These DATA were submitted on: Tuesday, June 3, 2003 at 20:51:07 NAME: Jurgen van de Glind CALL: PE1LWT E-mail: URL: PE1LWT WEB Page CPU:: pentium 4 CPU Speed:: 1,5Ghz RAM in MB:: 768 SOUND CARD:: Delta 44 SOUND DRIVER:: OSS ADDITIONAL CARD1:: Soundblaster PCI VIDEO CARD:: Xpert 2000pro VIDEO DRIVER:: Rage 128 LINUX DISTRIBUTION:: Red Hat LINUX VERSION:: 7.2 KERNEL VERSION:: 2.4.7 LINRAD VERSION:: lir01-03 TEXT: As you see this is the same setup as Conrad (G0RUZ). It IS Conrad's setup. TEXT UPDATE:: Hereby my update of my linrad config. Now running latest version of Linrad (01-03) without any problems. Rx system for 144Mhz is now dual(xpol) receive system consisting of : 3wl xpol preamp atf43... +23dB bandpass -3dB lineamp atf43..+24dB SBL1 mixer -6dB LO 141,5MHz Splitter -3dB ( for seperate RX,ts850 with modified LT2S with H/V switch) WSE RX2500 Delta 44 73's Jurgen PE1LWT Usage: 144Mhz EME with my 2x 3wl optbv xpol yagis. Next Project: 144Mhz -> 2,5Mhz (WSE2500) converter with 2x ATF33... frontend, tuf1h mixer and a signalgenerator as LO to start with. Q&A: Q: Any good ideas for 144 MHZ -> 2,5 MHz converter?