soundfiles in CW and SSB for 1296 EME on this page. All initials will automatically be available in audio in the future.
during their QRV time. Back in the 80's they had worked 12 stations on 432
and feel the new station should count as an initial for everyone. Dan says
that the 144 EME group consider them an initial and they have even more QSOs
on this band. [They have a new call and moved QTH - about 3 miles. The
problem is that neither of these changes are sufficient for their station to
count as a new "initial".] Dan and Mark have sent QSLs for all QSOs so far via bureau. They plan to print a new QSL showing the dish
this summer. They will send the new QSL direct, once they have them
(probably only after the ARRL EME Contest in late Nov). Dan and Mark can
be reached by e-mail at:
Their WEB page is at:
I have prepared a video tape with a proposal for an EME2002 Conference in Praha, Czech Republic. I will also have a video from the OX2K gang ontheir dxpedition to Greenland.
DK3FB, Rüdiger
has a new e-mail address at: DK3FB
WD5AGO has
a couple of extra 23 cm feedhorns designed for dishes in the 0.37-0.42 f/d range for sale. One is a 3 ring scaler and the other is a single ring scaler. No polarizers. They need hybrids for circular polarization. Tommy has one hybrid available.KB0PYO, Mark has
a matching pair of legal limit RF decks for sale for 432 and 2 m. Both amps use the 4CX1600u/GS23b. The amps include filament and grid supplies, full metering, and blowers. He is asking $US1400 for the 2 m amp and $US2200 for the 432 amp, and will do a package deal on both.W5VDW has
a prop pitch motor for sale. Call 936-825-2491.W5UN is
looking for some 4CX250R's for Gabe, OD5NJ.VK4AFL is
looking for a high power amp (600 W or more) for 23 cm. He will be at Rio and can carry it home from there.KD4LT is
looking for a 20 turn pot.N7EIJ is
looking for a 70 cm 2 port power dividerUR4LL has
for sale a variety of Russian high power tubes (GS9b, GS23b, GS31b, GS35b, G17b, GU47b, etc.) with sockets. Contact Alex at
This month we have details of ZS6AXT's 6 cm W2IMU type circular pol feed - see diagram at the end of this NL. The basic tubing can be of smaller ID, if 37 mm is not available - down to 35 mm should be ok. The cone and front part are made from 0.2 mm fingerstock material, which is first cut to size with about 3-5 mm overlap pieces on both sides, then holes are drilled (M2 in my case). It is then bent and bolted together. After that the junctions can be soldered. After soldering all three parts together into the final shape, the M2 screws are removed. First adjusted the lengths of the probes for best VSWR, then adjust the polarizing screws for best circularity. ZS6AXT had better than 1 dB circularity. The change in VSWR was negligible after this adjustment.
Come and visit with us!
-- That the news for this month. Not too many skeds this month. Please keep
the reports, tech material and skeds coming. [TNX - ZS6AXT for his
73, Al - K2UYH
Skeds: 22 July Time 432.040 2304.050 0630z W5LUA -DD1XF 0800z WA9FWD-K3AX 23 July Time 1296.050 1030z W7QX -K3AX 1100z W7QX -WA4NJP OX2K LOG for 432 and 1296 Band Date UTC Call WWL Sent Rcvd 1,3 GHz 2000-05-30 1447 G3LTF IO91GG 559 O/559 1,3 GHz 2000-05-30 1455 W7QX DM44AR O O 1,3 GHz 2000-05-30 1504 OZ6OL JO65DJ 549 559 1,3 GHz 2000-05-30 1508 W6HD CM98PF 559 559 1,3 GHz 2000-05-30 1518 VE1ALQ FN65VH 569 579 1,3 GHz 2000-05-30 1537 W2UHI EN73AI 559 569 1,3 GHz 2000-05-30 1620 K3AX FN20AG O 539 432 MHz 2000-05-31 0655 DL9KR JO40DE O O 432 MHz 2000-05-31 0740 DL9NDD JN59KN O O 432 MHz 2000-05-31 0745 OZ4MM JO55GH O O 432 MHz 2000-05-31 0858 OE9ERC O O 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 0941 SM3AKW JP92AO 569 559 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 0944 OE9ERC JN47VL 559 579 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 0948 OZ4MM JO55GH O/559 579 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 0950 ZS6AXT KG33VV 549 579 432 MHz 2000-05-31 0952 HB9Q JN47CG O O 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 0954 IK2MMB JN45PQ O 539 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1000 OE9XXI JN47UL 579 579 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1004 OH2AXH KP20OK 55 569 432 MHz 2000-05-31 1006 SM3AKW JP92AO O O 432 MHz 2000-05-31 1028 G3LTF JO01 O O 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1037 G3LQR JO02QF 539 539 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1048 PA3DZL JO21HM O RO 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1052 K2DH FN12FO 569 579 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1103 OE9ERC JN47VL 55 57 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1127 G4DZU IO93ES O/539 579 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1206 PA3DZL JO21HM 549 559 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1212 OE5EYM JN68SK 579 569 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1220 PY5ZBU GG54IN 559 559 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1223 OZ6OL JO65DJ 559 579 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1227 OK1DFC JO60TM 569 599 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1243 OZ4MM JO55GH 56 56 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1306 PA3CSG JO33FB O RO 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1310 W3XS FN10 549 599 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1316 W7QX DM44AR 539 449 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1332 PY5ZBU GG54IN 56 56 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1341 OK1DFC JO60TM 54 55 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1413 K3AX FN20AG 559 569 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1513 HB9Q JN47CG 579 599 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1518 HB9Q JN47CG 57 55 432 MHz 2000-05-31 1522 K5JL O O 432 MHz 2000-05-31 1537 N9AB O O 432 MHz 2000-05-31 1538 K1FO O O 432 MHz 2000-05-31 1549 VE1ALQ FN65VH O O 1,3 GHz 2000-05-31 1906 W5LUA EM13QC 579 589 432 MHz 2000-06-01 0727 OZ6OL JO65DJ O O 432 MHz 2000-06-01 0738 JA6AHB O O 432 MHz 2000-06-01 0758 DK3WG O O 432 MHz 2000-06-01 0820 SM2CEW KP15CR O O 432 MHz 2000-06-01 0826 SM3AKW JP92AO O O 432 MHz 2000-06-01 0850 G3SEK O O 432 MHz 2000-06-01 0900 ON4KNG O O 432 MHz 2000-06-01 0925 DL8OBU JO42XI O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 0932 HB9BBD JN47EE 579 579 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 0939 OK1KIR JN79DW O/539 RO/559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 0942 HB9SV JN45LV 569 559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 0949 DJ9YW JO42QA 559 539 432 MHz 2000-06-01 0950 DL4MEA JN58JD O M 432 MHz 2000-06-01 1010 S52CW O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1016 HB9BBD JN47EE 55 55 432 MHz 2000-06-01 1028 G4ERC O O 432 MHz 2000-06-01 1100 OK1KIR JN79 O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1122 WB0DRL EM18CT 559 559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1127 N0JK 559 559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1131 DL6YDH JO42OB 559 559 432 MHz 2000-06-01 1137 DL1YMK JO31QX O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1140 DJ5QX 559 559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1142 KD4LT EM81CG 589 599 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1145 DH0OAH JO42OB 559 559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1150 IK2MMB JN45PQ 569 579 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1158 PA3DZL JO21HM 539 539 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1221 DJ5MN JN58WH 579 599 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1226 DK5MV JN58WH 579 599 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1243 DL5RBW 569 579 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1251 HB9SV JN45LV 589 599 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1255 OK1KIR JN79DW 57 56 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1306 DL8OBU JO42XI O RO 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1309 K2UYH 579 579 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1314 K2UYH FN20QG 57 57 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1352 W7QX DM44AR 539 559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1422 DJ9YW JO42QA 57 58 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1504 OK1UWA JN69QT O RO 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1515 OE5JFL JN68RL 579 579 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1625 W7QX DM44AR 539 569 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1628 WA4NJP EM84DG 569 599 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1652 W7QX DM44AR 53 53 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1717 WD5AGO EM26BD 559 559 432 MHz 2000-06-01 1850 K2UYH O O 432 MHz 2000-06-01 1850 VK4AFL O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1935 K5JL EM15DQ 589 589 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 1939 K5JL EM15DQ 57 58 1,3 GHz 2000-06-01 2014 JA6CZD PM53FM O/559 449/559 432 MHz 2000-06-03 0948 PA3CSG JO21 O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1041 DF3RU JN59VL 549 569 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1045 DF4PV JN49AX 559 569 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1050 G4CCH IO93RM 569 559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1100 G4ERG/PIO93RM 569 559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1104 PA3CSG JO21WD 559 569 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1122 OK1UWA JN69QT 529 539 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1128 HB9BBD JN47EE 59 58 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1139 F5HRY JN18EQ 539 529 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1146 OK1DFC JO60TM 559 589 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1252 OK1CA JO70GM 549 599 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1255 F5PAU IN88CB 579 579 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1301 GW3XYW IO71XR 569 569 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1348 WA4OFS EL98 539 549 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1405 GM4ISM IO85AR O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1412 K0YW/5 589 589 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1416 W7CS CM87WI 559 559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1420 DF9QX JO42HD 569 579 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1425 PA3DZL JO21HM 549 549 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1430 W7SZ CN85UO 549 549 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1443 K2UYH FN20QG 58 57 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1446 G4CCH IO93RM 57 57 432 MHz 2000-06-03 1448 DJ6MB JO30 0 O 432 MHz 2000-06-03 1458 NC1I O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1506 GM4LBV IO86 O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1512 SM2CEW KP15CR 579 589 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1516 KU3T/3 599 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1531 W7SZ CN85UO 569 569 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1559 G3LTF 58 58 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1604 W5ORH 58 58 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1606 K3AX FN20AG 55 55 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1626 VE4MA EN19LU O/559 RO/569 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1632 W7QX DM44AR 559 579 432 MHz 2000-06-03 1708 WA4NJP EM84DG O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1735 HA5SHF JN97NM 559 569 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1833 F5HRY JN18EQ 549 O/539 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1856 W5LUA EM13QC 58 58 1,3 GHz 2000-06-03 1859 W7CS CM87WI 55 55 432 MHz 2000-06-04 0922 RW1AW KP50EB O O 432 MHz 2000-06-04 0930 DL9NDD JN59KN O O 432 MHz 2000-06-04 1000 G4YTL IO92MB O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1025 JF3HUC PM74UX 579 569 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1029 JA4BLC PM65NM 579 579 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1036 F6CGJ IN78RK 579 589 432 MHz 2000-06-04 1050 JA6AHB O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1054 JA8ERE QN02QX 559 579 432 MHz 2000-06-04 1056 DL6NAA O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1100 F5IQA 559 O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1109 F6HYE JN36DG 559 559 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1116 PA3DZL JO21HM 549 549 432 MHz 2000-06-04 1122 JA5NNS O O 432 MHz 2000-06-04 1154 ON5OF JO21FF O O 432 MHz 2000-06-04 1208 OE5EYM O O 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1221 F6CGJ IN78RK 58 58 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1309 CT1DMK IN50QP 579 589 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1312 CT1DMK IN50QP 56 57 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1341 HB9CW/P JN47EG 549 549 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1410 GM4ISM IO85AR 529 529 1,3 GHz 2000-06-04 1416 VE6TA DO33GS 559 559
This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT