These data were submitted on: Sunday, October, 26, 2003 at 04:43:03 NAME: Dick CALL: PA2DW URL: CPU:: P3 CPU Speed:: 866 MHz RAM in MB:: 126 MB SOUND CARD:: Creative Live+ SOUND DRIVER:: Distributed VIDEO CARD:: Rage ATI 128 LINUX DISTRIBUTION:: Redhat LINUX VERSION:: V9 LINRAD VERSION:: Lir 01-03 TEXT: I use Linrad in two settings. 1: 10 el Yagi, ATF54143 frontend, homemade transvertor, Drake TR7, Linrad on audio in 2.8 KHz bandwidth. 2: 16 element yagi. This originally is a 32JXX2 X-pol yagi. I put this antenna up in my garden occasionally and az/el and polarization (rotating the boom..) are made manually. Receiver is a DC-receiver with ATF33143 in frontend, SCPQ 180 mirror filter, two ADE-12MH mixer making real and imaginary signals to the Creative Live+ soundcard. As LO I am using my FT221r, which makes a very clean signal on 144MHz, but stability is an issue to be solved. I am thinking about a Delta 44 soundcard, but I find it too expensive yet and EME is my secundary mode of interest (Meteor Scatter is #1).