These Data were submitted on: Wednesday, October, 20, 2004 at 03:42:32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Rob Hardenberg CALL: PE1ITR E-mail: [ e-mail address modified ] URL: CPU:: pentium 1 CPU Speed:: 100Mhz RAM in MB:: 32Mb LINUX DISTRIBUTION:: Redhat LINUX VERSION:: 9.0 KERNEL VERSION:: 2.4.20-8 GCC VERSION:: 3.2.2 SVGALIB VERSION:: svgalib-1.4.3 LINRAD VERSION:: linrad-01.26 Analog section: Using with two receiver set-ups: 1. audio out ic-910 > soundcard > linrad 2. homemade 144Mhz transceiver > 10.7 > SBL-1 mixer to 15KHz > soundcard > linrad. 144MHz: 2x10el Yagi, hor stacked, hor polarization + 3sk97 pre-amp. 432MHz: 2x28el Yagi, hor stacked, hor polarization + db6nt phemt pre-amp. using system also for navspasur radar detection 216,980MHz: 13el Yagi + converter to 144Mhz. BF981 pre-amp. TEXT: Active on 144 and 432Mhz dx. EME, MS etc.. Mode: JT65, CW and SSB. Installed linrad in october 2004 on old pentium computer. Worked the first time ok. Planned to expand linrad to 40KHz with better soundcard. Q&A: I'm searching for a better soundcard; like delta44. Who knows? -----------------------------------------------------------------------